1. Kelvington says:

    You can have my bong when you take it out of my cold dead hands.

    Or, The NEW Beverly Hillbillies remake will be more of a reboot, than a retelling. Jed won’t be finding sticky oil, this time, but sticky-icky.

  2. Matrixghost1286 says:

    On the next Intervention, the family steps in to stop Granny’s pimpin’ style.


    But this is for medicinal purposes. How else do you expect for me to put up with all those damn kids.

  3. Amar says:

    MINE, MINE, MINE, go get your owne!!

  4. Micromike says:

    Grandma’s total health plan.

  5. pblonsky says:

    Celebrating her 35th birthday!

  6. Troublemaker says:

    Grandma got run over by a reindeer.
    Walking home from our house Christmas eve.
    You can say there’s no such thing as Santa,
    But as for me and grandpa we believe.
    She’d been drinking too much eggnog,
    And we begged her not to go.
    But she forgot her medication, and she
    Staggered out the door into the snow.
    When we found her Christmas morning,
    At the scene of the attack,
    She had hoof-prints on her forehead,
    And incriminating Claus marks on her back.

  7. JimR says:

    Grandma Bush with a $6000 bottle of whiskey.

  8. WmDE says:

    “WHAT? No condoms?”

  9. SparkyOne says:

    Twas the night before Christmas….

  10. Dennis says:

    Its Mine Mine Mine I tell You! Anyone got a light?

  11. db869 says:

    “You want to know how I lived to be 100?”

  12. jescott418 says:

    She would be a great frat house Mother!

  13. CZen says:

    This photo is out of context. She was just passing the bong to George and the whisky to Jeb.

  14. Not Alfred1 says:

    Man made alchohol and God made marijuana. Who do YOU trust?

  15. AdmFubar says:

    the republican health plan goes into full operation

  16. CZen says:

    Opening sceen to Granies Gone Wild Christmas Edition

  17. packer64 says:

    After decades of methodical experimentation, Grandma Ginny finally found the perfect bong water: Weston Falls Kentucky Bourbon.

  18. CZen says:

    “This is a trick we learned during the dust bowl. Fill the Bong with whisky to save water.”

  19. Improbus says:

    This IS my retirement plan!

  20. bob says:

    That’s Ted Kennedy last Christmas.

  21. Bastian says:

    This better than my birthday!

  22. ivandoga says:

    Well that is one way to get a ride on Santa’s slay. Be prepared he may want a TOKE to relax, or a SNORT to keep warm. Christmas in July!!!!!

  23. RSweeney says:

    You don’t have to be a Boy Scout to be prepared.

  24. admash says:

    A feller back in ought-five (nineteen, that is) said, “Three beers and I’ll jump in the sack with anyone”, so here you go sweetie, start with these.

  25. Sinn Fein says:

    Share?! FU!!!

  26. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Granny always said she loved Wild Turkey best, but imagine our surprise when we learned she wasn’t talking whiskey.

  27. dman776 says:

    Barbara Bush gets a strange gift from Clinton and Obama…

  28. Mr Anderson says:

    Michael Phelps GrandMaMa

  29. jerry says:

    why it’s Andy Rooney!

  30. threeCents says:

    “My Precious…”


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