So what are they going to do with it when they’re finished with it? Nothing about this guy’s life has ever been normal, so this isn’t too much of a surprise.

Michael Jackson will be buried this week– without his brain. As his family tries to finalise details for the King of Pop’s funeral on Tuesday they have been told it will be held back for tests. They faced the grim choice of waiting up to three weeks for Jackson’s brain to be returned to them or go ahead and bury him without it – which they have decided to do.

Los Angeles Coroner’s spokesman Craig Harvey confirmed that neuropathology tests will be carried out to see if it holds any clues to the exact cause of his death. But the examination cannot begin until at least two weeks after the death when the brain has hardened sufficiently to slice it open.

Jackson died from a cardiac arrest at his Beverly Hills mansion on June 25 after a suspected overdose of painkillers.

Sources at the coroner’s office revealed that his brain was removed before his body was released to relatives the next day.

A forensic neuropathologist will test Jackson’s brain for, among other things, past drug use and whether he has suffered overdoses in the past. The brain can also show any past abuse of alcohol or if the deceased had suffered from any one of a number of diseases. The source said that removing the brain is the “only way to carry out the tests”.

  1. King of Pap says:

    All I can say is: “Hah hah hah ha ha ha…..”

  2. Steve S says:

    What are they going to do with it after the tests are done?
    One word…… eBay

  3. GigG says:

    This is how California is going to erase its budget woes. Selling MJ’s brain on EBay.


  4. King of Pap says:

    California??? Are you kidding? MJ’s shithead father is going to sell that brain one tiny piece at a time!

  5. Ron Larson says:

    So why can’t the family wait? Oh yea, they plan to milk his death for cash.

  6. I just hope they don’t make more M.J-clones with this DNA material. 😉

  7. SparkyOne says:

    #6 Pierre Serné

    OMFG NO!

  8. King of Pap says:

    Incidentally, the picture with this post is priceless.

  9. AdmFubar says:

    uhm shouldnt the picture have been mj as the scarecrow from the the wiz?? (if i only had a brain)….

  10. FRAGaLOT says:

    god this creeps the shit outta me.

  11. Nimby says:

    Somehow this sounds more like research for a book than cause-of-death determination.

  12. Troublemaker says:

    Did he have one when he was alive?

  13. sargasso says:

    Having once dated a female pathology technician, believe me, it gets creepier.

  14. cfk says:

    Not to disabuse horrified melodramatics but this is fairly common with autopsied bodies. Bottom line: It’s dead meat, not Michael J. Move on.

  15. Hugh Ripper says:

    In other news, Sarah Palin has stated that when she dies, she’d like to be buried WITH a brain. Perhaps she could bid for MJ’s on ebay.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    How about burying Jackson and on his tombstone put:


  17. nunyac says:

    1. One wonders if a biopsy of the suspect areas of his brain would not suffice. Oh! let us not tax the convenience of the executive branch of the LA loco gov.
    2. Obviously several of the cementers on this subject could not physically participate in a brain transplant for Mrs Palin.

  18. In bad taste says:

    I heard that Michael will continue his stardom by appearing in the remake of “Young Frankenstein”, playing the part of “Abby Normal”.


  19. wirelessg says:

    “Sure sure, sure sure” – Donovan’s Brain

  20. LDA says:

    Just like JFK.

  21. 888 says:

    I just don’t believe nobody was interested in buying Jackson’s skeleton!

    It would look great in the main hall when set in his famous “moonwalk” pose. And, as one of its kind, it’ll be ertainly worth any money (to some very rich snob). $ Millions at auction.

  22. RBG says:

    And the best part:

    “MICHAEL Jackson starred as the Scarecrow in The Wiz, the 1978 musical version of The Wizard of Oz – playing the character without a brain opposite Diana Ross as Dorothy.”

    Geez this is all going to make a good Oliver Stone movie.


  23. RTaylor says:

    Even if the brain isn’t fixed, it’s sectioned during an autopsy. Representative tissues from the major organs are kept for histology. What’s left is dumped in a biohazard bag and thrown in the abdomen, brain and all. During embalming the skull interior is dusted with a sealant, and packed with absorbent material, even crumpled newspaper. The skull cap is screwed on and the skin flaps are dusted with sealant and sutured. A posted body tends to leak bad, so a plastic garment is put on, that has elastic openings. A special absorbent pad is placed behind the head to keep seepage from staining the pillow, and may need changing a few times. This is all normal for a postmortem body. That’s why there is usually an additional charge for embalming posts, it takes over twice as long to do.

  24. amodedoma says:

    This gives me an idea for an excellent B momvie!

  25. cjohnson says:

    It’s so the zombies can’t eat it

  26. MikeN says:

    So if you’re famous, they’re going to run all sorts of tests to tell the world if you were using drugs, alcohol, etc?

  27. amodedoma says:

    I’d like to disect Craig Harvey’s brain, while he’s still using it. Like the scene near the end of the film ‘Hannibal’.

  28. EATITNOW says:


  29. Blackjew says:

    I think this is not normal and during resuraction the chap will be a brainless chap and he will continue the same nosense of child…in the next life.

  30. Blackjew Ishimeli says:

    Don’t tell us lies, the chap did not just have a brain from birth you think we dont know. If at all the chap had one, then to what use did he put it to apart from the nonsense called pop music. His educational background very questionable like that of Jacob Zuma of South Africa of course with due respect. I only hope his kids have brains. Micheal jackson was a penny wise and a pound foolish and all this was seen through his actions and you saw this unless you are brainless like him. Are you?
    Fine, now that you are not like him,i hope you are happy that the chap is no more after all i did not even like his music. Let him rest in peace if he wants to and i will careless and this is his share, let him greet saddam for me.


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