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Thanks, Mr. Justin

  1. Great American says:

    Wow…It looks like the harpy at Wonkette wrote another funny article…can I have that time back please?

  2. 1ofMany says:

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. In all seriousness Sarah is in need of emotional/mental evaluation. She exhibits the same random, off-the-wall behavior that my Paranoid-Schizophrenic sister-in-law does when she’s not on her meds. I find it hard to believe she got elected to the position she just abandoned under these conditions but it’s very possible that this is a new (2 years or so) condition for her. A person can go on for a long period of time before people take notice that all is not right.

  3. Michael_gr says:

    I followed some links and got to her announcement on She has the oddest syntax I’ve ever seen. She has a way of constructing sentences that are nearly unparsable. Articles seem to be missing from most of them.

    And the way she’s couching her immediate resignation in softer terms… The headline is that she won’t be seeking a second term. Then she sort of slips in that she’s also leaving the job effective (almost) immediately. That is just bizarre.

  4. soundwash says:

    is this even real?

    forget about Palin, she’s nobody.

    Both parties will be lucky if anybody even wants them after the
    $100-300 trillion derivative bubble pops in a month or two.


  5. sargasso says:

    Publicity stunt.

  6. Thomas Jefferson says:

    #5. Alfred1 hates the Constitution. Why do you hate America Alfred1?

  7. Uncle Dave says:

    Go to her Twitter page.

    Does anyone else notice how a giant, semi-transparent Sarah is looking down on Alaska as if she were God? I wonder if she realized the subliminal message she was sending with it.

  8. qb says:

    It’s a good thing that the internet is just a series of tubes, it should be easy to sue.

  9. Dallas says:

    OK, enough of Sarah Palin, please!

    I’m starting to crave Michael Jackson stories.

  10. eggman9713 says:

    Ah, but how do you serve “The Internet?”

  11. qb says:

    Please stop the whining.

  12. jccalhoun says:

    It is amazing how easily she quits and how thin skinned she is. I can’t understand how she has any supporters after her overreactionary behavior.

  13. Tired Canadian says:

    Sarah Palin rocks !! She is proving to be even more hilarious then Dan Quayle or George Bush. Live long and prosper Sarah Palin for comedy’s sake.

  14. echeola says:

    Wow, I really don’t understand what the heck she is talking about. This is very weird.

  15. badtimes says:

    The suddenness of the announcement, along with it’s bizarre content and lack of any of the ‘fig leaf’ excuses we’ve grown accustomed to from others in the public sphere (want to spend more time with family- dog- self-fulfillment, etc.) make me think something big is going to break, and soon.
    However, this latest threat of lawsuits makes me wonder- has she just plain gone crazy? I mean, I knew she was loopy the first time I heard her talk, but this is a whole new level.
    Maybe Al is correct- maybe she should sue everybody she possibly can. Think of the months of comic relief!
    Hopefully she’ll take the AIP national and run in ’12 with Michelle Bachmann. What a winning combination that would be!
    I had another hunch today- maybe Sanford paid her to do this. It’s really bumped his looniness off the front page.

  16. father time says:

    Again, I feel sorry for her. She isn’t thin skinned, she just worked herself into a difficult psychological position. Much like what happens when a couple stops working and splits.

    Palin’s expectations didn’t match her reality, and she couldn’t continue moving forward.

    Also, she lives in a very small place populated by small people. The reality of a country that has 360,000,000 people, and where the powerful elite, that sit on top of those 360 million, are better equipped to crush her and her little ideas than she could have IMAGINED. Had she grown up in New York or Washington DC, she might have had the required life experiences to make her dreams a reality. Thank God she didn’t.

  17. robin1943 says:

    We used to have “Yellow Journalism”, now we have the “Yellow Internet”. Commentators can not debate Palin’s policies or philosophies, they just attack her personally. I can only imagine what they would say if Obama was subjected to the same sort of cooridinated attacks that Palin has to put up with from the liberals and the Democratic strategists.

