
Time-In February 1976, an outbreak of swine flu struck Fort Dix Army base in New Jersey, killing a 19-year-old private and infecting hundreds of soldiers. Concerned that the U.S. was on the verge of a devastating epidemic, President Gerald Ford ordered a nationwide vaccination program at a cost of $135 million (some $500 million in today’s money). Within weeks, reports surfaced of people developing Guillain-Barré syndrome, a paralyzing nerve disease that can be caused by the vaccine. By April, more than 30 people had died of the condition. Facing protests, federal officials abruptly canceled the program on Dec. 16. The epidemic failed to materialize.

Will You Take A Mandatory Flu Shot This Fall?

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  1. madtruckman says:

    no. i had one about 5 years ago and was sicker than ive ever been. my doctor even reccomended i DONT get them anymore.

  2. Joe Dirt says:

    strange…I had an exact opposite reaction, didn’t get one, sicker than a dog with the flu. doc recommended I get one from now on, especially with the little ones in the house.

  3. Furthermore says:

    I will never submit to a mandatory flu shot, not when our so-called “leaders” like Henry Kissinger refer to 90% of humans as “useless eaters” who deserve extermination.

  4. Moi says:

    Had one flu shot years ago, during boot in the Navy. Mandatory! Was SIQ for 4 days. Within an hour of the shot, started running a high fever. It was all down hill from there. All these years since, never had another flu shot and never have had the flu.

    Biggest medical scam perpetuated on the public, right up there with statin drugs.

  5. ± says:

    McCullough —- you blew the opportunity to have an awesome! and impartially worded poll on this blog.

  6. McRowan says:

    Both my brother and a good friend of mine are Microbiologists. Both agree that the flu shot is bunch of crap and a waste of time.

  7. RRD says:

    Agree with #5. the poll worded as it is, is a useless waste of time.

    Have had a flu shot annually for 9 years, never been sick or even ill after the shot. Never had the flu while others around me have.

  8. dusanmal says:

    It is not even a question of bad reaction or not. By its very function vaccinated people are not affected by un-vaccinated. Hence, there should be no right for Govt. to mandate any of them for “general good”. As always in such situations Govt. should stop imposing (and even social-engineering via tax and other pressures) and just inform and advocate the issue to the people. People who THEMSELVES find vaccination useful should do it, ones who don’t shouldn’t be forced and should bare responsibility for what happens…
    But try to explain that to the Govt. who mandates such trivialities as seat-belts…

  9. Postman says:

    I am with madtruckman. The only time my immune system failed to fight off the flu was the one time I received a flu shot. I was horribly sick for about a week, couldn’t eat, the whole thing.

    Since then, I know for certain I have been exposed to flu. Worst symptoms were slight feaver for couple of days, and loss of appetite.

  10. newrepublican says:

    Most of the blather here is from folks who would have voted Gerald Ford back into office.

  11. Stars & Bars says:

    Population control is the name of their game.

    Obama’s Science Czar, says: Forced abortions and mass sterilization needed to save the planet


    The concepts outlined in Holdren’s 1977 book Ecoscience, which he co-authored with close colleagues Paul Ehrlich and Anne Ehrlich, were so shocking that a February 2009 Front Page Magazine story on the subject was largely dismissed as being outlandish because people couldn’t bring themselves to believe that it could be true.


  12. hhopper says:

    I get a flu shot every year. Haven’t had the flu since I started getting them. Before, I had the flu twice.

  13. gooddebate says:

    In our school district they shut down school starting the next Monday (it was a Friday); all schools in the district. School administrators stated that this was to prevent someone who has the flu from coming to school and infecting other students. In other words, it was to isolate the disease. So, what happened? About half of the students went to visit relatives. Then when they changed their minds and started school back up on Thursday, only half the students showed up. What a mess.

    I guess it sounded like a good idea but the result was worse because the disease was potentially spread across a wider area. Brilliant! I don’t know, sounds like a pretty typical bureaucratic solution; full of unintended consequences that are worse than the problem they’re attempting to solve.

  14. jdwusami says:

    I have never got a flu shot and I do not plan to. That being said I have an issue anytime the government forces people to do something. I may get the swine flu shot if through scientific research not government BS I find the shot to be useful but if the government tries to force me into getting the shot I will not comply.

  15. Shalabi says:

    Where’s the fourth option: “There won’t be mandatory vaccinations.”?

