
Here’s the story.

  1. ridin the short bus says:

    #28 get a Life… its a “caption this photo”…

    Damn,,how to I order one of those?
    Whats her Part Number!!!
    Does that come with an Air Bus?…
    Now I know how Airbus Out Sells Boeing!!!

    [Thank You – ed.]

  2. Uncle Don says:

    Ooooo la la!

  3. awake says:

    That photo is so far out of context that people should be ashamed to use it the way that they are.
    Watch the video.
    Obama steps down from the platform, notices that the girl in question has to take a huge step up and turns around and “as a gentleman” helps the other girl that was next to him take the step down.

  4. JimR says:

    Patrick… bullshit. The manufacturer admitted they were wrong. NY Daily news

  5. LotsaLuck says:

    Obama’s very own stimulus package…

  6. Sean says:

    Turns out she’s like 15. A participant in the Junior G8. I would bet it was just a coincidence, but attributing bad motives is more exciting.

  7. Patrick says:

    # 33 JimR said, “The manufacturer admitted they were wrong.”

    Yes, like I said. Read my post again, slooooowly.

  8. Named says:


    17. From Brazil.

  9. MikeN says:

    Leno has a video like this of Ted Kennedy staring. Only the target being ogled was John Kerry.

    Then again, wasn’t Obama’s brother accused of statutory rape?

  10. Patrick says:

    # 34 LotsaLuck said, “Obama’s very own stimulus package…”

    So true. Gotta cut Obama some slack. If I were married to someone that looked like this.
    I’d be looking too…

  11. JimR says:

    Obama has a sense of humor and this is not an offensive photo. Geez, I respect the man, but some of you are way too sensitive. If he couldn’t take a “nudge, nudge, wink, wink” comment on such a benign, very natural situation… accurate or not…. he wouldn’t be worth his salt.

  12. Named says:

    39, Paddy-o

    Are you saying this is more your liking?

  13. JimR says:

    Patrick, you said the White House caved under pressure. Reading slowly makes no difference to your posting false information.

  14. rpk says:

    It also called faked as seen on media matters site

  15. GF says:

    Watch my magic mojo baby, your ass is going to be on the front page of every major newspaper in the world.

  16. Patrick says:

    # 42 JimR said, “Patrick, you said the White House caved under pressure.”

    Really? Below is what I said. Are you blind or stupid?

    “and then WH came down hard on them. They caved under the pressure”

  17. JimR says:

    Patrick, If you had used “when” instead of “then” and defined which “they” you were referring to… in other words used better english, then your statement would have been clear. No wonder you get into a lot of arguments.

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    #10, Greg,

    Well, seeing one run and win the Presidency might beat that.

  19. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    “Too skinny for me.”

    Here’s the video.

  20. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #47….being vague means never having to admit error.

  21. Brian says:

    “A little small for booty but still nice!”

  22. Patrick says:

    # 24 gmknobl said, “B – watch the vid, if he’s looking it’s incidental to helping his wife down the stairs”

    His wife wasn’t there…

  23. JimR says:

    OT, Re: #50, Olo…
    “being vague means never having to admit error.”

    that’s a great translation for…

    “love means never having to say you’re sorry”


  24. chuck says:

    Obama got jungle fever.


    Oh no you di ‘ nt!

  25. Mark Derail says:

    “I think I see a FLY that I should swat…”

  26. Mark Derail says:

    #55 FTW !!!!!

  27. Stars & Bars says:

    In the November 1976 issue of Playboy magazine Jimmy Carter stated, “I’ve looked on a lot of women with lust. I’ve committed adultery in my heart many times.”

    What is it with Democratic CEO’s i.e. Presidents?

  28. Mac Guy says:

    pedro – I was thinking more along the lines of this.

  29. Phydeau says:

    #57 What is it with Democratic CEO’s i.e. Presidents?

    They openly admit that sexuality is part of their human nature, as opposed to the Republicans who try to pretend that it isn’t, to satisfy the sexually stunted puritan right-wing wackos in the Republican party.

    Glad I could clear that up for you.


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