CNN seems to be stooging for the vaccine folks. There is no reason for a mandatory Hepatitis B vaccination for children. My doctor even told me NOT to get one.

Found by Alex Cocly.

  1. MikeN says:

    Weren’t you guys cheerleading for mandatory HPV vaccines not too long ago?

  2. Poppa Boner says:

    PG County is where the knee grows live. There could have been a drive by shooting or some other similar factor involved with the arrest.

  3. Breetai says:

    So wwhat’s the Golden Child Obama’s stance on this? Oh yeah… Tell the masses your against it if someone shoves a microphone in your face, then implement it.

  4. Kahless says:

    Did anyone else notice the date stamp at the beginning of the video? Has DU run out of news to where they need to go back to November of 2007 for news?

  5. Benjamin says:

    My sister had to get a Hepatitis vaccine. They wouldn’t have sent her to jail if she refused. She just wouldn’t be allowed to do an unpaid internship at the hospital.

    However, if you are not going to work in the medical industry I don’t think you need one. Don’t know.

  6. ECA says:

    who remembers that AIR gun they tried to use LONG ago??
    Inject 5 shots in 1 shot.
    Every child in my school walked away crying.
    Later to find out they had doubled the pressure.

    lets look at this the STUPID way.
    If all the other kids get the shots, HOW is my kid going to be infected?
    Chicken pox isnt to bad..

    Hep B?? is that so prevalent that we have to get Shots against it?? That they dont do blood tests on food servers in SCHOOL??
    NEXT up the AIDS shot..

  7. Somebody_Else says:

    While I’m not against vaccination, getting the Hep B shots was a miserable experience. Each dose made me really sick for a couple days, I think it was 3 shots total.

    The Hep A shots didn’t bother me at all.

  8. Improbus says:

    Those kids must be starting IV drug use REALLY early nowadays.

  9. Breetai says:

    Ya gotta listen to No Agenda. This directly tie in to the Swine Flu Story Adam has been ranting about lately.

  10. Sean says:

    Strange the variety of reactions to the Hepatitis B shot – I wasn’t made sick by it, but while it was being injected I could taste metal in my mouth. Very weird.

  11. MikeN says:

    Never got Hep B shots.

  12. Mark Crislip says:

    from my entry at SBM

    ‘The Disease: hepatitis (liver infection) and chronic hepatitis B causes cirrhosis (fibrosis of the liver with liver failure) and liver cancer.

    World Wide disease: 300,000,000 carriers worldwide, it kills 500,000 to 1.5 million per year world wide.

    US disease: 5% of the US has the disease. An estimated 800,000–1.4 million persons in the United States have chronic HBV infection (CDC). 3,000-4,000 deaths annually from cirrhosis and 1,000 deaths from hepatoma are HBV.

    Vaccine efficacy: >90% after three doses of the vaccine.

    In 2001 alone, it is estimated that the vaccine prevented 600,000 deaths. Routine infant hepatitis B vaccination, with 90% coverage and the first dose administered at birth would prevent 84% of global HBV-related deaths (3). that’s around 850,000 people, give or take.

  13. Somebody_Else says:

    #8 “Those kids must be starting IV drug use REALLY early nowadays.”

    One of my friends got Hep B from a blood transfusion. There are a lot of people carrying it.

  14. deowll says:

    And there you have. Take the shot or risk a Darwin award.

  15. Floyd says:

    Got hepatitis shots (A and B?) when I entered the US Army decades ago.

    My daughter got the Hep B shot 3 years ago of her own free will because she works with the public (waitress) and wanted to avoid contacting the disease.

  16. roastedpeanuts says:

    Isn’t this the woman who is for mandatory swine flu shots?

  17. sargasso says:

    Compulsory by law in some countries, if you work in a business that prepares, packs or serves food. A good idea is to have them especially if you ever decide to visit Britain ..

  18. slowth says:

    #17 sargasso, that’s Hep A.

    A: acute, usually fecal-oral (food service)
    B: possibly chronic, sex & infected body fluids
    C: chronic, sharing needles

    There are others, but B & C can lead to cirrhosis.