  18. father time says:

    And Robin, you are lending your support for Palin with which rational specifics?

  19. qb says:


    Who would have thought that US politics is a rough sport? Ask John McCain after running against Bush in 2000. Ask Max Cleland after being slimed by Chambliss and Coulter.

    The problem for the right and the Republicans is that they have no clue on how to handle the internet yet. It’s one of many things they will have to do to get back in the game.

  20. Hugh Ripper says:

    #18 Robin

    Palin has policies?

    I thought she was just a vacuous bint parroting the god and guns party line why trying to give imbeciles a woodie by winking at the camera.

    Coordinated attacks are the nature of politics. If you cant stand the heat…

  21. Poppa Boner says:

    I’d still like to have butt secks with her as long as she didn’t talk.

  22. JimR says:

    As a Canadian, I often get embarrassed of the shenanigans that go on here. But honestly, watching US politics play out is worse than watching a terrible soap opera. I’m embarrassed for you. You need to take the whole frigging lot of them… every single last politician… and push them out on a barge without a rudder or paddle. Let them start their own country on some tiny Island. Then scour your universities for intelligent leaders that aren’t just pretty faces.

  23. Troublemaker says:

    robin1943 said, on July 5th, 2009 at 1:15 pm

    We used to have “Yellow Journalism”, now we have the “Yellow Internet”. Commentators can not debate Palin’s policies or philosophies, they just attack her personally.

    Would you like to share some of those policies and philosophies that she has expressed???

    Good luck…

  24. Timuchin says:

    The Democratic elite know The economy is going to go down, taking Obama with it. Then Hillary gets elected in 2012 as the woman’s candidate. Oops! You mean there might be a conservative woman candidate in 2012?!? Sic ’em boys! Hilla the Hun needs a clear running field!

  25. ridin the short bus to the hospital says:

    How many posts and threads are we going to see about Sarah this week?… It was more fun last week debating the Universal Health care issues… lets go back to that and forget about the place we never heard of before last August .. Wasilla Alaksa…

  26. Joe says:

    #27, nice!

  27. deowll says:

    # 24 If she has no policies then why do so many people hate her so badly including you? If you respond please think before you respond. You guys may not know if but if people aren’t members of your particular hate group you tend to come off sounding like the KKK talking about blacks and Jews only you are talking about Palin. Same kind of hate speach, different target.

    To be honest many of the media organizations just might be subject to something or other because of laws passed in the last few decades. This might be more true of broadcast networks than other forms of media. The fact that they were absolutely partisan is something even Obama has joked about. If he thinks they all voted for him I suppose he has his reasons.

    It’s only in the last week that we’ve finally had a press conference that didn’t sound like a rally of the I adore Obama fan club and I think there were only two reporters among that bunch of Obama suck-ups.

  28. Ah_Yea says:


    I agree. I’ll even arrange for the barge…

    Now for the rest.

    This article has the real scoop, not the nutters Wonkette.

    Basically, her lawyer states what many lefty blogs have posted as true about Palin are verifiable falsehoods, and now that they have been informed about these falsehoods, should they continue to repeat them, they will be sued for intentional slander.

    I would take this seriously if I were them. It’s one thing to reprint something out of feigned ignorance, but something altogether different to be presented factual information and ignore it.

  29. Dallas says:

    Today, Palin has borrowed a page from Kim Jong Il and said she will sue the internet for even a slight hostile act.

    She and Todd are fully ready for all-out confrontation and not allow even 0.001 mm peek into their lives.

  30. mr. show says:


    You’re right, this issue constitutes “real news”. I’m afraid we’re going to see a lot more. Those who can’t stand her can’t help themselves with their love-hate relationship with her. Look at the sometimes funny, but mostly bitter, Maureen Dowd’s tirade in her latest column as an example. Granted, Palin doesn’t support her cause with her use of syntax.

    I do sometimes wonder if she were liberal if she’d be given different treatment in the shark tank of politics (likely lauded for her “sense of style” and all of that BS). It doesn’t matter in the end because she’s a non-issue.


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