CNN seems to be stooging for the vaccine folks. There is no reason for a mandatory Hepatitis B vaccination for children. My doctor even told me NOT to get one.
Found by Alex Cocly.
Found by Alex Cocly.
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#59, Stars and Bars,
Mr. Fusion can’t argue with the facts so naturally he feels obligated to argue with the source…how pathetic…
What facts? You quote a Doctor that lost her license because she couldn’t think straight, a Priest pretending to be a medical person, and someone masquerading as a doctor dead almost 10 years earlier. I know your case is weak but c’mon, is that the best you can do?
Stars & Bars said, on July 9th, 2009 at 10:25 am
# 52 Mr. Fusion –
As I have already pointed out, the system went to great lengths to discredit Dr. Carley and that speaks volumes. Zev Labins is a political hack.
What is wrong with the science she sites?
So you expect us to blindly support one person and then with no references or proof defame someone else, and you still have the gall to attack Mr Fusion for pointing out that the person you support has been discredited and disallowed from practicing medicine for mental problems. I find this logic extremely laughable. Good Luck finding support.
Vaccines Grown on Aborted Fetal Tissue
The following vaccines are grown on aborted fetal tissue – rabies, some mumps, rubella, chickenpox, hepatitis a, smallpox (some), ipv. One of the single measles vaccines is further attenuated in diploid cells
This can be seen in the package inserts – referred to as diploid cells
Vaccines are not safe nor are they effective.
They are not the reason disease rates are low today.
The assumptions upon which immunization theory and practice are based are unproved or have been proven false in their application
Dangers of childhood diseases are greatly exaggerated in order to scare parents into compliance with a questionable but highly profitable procedure.
The polio vaccine temporarily reversed disease declines that were underway before the vaccine was introduced; this fact was deliberately covered up by health authorities. In Europe, polio declined in countries that both embraced and rejected the vaccine.
The long term adverse effects of vaccinations have been ignored in spite of compelling correlations with many serious chronic conditions. Doctors can’t explain the dramatic rise in many of these diseases.
Are Vaccines Safe – Mary Tocco
Vaccines, The Benefits, The Risk, The Choices
by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
Vaccines as Biological Weapons?
Live Avian Flu Virus Placed in Baxter Vaccine Materials Sent to 18 Countries
And why a global pandemic is only a matter of time
ENDGAME – Eugenics/Population Control
#67, Stars and Bars,
Polio Vaccines are causing Cancer
Can’t read the article. They covered it with a big box that insists I join. Judging from what was visible, a wacko conspiracy site.
Critics ask why flu shot doesn’t match strain
Well golly gee!!! That has been a well known problem with influenza ever since they first created vaccinations. The flu, colds, as well as a few others, mutate very quickly. The prediction of which virus will be prominent each flu season is done in February and March. Then the virus is incubated and grown over the summer for vaccinations in the early fall. Several times the wrong strain has been picked or the virus mutated enough to still cause illness. Usually they are pretty close.
The World Net News is hardly an unbiased source.
Mercury in vaccine found to be 250 times higher than recommended
Ethylmercury clears from blood with a half-time of about 18 days, and from the brain in about 14 days. Inorganic mercury metabolized from ethylmercury has a much longer clearance, at least 120 days; it appears to be much less toxic than the inorganic mercury produced from mercury vapor, for reasons not yet understood.[9]
Note, your article fails to source where this amount of Thimerosal occurs. My understanding is that vaccines contain <2.0 micrograms of mercury. Not to mention that today's vaccines all contain less than they did in 2004 when this article was written, or are actually mercury free.
And finally, your list of sources. An impressive list to be sure. There are what, three articles less than 20 years old? And not one of them is linked so we really don't know what they contain.
#69, Stars and Bars,
Vaccines are not safe nor are they effective.
Every reputable medical practitioner as well as the entire medical community agree that vaccines work. They are safe when used as directed.
Enough. I don’t watch bogus propaganda films hyping one point. All your sources that I can see are filled with conspiracy idiots that should be cleaned from the gene pool.
You are just a fucking idiot.
Fusion, it ain’t all about you.
It is one thing to label something as bogus it is another to justify your statement.
You are a brainwashed shill who refuses to challenge his religion.
Unlike man caused climate change, those “propaganda films” are based on documented scientific research not Al Gore bullshit.
Re: “You are just a fucking idiot.”
I know you are but what am I!
Re: “should be cleaned from the gene pool”
I see you watched the video in post #73
ENDGAME – Eugenics/Population Control
Just who the hell are you to judge?
If someone were going to decrease the surplus population, they may start with you, Scrooge.
CBS ” 60 MINUTES” segment regarding The Swine Flu epidemic of 1976 in the U.S. It aired once.
Swine Flu 1976 & Propaganda
I had a similar problem. Somebody at work had Hepatitis B, so I went to the doctor. He said he would give me a Hepatitis B shot but he didn’t recommend it and he listed some of the side effects.
I think “death” was the one that sent me home.
HOLY COW! What is it about this blog that draws the mental deficients?
There is at least as much evidence that autism is caused by baby formula as that it is caused by vaccines. Other equally valid suspects: baby seats, television and the full moon.
What causes that particular flavor of paranoia that leads to conspiracy theory-ism, that’s what I want to know! Hardening of the arteries in the brain is a currently favored theory, but what causes THAT?
The point is not whether vaccines are safe or not as that is debatable. The question is whether we have the right to decide what gets injected into our bodies and our childrens’ bodies versus some outside authority.
I guess this goes back to public safety. So, if a parent chooses not to vaccinate their child, and their choice leads to their child being the vessel of disease that gets my child ill — then do I have the right to sue the parent who put their child and my child and our community at risk for a disease that is vaccine preventable. Since they make an overt choice putting others clearly at risk there should be a venue for legal consequences under US federal tort claim law. Maybe that is how this should be managed, we will sue them into poverty if their poor choice puts us all at risk. Enough of the conspiracy theories. Your freedom never over rides others safety. I believe the Supreme court already ruled on this the corner stone case is Jacobson. good reading.
@ concernedmother…
If YOUR child is vaccinated, then you have nothing to worry about. It’s really difficult for some people to accept that others choose not to vaccinate. It makes them question their own good judgement, and clearly puts you on the defensive.
Talk about going overboard, there is a company that has a viral promotion going where you can get a free Forex account loaded with $100. All you have to do is sign up with a user name and password. They are going to launch their software in a couple of months and they are taking this extraordinary measure in order to spread the word about their software and services. I say, get it while you can! Here is the link for the free account with $100…