Obama and Benedict held private talks for about 40 minutes in the pope’s frescoed study in the Vatican’s apostolic palace and the Vatican said bioethics and life issues were a central part of the discussion.

In a surprise move, the pontiff gave Obama a booklet explaining Vatican opposition to practices such as abortion and embryonic stem cell research, which Obama supports….

“Dignitas Personae” (dignity of a person) condemns artificial fertilization and other techniques used by many couples and also says human cloning, “designer babies” and embryonic stem-cell research are immoral.

The document defends life from conception to natural death and a Vatican statement issued after the meeting said the topics discussed included “the defense and promotion of life and the right to abide by one’s conscience.”

The pope’s private secretary told reporters after the meeting: “This reading can help the president better understand the Church’s position on these issues.”

The pope also gave the president a copy of his latest encyclical, “Charity in Truth,” which called for a “world political authority” to manage the global economy and for more government regulation of national economies to pull the world out of the current crisis and avoid a repeat.

Obama, who was going to the airport from the Vatican, joked to the pope when he gave him the two documents: “I’ll have something to read on the plane.”

This should be a great relief to Obama. Now he will know what GOD wants him to do.

Modern church high-level philosophy/science debate:
“The glass is half-full.”
“I say half-empty.”
“Half Full!”
“Half Empty!”

Thanks, K B

  1. MikeN says:

    Well when asked ‘at what point does a baby get human rights, in your view,’ Obama said, “Well, uh, you know, I think that whether you’re looking at it from a theological perspective or, uh, a scientific perspective, uh, answering that question with specificity, uh, you know, is, is, uh, above my pay grade.”

  2. Patrick says:

    “…and also says human cloning, “designer babies” and embryonic stem-cell research are immoral.”

    Good news. When the gene that causes homosexuality is isolated the Pope will be against “designer” actions to correct the fetus.

    But seriously, one point the vast majority of Americans agree on; once the kid can survive outside the womb, abortion should be severely restricted to cases of the mothers life being at risk.

  3. RTaylor says:

    I know appearances are deceiving, but this Pope has the evil eye.

  4. moss says:

    Abortion should be restricted to women making an informed decision.

    All the rest is someone else getting in the way.

  5. Tonsils out says:

    The evolution and the comportments have changed, the Vatican does not follow at the same speed all the progress and remain on his old believes. They are so many different cases which should be taken into account before blaming by default any abortion. This act should be controlled but not forbiden.

  6. tcc3 says:

    “You’re a mean one, Mr Griiiinch…”

  7. Luc says:

    Wherever presidents go, there will be someone intent on reaching them and giving them a gift, protest, letter, suggestion or plead for help. Most frequently, a plead for help. So the Pope also had something to hand over to the POTUS, just like any other fan. Big deal.

    #1, that sounds more like Sarah Palin.

  8. Animal Mother says:

    Sheesh, could you find a more sinister photo of the pope?

  9. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    The guy on the left in the lower picture: his face looks redder than his clothing. Maybe he dial back on the wine.

  10. qb says:

    #8 Animal Mother

    Here’s a friendly picture of the Pope.

  11. Greg Allen says:

    If the clergy doesn’t consider the ethics of bio-engineering, who will?

    I’ve never known an engineer who seriously considered the morality or ethics of their work. Have you? I’m sure some exist but they seem very rare, indeed.

    So, I’m glad that SOMEBODY is thinking about it. Even the Pope.

  12. Jägermeister says:

    #12 – Greg Allen – If the clergy doesn’t consider the ethics of bio-engineering, who will?

    Religious people don’t sit on a higher standard of morality than anyone else.

  13. Mikey Twit says:


    Here, here!

  14. LibertyLover says:

    What’s the difference between bioengineering and biomechanics?

    One is used to make a better body and the other is used to make a body better.

    Both should, in the eyes of Church, be an affront to God as they are trying to improve upon what God created.

    But they don’t see it that way. It’s ok to say, “Hey, God screwed up so I’m going to fix some things,” but you are damned to Hell if you say, “I want to ensure God doesn’t screw up so I’m going to give him a hand.”

  15. qb says:

    Greg Allen said “I’ve never known an engineer who seriously considered the morality or ethics of their work. Have you?”

    Yes, plenty. You need to get out of the house a little more buddy.

  16. homehive says:

    I’m sure all Americans are pleased that His Holiness President Barack Obama could give the Pope the blessing of his great wisdom.

  17. Thomas says:

    Most Americans do not feel that abortion should be restricted to cases where the mother is at risk. Most feel that the mother should be allowed to make an informed choice without government interference.

    Clearly, you haven’t met many engineers.

  18. Patrick says:

    # 18 Thomas said, “Most Americans do not feel that abortion should be restricted to cases where the mother is at risk.”

    You’re right. Why are you commenting to me?

  19. Zybch says:

    “The pope’s private secretary told reporters after the meeting: “This reading can help the president better understand the Church’s position on these issues.””

    The Church’s position on EVERYTHING can be summed up very simply – “NO!”

  20. SparkyOne says:

    wonder if Bamm Bamm said “look” to da pope?

  21. qb says:

    It’s always a problem when religious morality runs into reality.

  22. qb says:

    #23 Well, l do appreciate you highlighting one of the most morally pompous and thoroughly hateful remarks I’ve ever read.

    On the plus side, you’ve proven yet again why religion and politics don’t mix.

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #23, Alphie,

    When the gene that causes homosexuality is isolated

    I guess your god approves of homosexuality. That must make you feel better, less lonely.

  24. Thomas says:

    I responded to what you said in #2: “the vast majority of Americans agree on; once the kid can survive outside the womb, abortion should be severely restricted to cases of the mothers life being at risk.”.

    It is not true that people feel that abortion should be restricted only to cases when the mother is at risk. Once the child is outside the womb, an “abortion” is a non-sequitur; the child is born.

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #12, Greg Allen,

    I’ve never known an engineer who seriously considered the morality or ethics of their work. Have you? I’m sure some exist but they seem very rare, indeed.

    The line there is very blurry. Yes the engineers that designed and constructed the ovens at Auschwitz were bad. So too were those who worked there every day and attended Mass every Wednesday and Sunday and the Priests who gave them absolution.

    When WMDs are constructed, are they for evil purposes or to save the homeland from attack? When Genetically Modified foods are created, are they to drive all small farmers out of business or to feed a hungry tomorrow?

    On the other hand, it didn’t take an engineer to have the “Inquisition”, or condemn Jesus to death.

    A good point worthy of sound discussion. I however, do not see much merit in it. I would like to see your expanded thoughts.

  26. harold says:

    The Church hasn’t done sh*t for humanity in the past 300 years- in fact it has helped to destroy the planet with its concept of man’s dominion over all things on earth; who cares what the pope thinks?

  27. Nugget Coombs says:

    What the hell do a couple of old, and by the look of it DRUNK blokes, wearing frocks know about anything??? Let alone Ethics or Morality.
    Are the two old blokes in the second photo checking out the wine that Australian Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd gave the pope???

  28. Guyver says:

    2, Well that depends on your take on partial-birth abortions.

    Planned parenthood and the current president will probably disagree with you given their stance on partial-birth abortion.

  29. qb says:

    #31 Alfred1

    Um, what can I say?


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