CNN seems to be stooging for the vaccine folks. There is no reason for a mandatory Hepatitis B vaccination for children. My doctor even told me NOT to get one.
Found by Alex Cocly.
Found by Alex Cocly.
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Old news. why is something from 2007 being recycled here? is there any follow up any current impact or implementation of this?
All of the MD’s I know have their children vaccinated.
My friend’s son has hep b and watching our kids run around I’m glad thy have the vac. What blows my mind is the nut jobs who think the world is disease free. Think again. What would you rather your kids get hep b or just take the damn shot?
so the numbers are 10 TIMES those?? 8,000,000-14,000,000..
Then we have an epidemic, and everyone should be in LINE getting shots.
Yeah, right! The government cares about you.
I bet they are going to mix something fishy in the vaccine, maybe a nano RFID chip or something experimental mind control thing.
Yeah, right! The government cares about you.
I bet they are going to mix something fishy in the vaccine, maybe a nano RFID chip or some experimental mind control drug.
they already did long ago.
They use Mercury.
People at high risk for infection and with liver disease gets the inoculation. I had it because of a fatty liver, with will turn cirrhotic over time. Don’t you need Hep A and B for travel to Asia? I though there was five inoculations for some countries. When I was teaching there was a mandatory TB screen yearly.
Since viruses infinitely change into new ones, and as they “discover” them, new vaccines are created to “protect you”, regardless of the fact that the immune system already does that very thing (creating antibodies for whatever new style virus that arrives), those who believe all these drug pushers might ask their doctor at what number of vaccines (especially those that contain mercury) per year is the limit of what will be “safe” to be shot up your bloodstream once they discover “all” of the INFINITE number of viruses out there, since viruses MUTATE into an infinite number of new forms.
1) 5 vaccines per year
2) 10 vaccines per year
3) 150 vaccines per year
4) 15,000 vaccines per year
#28 JMRouse Re: “Vaccines are safe. The overwhelming scientific evidence says so. It’s good to have your child vaccinated. That’s how we get herd immunity. They protect people and lives.”
#44: I’ve taken all the required vaccines, and a few extra when I entered the US Army years ago.
On the above websites: any time people use screaming type fonts and paranoid statements on their sites, it’s time to follow the money and find out what they’re really up to. I wouldn’t trust the above links at all.
Personal feelings on immunizations aside, I finding it troubling that so many people would accept the government on deciding what should go into your body. Are you kidding me?
Don’t get sidetracked on the Autism Conspiracy, that’s just there to distract you, the real issue is government intrusion.
#44, Stars and Bars,
Ha ha ha ha ha,
oh my, geeze,
ha ha ha
What the Liebertarians will do,
ha ha ha ha
#41, Uncle P.
Good post.
A further complication of chicken pox is shingles. If anyone has ever seen or knows someone with shingles, it is not a pretty sight. My father came down with shingles when he was in his early 80s. Not good.
And chicken pox can be life threatening is those with severely compromised immune systems or if it leads to pneumonia.
#46, McRowan,
I guess you never heard of Typhoid Mary. By her own intransigence she did more to advance public health than any other single person. And yes, many people died because she too didn’t think the government had the right to intrude in her life.
#47 Mr. Fusion
Have you looked at…can you discredit any of her research?
Do you know her side of the story? Because the system went to such lengths to discredit her speaks volumes.
You know what doesn’t jive? I have been spending a total of 2 hours a day / 3 days a week for the past 2 months on NYC buses and #2, 5 and 6 subways lines between the east and west sides to The Bronx and i have YET TO SEE ONE PERSON hacking or coughing on these lines.
yet we have new reports on the news that as many as 500,000 may be affected due to a new way of “counting those who don’t go to the hospital when sick” (yeah, they just guess, i assume)
Visible observations in the street does not add up to the levels of hysteria the CDC &
MSM is trying to raise with this flu.
I need a pundit vaccination. Every time I foolishly tune to CNN and see the split screens with agitated talking heads spouting one agenda or another I want to hurl. That deserves a vaccination or at least a pill or something.
Even if one or both of these noisy turds are right, put them in Thunder-dome for 3 days before they go “on the air” and let them reach a consensus. If they are f-ing experts they should be able to do that. Otherwise they are just professional noise makers. When experts can’t reach a consensus with other experts, one or both of them aren’t there to do the right thing, or they are just dense.
#53, Ballenger.
Good point. In this case there was one recognized expert and one self proclaimed expert.
# 52 Mr. Fusion –
As I have already pointed out, the system went to great lengths to discredit Dr. Carley and that speaks volumes. Zev Labins is a political hack.
What is wrong with the science she sites?
