Huffington Post – 7-6-09:

Even Fox News has started to turn on Sarah Palin. In the midst of a segment about the Alaska Governor’s battle against “liberal” attacks, Liz Trotta went off-message.

Frankly, “the woman is inarticulate, undereducated,” Trotta said, arguing that for once liberal criticism was “well-deserved.”

“I think all the liberal stylists … really have a case. She just begs for adjectives like flaky and wacky.” When pressed, she added, “We’re talking about somebody who, right from the get-go, has been a flashy person who gets into a lot of trouble and really has no credentials for any job.”

My favorite Palin slam from the video:

What do you think William F. Buckley would have thought about her as the standard bearer of the conservative party?

God, remember the good old days when conservatives found value in intelligence, reasoned discourse, and education?! If you think about it, Buckley’s party doesn’t even exist anymore.

  1. martfin says:

    I have flown with Ryan Air 4 times now and after the last experience I will never do it again. The nickel and diming is just amazing. You pay $10 to fly one way, which is great, then get charged for each bag, your hand luggage is weighed and if that goes over you are charged. ALL food and drinks are chargeable, then they ask you to donate to charity. I would rather pay BA for a full fare and not deal with all the Ryan Air charges.

  2. Hugh Ripper says:

    Well the neocons do have a penchant for putting dipsticks up for nomination. Time they got back to the regulation ‘smooth talking sneaky bastard’ qualification.

  3. WhereIsDead? says:


    Sarah Palin? Is that you?

  4. heinrich66 says:

    Only William F. Buckley was a pretentious twat whose very use of the English language was eviscerated by Edwin Newman, a far humbler, milder representation of what America used to look like.

    Buckley’s name gets used relentlessly these days to contrast with the brownshirts like Limbaugh and Hannity, but he himself was an hypocritical effete who was far from a profound thinker.

  5. SN says:

    Buckley’s name gets used relentlessly these days to contrast with the brownshirts like Limbaugh and Hannity

    Probably true, but even you’d have to admit, when compared to W. or Palin, Buckley was a fricken genius.

  6. Gedanken says:

    Oh God, more Palin? Geez, I’m ready for more MJ posts….no, actually, I’m not.

    What I’m ready for is a vacation from this site. I used to come here for a BREAK from what the MSM is doing, and now all I get is more of it, with extra snark. And usually not very clever snark, either.

  7. father time says:

    Finally someone who is articulate on Fox.

    All I ever seem to hear is that moron Sean Hannity. Does he even know who William F. Buckley was? I doubt Hannity knows the definition of any of the words Buckley spoke, besides the articals and conjunctions.

  8. jccalhoun says:

    cue the RINO posts. Clearly any conservative who dislikes Palin is a Republican In Name Only…

  9. iseeic says:

    #8 if you haven’t noticed, on this site ANY conservative is a psycho, rightwin,g gun-toting, racist monster who awaits his orders from Rush Limbaugh. Not liking Palin will not help you here.

  10. Grandpa says:

    I find Sara Palin much like George Bush, Ronald Reagan, and Richard Nixon. Just not as polished and articulate.

  11. leavingDem says:

    This is a smearjob by the Republicans after Palin abruptly announced her resignation. she was supposed to be “the one” for 2012, and they think she has embarrassed them. Can’t say I blame anyone but Palin.

  12. father time says:

    RINO huh?

    How about a moron who spends all his time masterbating to the fantasy of a MILFy president who doesn’t know how many states are in The Union. What cleaver name do you have for that?

  13. Angel H. Wong says:

    “God, remember the good old days when conservatives found value in intelligence, reasoned discourse, and education?!”

    Noawadays, if you want to be a Republican politician you have to be a homophobic, bible thumping, ethnocentric, don’t believe in science and an asexual being. And if you’re not white you have to add academically overachieving, must have a name that only your ethnic group must have AND behave like you hate your own ethnicity *coughclarencethomas*

  14. SN says:

    9. “ANY conservative is a psycho, rightwin,g gun-toting, racist monster who awaits his orders from Rush Limbaugh.

