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Not that all the right-wing wackos in the Republican party are sexually stunted. Just a lot of them.
#60, so all the people denying in this thread, are Republicans?
What surprised me was that Greta Van Sustern (Fox) had an absolute tizzy over how the photo was misleading (visit Media Matters:
#47 JimR
You are dumber than a bag of hammers. The White House came down on them. So of course the antecedent of they was the “them” just mentioned. When you come down on someone, the person on which you’ve come down is the one that caves, because you are coming down on them.
…and being a business smart enough to sell women $6,000 hand bags, they are also smart enough to NOT get in a pissing match with the WH.
and just a reminder (#22), this isn’t the only picture of our President checking out what apparently stimulates his package.
Re: GuyWhoThinksHeKnowsEnglish but is too cowardly to use a standard alias… Where’s the news story where it states that White House came down on the Italian handbag manufacturer and forced them rescind their claim? Where’s your proof? I supported my claim, like other posters here who don’t try to post outdated, unsubstantiated or vague comments.
#65, a smart manufacturer would stick to their story if it were true, and they would sell a lot more of those ridiculously overpriced bags. Look how the shoe manufactures cashed in on the Bush fiasco.
They backed off because they were full of shit.
6 Rick’s Cafe said, on July 10th, 2009 at 8:18 am
What a high class operation…had hoped for something better from the leader of the strongest nation in the world.
Obama is the President of China?
#62 so all the people denying in this thread, are Republicans?
??? Don’t know what you’re talking about. If you watch the video, it’s clear that he wasn’t ogling that woman.
There’s a stimulus package I could get behind…
#42, Jim,
I always type slowly because it is well known that Patrick reads very slowly. And selectively.
They don’t make 16 year old’s like they used to.
my caption for photo after watching video
“One picture can lead to a thousand lies.”
Did the Prez check her out? Maybe, maybe not. If he did it was a great example of “glance and move on” as opposed to Sarkozy’s and his obvious ogling.
All security-minded men have a sworn duty to keep track of any ass in the immediate area. It is written.
Nice turd cutter!
#78 Special… thanks for ruining my day..(night where I am)… You can better than that!!!
so this is where all the white women are at…
If the exact same thing happened with Bush or Cheney, you’d be calling for impeachment, and the media wouldn’t have instantly leapt to his defense.
My personal view is that a quick ogle would be pretty much automatic with most men and nothing to be ashamed of. But the usual “Protect The One” instinct points up the fact that me media is Obama’s willing bitch.
#81, yo,
the usual “Protect The One” instinct points up the fact that me media is Obama’s willing bitch.
Wrong. It is the usual slam the President comments from the right wing nuts that were expected. An otherwise innocent moment has been depicted as OUR President “oogling” a minor. Shit, we even had his wife slammed for her purse and she isn’t even in the picture.
Jesus people. This has nothing to do with the girl at all. Look at his legs and feet. He cheesed himself and he’s looking around to see if anyone noticed or smelled it yet.
God, get out of the gutter. This is nothing more than poopy butt.
I don’t care if he did look though in truth in the video he seemed to be being ignoring her. The other guy wasn’t actually looking at the woman either or I don’t think so. Again I don’t care. When guys stop looking at women the species is going to end.
god you got to love all the obama apologists on here and in the media… they have done everything but come out and publicly flagellant themselves and promised he will never do it again. almost as sickening as the republicans
I’ve figured it out. Our cute little Fusion-chan is really a random Obama Defense generator bot. With “right wing nut” required in every one.
He’s funny.
This is what passes for news?
Okay, get in the spirit…
To me it looks like he’s thinking “Damn! Where’d she get those SHOES?”
#85, faustus,
god you got to love all the obama apologists on here and in the media…
It appears god, in the very next post didn’t take your suggestion too well. Anyway, there isn’t one comment above yours apologizing for Obama. Defend him, yes. Apologize, no.
Of course, you seem to conveniently overlook all those who would suggest Obama is committing something indecent, the Drudge Report being just one. Instead of everyone seeing the delightful purulent interest you do, most people are normal.
actually, Fusion-chan, most people DO think it’s normal, and the right is not slamming him for this…pointing it out is different from saying he did anything wrong or abnormal. What’s happening that’s interesting is that the willing-toadie press is falling all over themselves to make it look like he didn’t…when in fact he did.
Pedro’s suggestion is a good one….just say “wingnut” and we’ll just say “Oh Fusion-chan, there you go again” and you can say “wingnut AND linguistic pedantry” and we’ll move on to real life while you search the blog for more situations to blame Bush for and write “wingnut”.
It’ll be like the circle of nature.
“Is that dress stain resistant?”
Watching the video, Obama was focused on helping the girl with glasses for beginning to the end. I am a man If I would have been checking the girl with red dress I would not have been able to take the hand of the first girl, do the step, and initiate a conversation in the same split second.
Sarkozy is saying to Obama “Don’t even think about it, Berlusconi had her last night”
I vote for #71.
btw – #10 Greg — neither of them are black nor white. They are both mixed.