• Google preannounced Chrome OS to shake up Microsoft.
  • Cyber-attack seems to have come from N. Korea using a MyDoom variant.
  • Kindle lowered to $299.
  • IE 8 is custom made for hackers, says Computerworld.
  • VMware has low hopes for Intel getting into mobile space.
  • HTC still makes more money from MSFT phones over Android phones.
  • Spam tool maker gets busted.

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  1. Hell no says:

    Google keeps pushing this web apps concept that seems to be enshrined in Chrome OS. Don’t they ever do focus groups? Nobody in his right mind wants his personal or company documents out there on Google servers. Something fishy is going on behind the scenes. This has to be an NSA operation using Google as a proxy to make Americans volunteer to give up their privacy.

  2. Furthermore says:

    The so-called cyber attack was a “false flag op”, perpetrated by the US government because they have been waiting for any tawdry excuse to clamp down on free speech on the Internet and foist the “Online Patriot Act” upon America, in the form of the Cybersecurity Act of 2009.


  3. gquaglia says:

    #2 BS!

  4. deowll says:

    The Chrome OS is less an OS than a browser that doesn’t need an OS.

    You can’t install and run a single ap without being hooked to net. You can run aps on web sites and that is it. Not even smartphones are that lame.

    Android is a much better OS than that.

    The people running N.K. only talk to each other. They are very cult like and most likely completely out of touch with reality. They might do anything.

  5. Postman says:

    Bing is obviously doing more damage to Googles marketshare than anyone had suspected. Google going into the desktop OS business is a desperation move.

  6. Glenn E. says:

    Two things, (1) the “Caught Red Handed” post seems to be broken. Can’t find the comment field. (2) Just heard John C’s theory on TWIT, that a third pitchman must die, as “these things happen in threes”. Well Karl Malden was a pitchman for American Express travelers checks, for a time. Besides being a movie and tv actor. And he recently died too. So John, you can either count him as a 4th deceased celeb, a 3rd deceased pitchman, or both.

    If the Wash. Metro accident post never gets repaired, I’d just like to point out one thing. Don’t these trains have a “dead man switch” control? And if so, how can the driver texted, without one hand holding the switch?


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