1. Heisenberg's Cat says:

    Yep. Secret stuff. Most people in the Bay Area have no idea what has been sitting on the hill above them.. Better that way. Berkeley morons have since declared Berkeley a “Nuclear Free Zone”. Guess no radiation therapy for YOU!

  2. Animal Mother says:

    This hasn’t been landmarked?

  3. mitsyforest says:


    heh, heh, Beaver-tron…


  4. green says:

    Cool pics.

  5. orangetiki says:

    Wait, 10,000 ton cracker of invisible nuts? Was this a Bevatron or a Perez Hilton insult machine
    *rim shot

    Really though make that damn thing a museum. You could EASILY charge admission and let movie studios shoot in there.

  6. sargasso says:

    They’re great for making medical isotopes, too.

  7. Buzz says:

    Once you’ve discovered one antiproton, you’ve discovered them all. They’re like unicorns.

  8. Uncle Patso says:

    Some beautiful pictures. I remember when the Bevatron was the most powerful accelerator in the world. It was built so long ago, it probably didn’t even have superconducting magnets! It was the first to achieve energies of a billion electron volts (BEV, thus, the name).

    It’s an interesting irony — the smaller the thing you want to look at, the bigger the microscope required. And this thing was just that, a microscope for examining some of the smallest things we had ever looked at up to that time.

    Seeing the end of the Bevatron is nostalgic. Too bad we couldn’t manage to finish the Supercollider…


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