“The combined death rate from scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough and measles among children up to fifteen shows that nearly 90 percent of the total decline in mortality between 1860 and 1965 had occurred before the introduction of antibiotics and widespread immunization. In part, this recession may be attributed to improved housing and to a decrease in the virulence of micro-organisms, but by far the most important factor was a higher host-resistance due to better nutrition.”
Ivan Illich, Medical Nemesis (Bantam Books, 1977)
Dr. James R. Shannon, former director of the National Institute of Health reported in December, 2003 that “the only safe vaccine is one that is never used”.
There is plenty of information available regarding the hazards of vaccines.
Mr. Fusion can’t argue with the facts so naturally he feels obligated to argue with the source…how pathetic…
Absolutely ridiculous & if the Obama Health bill passes can you imagine being fined if you choose not to take part in government mandated healthcare or private insurance?
Stars and Bars
In 1974, Japan had a successful pertussis (whooping cough) vaccination program, with nearly 80% of Japanese children vaccinated. That year only 393 cases of pertussis were reported in the entire country, and there were no deaths from pertussis. But then rumors began to spread that pertussis vaccination was no longer needed and that the vaccine was not safe, and by 1976 only 10% of infants were getting vaccinated. In 1979 Japan suffered a major pertussis epidemic, with more than 13,000 cases of whooping cough and 41 deaths. In 1981 the government began vaccinating with acellular pertussis vaccine, and the number of pertussis cases dropped again.
Center for Disease Control
(copy and paste into the browser address bar)
Vaccine Benefits
Once your immune system is trained to resist a disease, you are said to be immune to it. Before vaccines, the only way to become immune to a disease was to actually get it and, with luck, survive it. This is called naturally acquired immunity. With naturally acquired immunity, you suffer the symptoms of the disease and also risk the complications, which can be quite serious or even deadly. In addition, during certain stages of the illness, you may be contagious and pass the disease to family members, friends, or others who come into contact with you.
It is also much cheaper to prevent a disease than to treat it. In a 2005 study on the economic impact of routine childhood immunization in the United States, researchers estimated that for every dollar spent, the vaccination program saved more than $5 in direct costs and approximately $11 in additional costs to society.
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
Early success and compulsion brought widespread acceptance and mass vaccination campaigns were undertaken which are credited with greatly reducing the incidence of many diseases in numerous geographic regions.
A small amount of mercury (called thimerosal) is a common preservative in multidose vaccines. Despite concerns, thimerosal-containing vaccines have NOT been shown to cause autism or ADHD. Nevertheless, if you have concerns about mercury, all of the routine vaccines are also available without added thimerosal.
New York Times
A special U.S. court ruled Thursday against three families’ claims that a vaccine caused their children’s autism.
The three are among more than 5,500 cases that have been filed making that allegation with the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.
“The overall weight of the evidence is overwhelmingly contrary to the petitioners’ causation theories,” George Hastings, the special master appointed to rule on a petition filed by the parents of Michelle Cedillo of Yuma, Ariz., wrote in his 183-page decision.
USA Today
Certain vaccine-preventable illnesses, such as rubella (German measles) and chickenpox, can cause birth defects and other problems in the baby if you get them during pregnancy. These vaccines are made from live viruses. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) does not recommend them during pregnancy. At a checkup before pregnancy, the provider can do a blood test to find out if you are immune. If you’re not, you can safely be vaccinated before pregnancy.
March of Dimes
Leadership at the AMA has agreed to continue its ongoing efforts to assist physicians and other health care professionals to effectively communicate to patients, parents, and policy makers that vaccines do not cause autism and that the decreasing immunization rates have resulted in a resurgence of vaccine-preventable diseases and deaths.
“The AMA has spoken clearly on this issue. There’s no evidence that vaccines cause autism, and there is evidence that more kids are getting seriously ill from preventable diseases as a result of decreased rates of immunization,” said David Fassler, M.D., AACAP Delegate to the AMA House of Delegates.
Medical News Today
#57, Stars and Bars,
Dr. James R. Shannon, former director of the National Institute of Health reported in December, 2003 that “the only safe vaccine is one that is never used”.
Dr. Shannon died in 1994.
#56, Stars and Bars,
Ivan Illich, Medical Nemesis
Illich was a defrocked Catholic Priest with no training in Epidemiology or medicine.
#58, Stars and Bars,
From an article reprinted at your link
The Southern Hemisphere, at least, and possibly the entire world, is likely to see a substantial epidemic of (H1N1) in the next few months, with attack rates exceeding those in a typical influenza season, before significant quantities of vaccine become available.
It seems the New England Journal of Medicine endorses vaccinations.