    Maybe you can point us to a popular conservative who does not fit that description.

  15. ECA says:

    Dumb and Dumbier

  16. father time says:

    Only Angel could have said it that well. My thoughts exactly.

  17. iseeic says:

    Thank you all for proving my point so quickly.

  18. clancys_daddy says:

    “We’re talking about somebody who, right from the get-go, has been a flashy person who gets into a lot of trouble and really has no credentials for any job.” gee kind of like the political pundits on news shows (both sides).

  19. Cephus says:

    You have to remember that the Republicans are no longer conservatives, there’s nothing conservative in their message, they’re a group of far-right religious retards who have embraced a lot of liberal ideas and “Republicanized” them. Fiscal responsibility? Gone. They spend as much or more than the Democrats, they just stick it all on credit cards instead of directly taxing the people. There simply are no conservative parties in the U.S. anymore, actual conservatives, the ones that hold to traditional conservative ideas, are entirely unrepresented.

  20. father time says:

    Pundits do NOT have the legal authority to do ANYTHING. Palin wants to be CIC. Big F’ing difference.

    I need a CIC that is above the 50th percentile of our 360,000,000 person population.

  21. jccalhoun says:

    RINO huh?

    How about a moron who spends all his time masterbating to the fantasy of a MILFy president who doesn’t know how many states are in The Union. What cleaver name do you have for that?

    I have no idea what you are writing about. I have no cleaver names…

  22. mcosmi says:

    yea so the republican party is in a trasitional period…its still 100000000 times more beneficial to the USA as the liberal nutballs ruling the roost now. Please, we need to get this party back on its feet…boot the bible thumping wacko’s controlling it now…get the fiscally conservative, NORMAL people in control, and take this country BACK!!! where we’re headed is just plain WRONG…and you obamamaniacs will ‘get’ that some day. Hopefully before the entire country crumples under the weight of oppressive government.

  23. qb says:

    Indeed, what would William F. Buckley think?

    I have a feeling that the average Sarah Palin supporter would hate listening to or reading Buckley. Remember at Buckley’s funeral there were a whole lot of bow ties.

    I’m what most people on this site would refer to as liberal, but I have a great deal of time for principled conservatives like Buckley, George Will, and David Brooks. These are very bright people and should be listened to very carefully, especially if you disagree with their positions.

  24. ronwp54 says:

    Palin is charismatic with little experience, sounds just like the clown in the White House right now. Only, Palin has common sense and actually loves her country, unlike the anti-capitalist Obama, who is doing a wonderful job of destroying the things that made this country great. Personally, I’d be glad to have a good ole average American running the country for once. Just look at the mess all the so called geniuses have made.

  25. The0ne says:

    Alright, I also think I need a break from this website. Palin is starting to look hot to me too! WTF is going on!!! I serious think it’s because they are showing clips of her and she NOT talking. That in turn leads my eyes to other “places” on her and well…she’s looking hot! 🙂

    Time for a break before I totally lose it. I’ll go laugh this off while cleaning my fish tanks. I’ll be back sane, for sure!

  26. father time says:

    By your theory Ron, we’d be do better the stupider the President. Great, let’s put the government in the hands of the retarded.

    I don’t think Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln were the “average” thinkers you crave. I had had enough of the brain damaged Presidents with the second Regan term

  27. right says:

    Well, I’m sure her god will tell her what to do next to refute Fox’s assertions. This is becoming fun to watch.

    “Dumb and Dumbier” Ha, but Alfred hasn’t commented yet.

  28. deowll says:

    Why is Palin in the news?

    Why did someone post this article about Palin?

    If you don’t like her stop talking about her.

    I think some people posting news articles about her are either trolling or have some sort of obsessive compulsive disorder and just can’t let go.

  29. SN says:

    6. “Oh God, more Palin?

    I’ll stop posting ’em as soon as this train wreck ends.

  30. SN says:

    24. “Palin is starting to look hot to me too! WTF is going on!!!

    Like this?


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