Malt-O-Meal Company is voluntarily recalling oatmeal that contains instant nonfat dry milk that may be contaminated with salmonella. The instant nonfat dry milk came from Plainview Milk Products Cooperative of Minnesota, which is recalling products made over the past two years because of the possible contamination. Many of Plainview’s products were sold to other food makers.

Malt-O-Meal, based in Minneapolis, is recalling Maple & Brown Sugar Instant Oatmeal sold in cartons and variety packs with best-if-used-by dates of June 30, 2009 to Oct. 28, 2010. The oatmeal is sold nationally under numerous brands.

This is not the biggest deal in the world of recalls of American food products that might kill you or your granny; but, it’s only been about fifteen months since the last salmonella scare courtesy of Malt-O-Meal.

Malt-0-Meal is voluntarily recalling unsweetened puffed rice and unsweetened puffed wheat cereals after it found salmonella in a product produced on March 24, 2008…

Privately held Malt-O-Meal said it found the source of the salmonella and applied corrective measures to ensure against a reoccurrence.


  1. bobbo, constantly washing his hands says:


  2. bobbo, not wishing to mislead says:

    sorry. #1 is my stock reaction to stories about e-coli.

    Shoulda said “Holy Bactrium” and I’m not talking camels.


  3. Somebody_Else says:

    Darn. I like Malt-O-Meal now and then.

    How exactly does bad bacteria get into the product in the first place? You’d think they’ve been doing this long enough to know how to keep things sterile.

  4. sargasso says:

    Food security laws and “from source to mouth” documentation, were supposed to be followed up by stricter food quality assurance legislation. I guess they skipped that last bit.

  5. King of Pap says:

    How did I ever survive the 50’s? Back then, nobody knew about this stuff, and we all lived through it. Mostly. Those who didn’t were part of the evolutionary thinning out of the herd to make the herd more robust. Now, every weakling and defective has a vote and requires welfare and free medical care. I say, “More Salmonella, E Coli, and every other damn thing you can throw at us!”

  6. Johan says:

    What I don’t understand is why anyone would buy “instant oatmeal” when you can buy some regular natural oats, put it in a bowl with some water in the microwave for 2 minutes, and get awesome oatmeal. I do it every morning. Honestly, I don’t get it.

  7. lynn says:

    Geesh. You figure you’re being good, saving money by buying Malt-O-Meal. You figure you’re being good, buying healthy oatmeal or unsweetened puffed rice…

  8. SparkyOne says:

    In the 50’s food was grown local, on small farms, with pride.

  9. The0ne says:

    Yep, and one can still do that. We grow our own vegies, herbs, etc. Chickens we raise a few although it’s not legal in the city 😛 The rest, head to Costco since the meat there is the very fresh. None of this crap food coloring to make the meat look “fresh” >.>!

  10. AdmFubar says:

    people got just as sick then, the illnesses didnt get reported and cataloged like they do today…

  11. nikgare says:

    “Sugar Instant Oatmeal”

    Is that actually food? Do people really eat this stuff?

  12. Cursor_ says:

    This is plain inexcusable!

    The 17 people that buy this product should sue them!


  13. ECA says:

    I think its worse NOW then it was when I was younger.
    reporting is fine. And there was probably a few problems, Unreported back in the past.
    ALL I can ask, is..ARE they trying to scare us to the point that we have FULLY sterilized FOODS?? we already have problems with taste and nutrition..
    NOW you want to kill all the GOOD stuff in our food as well as the BAD.
    might as well start eating cardboard and PASTE..
    As 1 king pointed out, a little poison dont hurt you.

    We have been eating modified foods since WW2. And its getting to the point that we are going to sell ALL OUR FOOD STOCKS to other nations and eat cardboard. We have many FOOD extenders, in our BASIC foods. Products that work LIKE the real thing but ARNT. Like SOY and Canola oil.
    Corps are making things CHEAPER AND CHEAPER and its only for PROFITS. the goods can still be made at the original price, its just that the GUYS ON TOP want more money to go play GOLF.

  14. jescott418 says:

    You know as a truck driver, if you could only see some of the old production factories in this country. Where is the investment?
    Why can’t these companies invest in their own success?
    Food is a ticking bomb in this country. Their has been lots of warnings.
    But very little action. I guess we have spent all our money on government bailouts. Pretty soon we will all have to eat dog food. Oh wait! Never mind. That’s been recalled too. We need to stop calling this country great and start admitting we have some serious problems.

  15. SayNoToKosherTax says:

    Where were the Rabbies when this happened?
    So much for the “kosher food is cleaner” bullshit myth, hahaha 😀
    Can I have at least my kosher tax back?

  16. Hugh Ripper says:

    This is the natural evolution of capitalism. When the corporations totally own government, crap like this can keep happening without any real punitive action. The corps will put out some propaganda to make everything all right and its business as usual. Thank corporate law for making the corps untouchable unaccountable psychopaths.

    With Monsanto infiltrating the government at every level, the whole thing is like a rerun of Damien: Omen II. Maybe Obama IS the antichrist! Help me, I’m turning into Alfred1! Noooooooooo…..

  17. 888 says:

    You are right.
    With all this “lobbying” (politically correct neat word for government infiltration), multinational corporations with powers and influence beyond most of the world’s countries, it really starts to look like 21st century’s capitalism is going into the direction neatly described in the old book “The Space Merchants”.

  18. Scott says:

    Another half-baked bowl of reporting. Where is the list of affected brands and associated dates? Does anyone the consumer to remember with certainty where that box of oatmeal was purchased? Do they expect the poor kid at the market to know which of the brands they stock may be affected and what the critical dates are?

    Without that information this is just fear mongering.

    Here is link that answers those questions:

    The Times should apologize for not including it. The folks running this blog should do a little digging. I know it is easier just to spiff up what others write and call it reporting.

    Took me two minutes to find. Would have added value.

  19. 888 says:

    (hidden) kosher tax is only in USA, and few western european countries (UK for example).
    There is no kosher-certified food in Asia (unless it is imported).
    In other words, the kosher tax was enforced on consumers only in the countries where it’s citizens were stupid enough to allow minorities like Orthodox Jews to infiltrate their governments and businesses.
    In a country like USA, with less than 2% of Jewish population, when (depending on the sources) 15%-30% of retail businesses are in the hands of this minority, it is bound to happen.
    I.e. if you voted for Obama you voted to strenghten the jewish lobby even more in USA. Quit whining about kosher tax then, instead expect more of it 😀

  20. ECA says:

    888, or ***
    I dont know which to call you.
    but if you LOOK will find that many groups in the middle east adhere to the fundamentals of CERTAIN ways in cleaning foods.
    So that the other religions dont have a complaint.

    And this PROBLEM had to be in the product BEFORE handling or packaging.
    My question is where is QUALITY CONTROL, WHERE IS THE FDA, WHERE is the AG BUSINESS..
    In the last 15 years, the CUTS to the gov have killed most of the IMPORT controls and FOOD protections. the FUNNY PART–most of it does NOT affect the RICH and powerfull.


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