  19. Timuchin says:

    The medical industry still uses ethyl mercury as a preservative in many shots. Many shots have a risk of actually catching the disease.

    They often add “adjuvant” aluminum to shots to cause a defensive reaction by the body. The body reacts because aluminum is poisonous.

    Many times the doctors will give a battery of shots to an infant on one visit, multiplying the poisonous effects in the shots. Each shot is designed for an adult-sized person.

  20. Bob says:

    Well thank god that there is a process! 🙂

  21. killer duck says:

    PG County? They should have mandatory sterilization nor vaccination.
    That whole county is a $hithole, has a huge HIV and herpes rate, leads the state in crime and high school drop outs. It is truly a horrible use of our tax dollars.

  22. Cursor_ says:

    John are you saying that IF Steve Jobs had gotten this vaccine he would not have needed that liver transplant?


  23. ECA says:

    “US disease: 5% of the US has the disease. An estimated 800,000–1.4 million persons in the United States have chronic HBV infection (CDC). 3,000-4,000 deaths annually from cirrhosis and 1,000 deaths from hepatoma are HBV.”


    800,000/300,000,000, is closer to .25%..
    Even at 1.4 million infected, is .5%
    I wonder if they found the source.

    “World Wide disease: 300,000,000 carriers worldwide, it kills 500,000 to 1.5 million per year world wide.”
    THIs is kinda the USA has less then 5% of the people in the world. and the USA has .5% of them??

    Im wondering if you look at the numbers, WHO see’s something funny.

  24. dusanmal says:

    “In 2001 alone, it is estimated that the vaccine prevented 600,000 deaths. Routine infant hepatitis B vaccination, with 90% coverage and the first dose administered at birth would prevent 84% of global HBV-related deaths (3). that’s around 850,000 people, give or take.

    This is what Govt. should inform parents about. Than, let them decide what risk they are willing to take with their own children. Not force vaccination on children or anyone else. But, we are all apparently stupid and the Big Left Govt. needs to think for us.

  25. Zybch says:

    Huh? That guy looked nothing like Captain Kirk!
    Some sleazy doctor stole Bill Shatner’s name. Evil, evil man. Must be working for the Romulans.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    Not seeing that a child is properly immunized is actually child abuse. All of the diseases they protect against can kill and or seriously injure the person.


    That 800,000 – 1.4 million are the CHRONIC patients; those showing symptoms. There are many more that are in remission but with a little stress could break out into a chronic state.

  27. McRowan says:

    Our government has no right to force medical procedures on the public. Simple.

  28. JMRouse says:

    I’m a huge fan of your Dvorak and subscribe to all the podcasts you are in but I have to say I am disappointed with this side of you. This blog can be so pro science sometimes with the anti-creationism/Intelligent Design posts that rightly dismiss it as religious nonsense, but why is it when it comes to vaccinations this blog can come across so paranoid and anti-science? Vaccines are safe. The overwhelming scientific evidence says so. It’s good to have your child vaccinated. That’s how we get herd immunity. They protect people and lives.

    I’m half expecting to see Jenny Mcarfee promoted on this site to spread her dangerous “vaccines cause autism” nonsense.

  29. Floyd says:

    #27: The government can require immunizations for children entering school, and in some states can require Hepatitis immunizations for food handlers (cooks, waiters, chefs, and so forth. The military requires a bunch of immunizations for recruits.

    If you are paranoid about immunizations (which you apparently are), you can look for a job that doesn’t require shots.

  30. Zybch says:

    #28, a vaccine for something so damn trivial as chicken pox is just absurd though.
    What next, forcing parents to get their kids vaccinated against nappy rash?!

    The more frivolous things like this we are forces to have, the more people are being conditioned to blindly accept EVERYTHING we are told by the governments and corporations that do not have our best interests at heart.

    Say, can I leave some depleted uranium shells under your kid’s bed? Don’t worry, coz the military and government say they’re safe and everything, and might just stop the bad terrorists. Just ignore those tumors when they appear.


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