  16. Stars & Bars says:

    #15 Shalabi Re: “…fourth option:…”

    The WHO has other plans.


    The World Health Organization (WHO) plans to hold a media briefing on Friday or on Monday to issue guidance about the need for a H1N1 influenza jab, a WHO spokeswoman said.


  17. David says:

    Is there some reason why personal responsibility doesn’t apply anymore? If you don’t want the virus, get the shot, but accept that there are potential complications. If you don’t want the shot, don’t get it, but accept that you could catch the virus. Problem solved.

  18. Thomas says:

    Whether you desire to get a flu shot or not is orthogonal to the core issue of whether the government should be allowed to force people to get flu shots. Where in the Constitution does it give the Federal government the authority to mandate vaccinations?

  19. Floyd says:

    I got the swine flu shot during the Ford administration mentioned above. No problems (not even soreness except for a minute or two), no worries, and haven’t had the flu since. Take that as you will.

    People who don’t take immunizations when there’s a major epidemic will have a strong chance of Darwining themselves.

  20. Mr Diesel says:



    But then when has this administration cared about the Constitution……

  21. jpfitz says:

    NO – and if I get sick sue me.

  22. SparkyOne says:

    “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed”

    let’m try

  23. TooManyPuppies says:

    Last time I got the Flu was in 1991, 6 hours after getting the Flu vaccine. It progressed into a fight for my life as I was in the ICU on a ventilator for 2 weeks.

    Never got a Flu vaccine since then and never got the Flu since then. It’s rather simple to avoid getting it. Avoid the infected, and wash your hands.

    Most Flu seasons I even put a sign on my door “If you’re sick, think you’re sick, or have a fever, don’t touch this door. You will be shot!”

    IF they mandated everyone get a vaccine for this bullshit man-made frankenflu, I honestly have zero problems with shooting whomever came to my house to try and force me.

  24. Merc says:

    Not in a million years.

  25. boatman says:

    #20 where has THIS administration “not cared” the constitution?

    We already know the answer for the last one.

  26. Brandon says:

    I’m not voting in the poll, because I would feel bad saying “no” when I probably will actually get inoculated.

    The problem is that I’ll get the flu shot under orders as an enlisted man in the USCG. If I had my druthers, I’d take my chances without the shot. Although, the two times in my life that I’ve had an actual case of influenza, I had not gotten a flu shot.

  27. Mike D says:

    Come on people, get with the program. As part of the economic stimulus, the government is going to lower spending, taxes, and help industry by wiping out the newly unemployed, poor, and middle clas in general. Now that’s what I call change.

    Do you really think those in power will receive the same vacine?

  28. There are currently only two options if either the State you live in or the Federal government says that you need to take a “Pandemic” vaccine or treatment: you can take the jab or refuse it and go to jail/incarceration/quarantine.

    Clearly, those are unacceptable options. The Natural Solutions Foundation, http://www.HealthFreedomUSA.org, proposes another option: demand your right to Self-Shield at home. Visit healthfreedomusa.org to read our White Paper on the topic, “Stay Home – Stay Alive” and then take the Action Step here, to tell your state and federal legislators, the Secretary of HHS, Karen Sibelius, the same person who said we’ll vaccinate all the children, pregnant women and the elderly and then wait to see what happens, and “hope that there are not too many adverse events” (without defining what that means, of course).

    Then, the most important part, mobilize your circle of influence.

    You see, the best friend that health freedom has in Congress is considering introducing self shielding legislative language into Congress IF there is enough support.

    Now, right now, would be a great time to get active.

    Yours in health and freedom,
    Dr. Rima
    Rima E. Laibow, MD
    Medical Director
    Natural Solutions Foundation

  29. gooddebate says:

    # 25

    That’s easy, go to http://www.usconstitution.net/const.html and search for:

    -purchasing stakes in banks
    -purchasing stakes in car companies
    -the words health care
    -the word czar
    -the word bailout
    -Or any reference to the above concepts

  30. Timuchin says:

    All influenza vaccine bottles come with a surprise — ethyl mercury as a preservative. It is the worst neurotoxin known to man. There is no “safe” minimum dose of ethyl mercury. On the bottle it is called Thimerosal.

    As it damages your nerves and organs you become a regular customer of your doctor — who doesn’t suggest chelating the mercury out of your system. Follow the money.


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