There’s more bad publicity for Metro after a YouTube video surfaces of a Metro train operator apparently texting while on the job.

Metro officials said the operator was disciplined after video showing him apparently texting while operating a train was posted online. Metro spokeswoman Lisa Farbstein said the operator was suspended for a week without pay after officials learned of the June 5 incident. A passenger on the blue line in Alexandria apparently recorded the incident with a cellphone camera, then posted it to YouTube. Farbstein said Metro the operator has already served the suspension.8ea1f07c270a98e18d0b67cb943eb2da-grande

The incident was posted on YouTube last month and was brought to light Tuesday by local blog Unsuck DC Metro. Farbstein said operators are prohibited from texting or using cell phones while operating the highly automated system. Officials said no evidence has been found that the operator killed in last month’s crash on the Red Line was texting.

Crap, this moron should have been fired…..

Update: Hmmmm…Soon after posting this, You Tube has disabled embedding of this video, including the source. So you can see it here. I guess someone is upset about this.

  1. Buzz says:

    Who was caught red handed? The texting operator or you guys for posting this without some official line of permission?

  2. Bystander says:

    #1. Ummm, are you familiar with You Tube and the embedding process? Guess not.


  3. Patrick says:

    McCullough said, “Crap, this moron should have been fired…..”

    Wait and see what is in store for us with the whole medical industry on the gov payroll. Go in for an appendectomy and get your brain removed because the surgeon was texting. You won’t be able to sue and the doctor will get a week unpaid vacation. LOL

  4. Benjamin says:

    1.) The accident, which occurred on June 23, was not caused by texting. The driver’s cell phone was in her backpack.

    2.) The person in this story was caught texting on June 5, which was almost three weeks BEFORE the June 23 accident.

    You are not using the facts to come up with your conclusion. Even the headline is wrong. June 5 is before June 23 on my calendar.

  5. Alvysyngr says:

    Anyone have a name on this idiot? Should be made public IMO

    As for Benjamin – seriously, get your head out of your ass!


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