WASHINGTON (AFP) — Robert McNamara, who served as defense secretary in the Kennedy and Johnson administrations and was one of the top architects of the US war in Vietnam, died Monday, the Washington Post said. He was 93.
The deeply controversial McNamara, who served as head of the World Bank after stepping down from his Pentagon post at the height of the Vietnam war, died in his sleep at home in Washington, the daily reported, citing family members.
They did not give a cause of death, according to the Post.
McNamara oversaw the escalation of US war efforts in Vietnam from 1961 to 1968. He was also an early advocate of counter-insurgency operations, a key architect of Cold War nuclear policy, and an early pioneer of systems analysis in which he applied scientific and operations research to military planning, corporate operations and international finance.
He also had a brief but storied career as an executive at Ford, where as one of the automaker’s “Whiz Kids” he rose rapidly through the ranks, in 1960 becoming its first president outside the Ford family and transforming it into a post-World War II powerhouse.
Like Lucy…he has some ‘splainin’ to do.
His ‘splainin’ won’t help. Vietnam was the worst government fuck up of my lifetime. Incredible resources in both life and material totally and completely wasted. We gained nothing — absolutely nothing — for all the effort and emotion expended. Vietnam became a tourist destination and we became a changed country.
Good riddance!
The last major criminal of the Kennedy/Johnson Admin is dead. Good riddance.
“Vietnam was the worst government fuck up of my lifetime.”
I’m not sure about that (yet), but otherwise you are right, as are #2 jim and #3 Patrick.
#1 pfkad
There are also many shameless AMERICAN companies that operate manufacturing plants there. That shit goes into the consumer goods you have in your home.
BTW, the war is not over for many…
1 pfkad
Please see Iraq War / Afghanistan.
McNamara was probably ecstatic that Rummy beat him out as worst defense secretary EVAR.
Can we clone him and get him to run GM?
Stuff’s getting better. Stuff’s getting better every day
What was worst – screwing up the Viet Nam war or screwing up the Ford T-Bird? He managed to do both.
They ought to bury him unmarked under the path heading to the Wall. This is JFK’s crap, hiring the academic elite to run a war. These bastards looked at spread sheets and didn’t have a clue about the public, or war for that matter. I went to the Memorial once to find a name. I stayed a few minutes and had to almost run out.
The “Dr. Strangelove” 40th anniversary DVD has an interview with him re the Vietnam War. It’s low-key and lengthy but enlightening
He already did his splainin, have you seen The Fog of War ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fog_of_War
Might leave him rest in peace, since he seemingly did with himself….
I guess the documentary brainwashed me well cause afterwards I gain some respect for the guy, THEN I remembered what Chomsky said about him. Looks like the guy wasn’t ill-intentioned, he was just being ignorant.
Makes one wonder about who’s worst for humanity : the mean or the ignorant ? After all, Bush wasn’t mean … we don’t need to fight against BAD people, just fight ignorance!
There is a whole wall of people that he’s responsible for their deaths.
War criminal.
1. Ed McMahon: Dead.
2. Billy Mays: Dead.
3. Robert McNamara: Dead.
There is your third dead pitchman, folks!
Gee, I thought I was the only one who thought McNamara was “evil” for shorthand.
But I’m not alone.
How many are dying today so that our leaders don’t have to admit to mistakes?
How many still applaud mistake making leaders for their decider skills?
#11. See “Fog of War”. Excellent documentary in which he regrets his mistakes.
#15 You aren’t alone.
Recently Bush was an idiot at war. Now, Obama with his new “rules of engagement” placed on U.S. ground troops in Afghanistan, is repeating some of the worst mistakes of Vietnam.
#17–Patrick==Vietnam huh? Well, taking the most simplistic view I can, the biggest difference between Afghanistan and Vietnam is – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – lack of foliage.
But I take your point. It is a foreign adventure–the path of failure all great powers take.
So—some differences, some similarities. Take your pick.
For you history buffs… McNamara, along with Curtis LeMay, was also involved in the adoption of the M16 as the service rifle across all branches of the military. While there were kinks to be worked out with the AR15 and its successor, the M16, the M16 was a wise choice.
I own an AR15, and I love it. WONDERFUL rifle. Great choice, fellas.
19 Mac Guy,
Oh well, I guess as long as something good came out of it… *rolls eyes*
I thought the biggest takeaway from Vietnam was than wars shouldn’t be fought by politicians in Washington.
#21 Of course, that’s what I was referring to when mentioning the new rules of engagement. Apparently, Obama spent more time doing cocaine than studying while in school.
22 Paddy-O
So did Bush.
Forward he cried from the rear
and the front rank died.
And the general sat and the lines on the map
moved from side to side.
# 23 Named said, “22 Paddy-O So did Bush.”
Yep, that’s why it is amazing that idiots would vote for another coke head as CIC.
24, Paddy-O,
American elections are a pathetic rendition of American Idol… without the public interest.
#25 I agree.
What is with these warmongers heading to the World Bank, post war starting?!?! First McNamara and then Wolfowitz…
27 ethanol
You gotta show your loyalty…
Back in the day the commies were the enemy. Now it’s the terrorists. So who’s next? I’m sure they already know who our next enemy’s going to be. Screw ’em, screw all the hawks that want to convince the people they’re fighting to defend the american way of life. All they’re defending is the profit margin of the military industrial complex.