Are they afraid the prisoners will find things in the books that will help them with appeals? Might they read passages stating Obama’s belief that some Gitmo’d people’s incarceration, torture, etc was possibly illegal? If not that, I can’t even guess at a reason for this.

The federal government’s most secure prison has determined that two books written by President Barack Obama contain material “potentially detrimental to national security” and rejected an inmate’s request to read them.

Ahmed Omar Abu Ali is serving a 30-year sentence at the federal supermax prison in Florence, Colo., for joining al-Qaida and plotting to assassinate then-President George W. Bush. Last year, Abu Ali requested two books written by Obama: “Dreams from My Father” and “The Audacity of Hope.”

But prison officials, citing guidance from the FBI, determined that passages in both books contain information that could damage national security.

Doesn’t this imply the books are too dangerous for anyone to read? Guess they’ll have to be pulled from bookstores and burned.

  1. bobbo, dumbfounded says:

    Say again? I thought Super Max was just Super Secure, not Super Stupid.

    If all the inmates couldn’t be given the plans to our nuclear defense protocols with complete safety/security, then wouldn’t that give the lie to how secure these pits of depravity are?

    Something has to be being miscommunicated.

    I could even buy the argument at normal run of the mill prisons. Let the inmates find Obamagod on their own time—but Super Max?

  2. killer duck says:

    The books probably contain personal information about the President that could provide an assassin advantage in plotting an attack on him or his family.
    Ahmed Omar Abu Ali is a member of al-Qaida, whom you may remember is responsible for the 9/11 attack. I see no reason to give Ahmed one damn thing and I hope he thinks hard about his decision every time he’s getting corn-holed in the shower.

  3. MikeN says:

    They might recognize that Obama plagiarized their own work, thus allowing them to go to court to sue him, at which point they could carry out an attack against the country.

  4. MikeN says:

    Seriously, this makes sense.

    These people are a threat to national security if they are out of prison, agreed?

    Well, Obama’s books are full of inspirational rhetoric, and having them read about people who achieve with the spirit of Yes We Can, will inspire them to get out of prison.

  5. Agent Salmonberry says:

    OH. NOooooo.. Just make it all go away, puleeeze..
    More nonsense in a world gone mad. How did we ever get to the point where we have such an insane society? From President to prisoner.

  6. Rick's Cafe says:

    Transparent & Open – Yeah, right.

  7. Patrick says:

    Funny. I glanced at this and at first thought it said,

    “Obama Deemed National Security Risk”

  8. allstar says:

    Don’t ban the book – just ban Obama from coming back to the US. Keep his book next to Mein Kampf and other writings from tyrannical assholes.

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    I can’t see why the prison banned the books. Courts have ruled in the past that the decision must be specific. Just listing pages is not specific.

    I still have to laugh at the right wing nuts that still don’t understand they lost the election. Cry babies.

  10. allstar says:

    Mr. Fusion = ACORN Educated

    Too stupid to realize you’re stupid.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #10, nostar,

    ha ha ha ha ha,

    face it, the wing nuts lost. That makes you a loser. An Allstar Loser. With nothing intelligent to add to the discussion except another ad hominem about Obama. Which wasn’t even particularly intelligent.

    Ha ha ha ha

  12. chuck says:

    Obviously it was the author of the books who is the real danger to national security.

    Send Obama to Gitmo.

  13. allstar says:

    #11, conFusion

    Just because Obama sweet-tongued his way into the White House doesn’t mean you won you silly SOB. In fact from the way things are going I’d say you are just as much a loser as anyone else.

    Yep that’s you – Too stupid to know you are stupid… dumbass.

  14. ruffy says:

    Prisons ban books all the time. Prison librarians can also be jerks too — some of them only stock books that are “educational” or “moralistic” (read Jesus filled), others only keep law books, others don’t want to stock books that will get stolen or defaced. Some even forbid any books that have reference to drugs or criminal behavior. That might be part of the ban. I suspect the FBI mention seems to be there for FUD so the librarian or his/her boss can justify him/herself without being called out.

  15. whaap says:

    Please switch the bullshit detector to the 5x or 10x range so we can read the true bullshit factor, the meter is pegged!

  16. 185669872 says:

    I’m building a nucular device in my cell. You better watch your ass.

  17. dexton7 says:

    Banning Obama books in prison? They are the guinea pigs for all sorts of bad ideas. Speaking of guinea pigs, have any of you been in an airport lately and experienced the joy of the TSA and their degrading treatment? How about crossing the border into California, Canada, and other ‘checkpoints’ around the nation? Then we have endless war against an Abstract Noun (terrorism). The Federal Reserve, which is nothing more than a private international bank who refuses to show the books to *anyone* – has more power than any branch of US government by holding our economy hostage. Then of course there is the USA PATRIOT Act, Prison Camps, Rigged Touchscreen Voting Machines, Warrantless Wiretapping, Free Speech Zones that exist for our ‘protection’. There is the Cap and Trade carbon tax legislation (which is a scam) in which Gore boasts: ‘Global governance’ is coming with carbon tax (not to mention Gore will be mega-rich as he will have a large cap and trade exchange). Oh and then there is the Hate Speech bill that is making rounds that will be selectively enforced if it passes. Realize this – we are ALL prisoners… and the leaders of the left AND the right are the sock puppet wardens. Does anyone else see this?

  18. Patrick says:

    # 17 dexton7 said, “Does anyone else see this?”

    Yes, everyone on this blog except for the Obamabots sees this.

  19. dexton7 says:

    #18 Patrick – It still amazes me that so many people are becoming savvy to the propaganda BS that we are bombarded with in media. The Obama fanatics are going to be very disappointed when the cards are finally laid onto the table for the public to see. The Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld ‘reign’ was pretty horrible too. I wonder if the Bush’s and Obama’s will vacation together?


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