
Here’s the story.

  1. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    A lot of people act as if they must resent the fact that one of the most visible icons representing family values is not only a Democrat, but the one who was labeled the “most liberal” of all 100 U.S. senators during the recent campaign.

    Liberals are supposed to be having orgies and eating children, not respecting their wives and cherishing their kids. This new image of a good liberal husband and father cannot be allowed to stand.

    The video in #50, though, is most telling. As the young lady ascends a rather large step, the President’s gaze does not follow its purported object. It wouldn’t be damning if it did, but as it turns out, it simply did not.

    A brief note to those who referred to the young lady in the photo as a minor — remember that this was Italy, where the age of consent is 14. U.S. laws are not quite so portable to other countries and cultures.

    Several worthy contenders here for captions, but I’ll pick Patrick’s #4 for the win (which makes up for his oversight on the aforementioned age issue). Even though false, the premise of the photo was that Obama was staring at her ass 😉

  2. Rick's Cafe says:


  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    #91, god,

    the right is not slamming him for this…pointing it out is different from saying he did anything wrong or abnormal.

    OH? Here are a few comments. Please notice I didn’t copy those just making light of the photo. Apparently several right wing sites, including FOX and Drudge, are making these same comments.

    #6, Rick’s Cafe

    What a high class operation…had hoped for something better from the leader of the strongest nation in the world.

    #8, Rick’s Cafe

    Oh yeah – she’s reportedly under-age too.
    Maybe Obama and Letterman should get together for some “home movies”.

    #11, Patrick,

    I’ll bet Letterman, et al will NOT use this as fodder like advocating statutory rape as he did with Palin’s daughter… Any takers?

    BTW- Yes, she is a minor…

    #17, Mr. Anderson

    White is right

    #39, MikeN

    Then again, wasn’t Obama’s brother accused of statutory rape?

    #40, Patrick,

    # 34 LotsaLuck said, “Obama’s very own stimulus package…”

    So true. Gotta cut Obama some slack. If I were married to someone that looked like this.
    I’d be looking too…

    #58, Stars and Bars

    In the November 1976 issue of Playboy magazine Jimmy Carter stated, “I’ve looked on a lot of women with lust. I’ve committed adultery in my heart many times.”

    What is it with Democratic CEO’s i.e. Presidents?

    (more #91)
    that the willing-toadie press is falling all over themselves to make it look like he didn’t…when in fact he did.

    The media is rightfully correcting false allegations being made in several right wing outlets. The video shows the President’s actions quite clearly, so no, he didn’t.

    That doesn’t make them a “willing-toadie press”. It means they are publishing the truth and not being willing accomplices in promoting something embarrassing that didn’t happen. This is as immoral to pass off as legitimate as photo-shopping a picture would be.

    I always gave you more credit for fairness. Suggesting the MSM is now being a “toadie” for displaying some journalistic integrity belies that.

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    #92, ‘dro,

    I said there was nothing wrong with trailing some tail.

    Actually there is. If your mind were not so small to understand why, there would be no reason to explain it. HINT, look up the word “dignity”.

    There was another one (#19) suggesting if this was not better than having a gay president. That’s another apology.

    #19 made no suggestion of a gay President;

    I’m no Obama fan, but would you rather have a president that didn’t look at that ass.

    in no way may be construed as advocating anything other than the pedestrian viewing of women as sex objects. So, what apology?

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    #94, ‘dro,

    Thank you for helping to defining “wingnut”.

  6. Rick's Cafe says:

    Congrats to:
    Patrick, Mr.Anderson, MikeN, LotsaLuck, Stars and Bars and myself. We apparently have become “the” defination of RightWing.

    Don’t know whether to be honored with the title or saddened by the what some posters are using for arguments.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #104, ‘dro,

    Connect the dots, conFused.

    In other words, you want me to see the world through YOUR small, narrow, perverted mind. I decline your invitation to read into something that is not plain on the face.

    The need to denigrate others into pigeon holes in order to make one feel better about themself is truly the mark of a small mind. You appear to be doing that in spades. A person’s ability to see others, not their race, color, sex, disability, or sexual orientation, is what separates those little minds from the great ones.

    As I suggested before, look up the word “dignity”. You should, you obviously don’t know what it means.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    #107, ‘dro,

    #106 It’s not my view of the world. It’s called analysis.

    You do realize how you just contradicted yourself. YOUR analysis is YOUR view of the world. Words plain on their face mean exactly that. If you see some hidden meaning then it YOUR analysis that sees that meaning.

    I honestly think only you and three or four other regulars are stupid enough to find a hidden message in that post.


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