Britain’s new MI6 chief caught in Facebook scandal — This is just too funny. Why do adults even use Facebook?

THE new head of MI6, Sir John Sawers, is at the centre of a security breach after his wife published family holiday photographs and other personal details on the Facebook website.


Sir John, currently Britain’s ambassador to the United Nations, began his career with MI6 but has spent many years as a diplomat.

He is due to take up his post as chief of the Secret Intelligence Service, in charge of Britain’s spying operations abroad, in November.

But his wife’s posting on the social networking site has exposed potentially compromising details about where they live and work, their friends and where they go on holiday.

Found by Tracy Taylor.

  1. Zybch says:

    This is why women shouldn’t be allowed on the internet tubes.

  2. Zybch says:

    And men who used to be women.

  3. roastedpeanuts says:

    At least the webitubes seem to make it easier to find the complete idiots.

  4. jescott418 says:

    You would think they would be a little more concerned about this information. This could affect their own safety. You got to wonder why people do not take stuff seriously anymore.

  5. Ron Larson says:

    Scandal? Seriously?

    So is a high level politician supposed to be anonymous? I have no doubt that if someone wanted information on Mr. Sawyers they could find it with little effort.

    How exactly is such information supposed to be used against him or the UK?

    Here in the US, we know where the Obamas live. We have photos of them too so we know what they look like. Does that mean they are less secure? No.

  6. BWJunior says:

    Why do adults even use Facebook?

    Umm, because we want to…

  7. chris yale says:

    That punk looks just like Alan Thicke!

  8. Don Marsh says:

    Adults use it to keep up with friends and family. Don’t you have any, John??

  9. noname says:

    # 4 jescott418

    “You would think they would be a little more concerned about this information.”

    What information, family beach vacation photos, nothing more Grow up and use some common sense.

    It’s more political hype for dummies then real substance.

  10. skunky says:

    John has pointed out to us his true nature as a dinosaur of the computer era. Perhaps he’s been reading too much and has his head firmly sequestered in his rear end.

    You might as well have asked Bill Gates circa 1980 “why would an adult need a computer in their home?”.

    Um, I don’t know, John, cuz maybe Facebook is a social networking site with tens of millions of members, many of whom are long lost friends who it is great to get back in touch with?

    You, however, seem to be stuck in the early 1990s. Lamenting the demise of Compuserve much?

  11. sargasso says:

    An old politician told me, that when you’re attacked from unexpected quarters, it means that you’re in someone else’s way. I wonder, who his replacement will be?

  12. mikiev says:

    #5: “So is a high level politician supposed to be anonymous?”

    No, but the “spymaster” in Britain is apparently supposed to keep a low profile…

    You know, kinda like what Valerie Plame tried to do…

  13. deowll says:

    I have no doubt that social networking can prove invaluable.

    It is also true that people who do certain kinds of jobs are much better off if they aren’t on everyone’s radar.

    Britian is a much smaller country than the US but for some reason I hear a lot more about their security breaches than about American ones. Not sure if that means we have better security or the American press is asleep and not doing its job.

  14. 888 says:

    Right, facebook/etc are very “greatr” at keeping up with friends and family, really (lol)

    Log-on to website to leave a message, wait until recipients log-on to the same website to read and reply and then you log-in there to read the reply.
    Very efficient way to keep in touch indeed (lol)

    I know easier ones: send same msg by email directly to the person. Chat live (using any IM). Or call (using phone or IM).

    Sure, keep an account on facebook (or whatever “networking” crapsite) if you want to be found by those whom you lost contact with. That’s about sole and only reason I can think of to keep my facebook acct.

  15. PierreB says:

    Rules to live by: any email you write could become public – make sure that what you say is could be sent around the world and not be misinterpreted or become a negative for you. Same rule for social media. If you do not protect your privacy, no one else will.

  16. soundwash says:

    silly kids

    -another non-news story

    might be comprised what an absurd notion..

    every one knows any poor SOB that that works in high level government in this day in age was severely compromised years before he got the position.

    how else do you think got the job?

    what are they called again..? the minion class of the TPTP is it?


  17. soundwash says:

    ug, grammar issues abound

    that was supposed to be TPTB.


  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    #6, bw,

    Umm, because we want to…

    Where do you get this “we”, dude?

  19. Lou says:

    Glad he’s not keeping me safe.

  20. gquaglia says:

    You know, kinda like what Valerie Plame tried to do…

    Uh, no. Palme was an undercover operative, this guy is a public head of an agency. Not even close to the same thing.

  21. brendal says:

    to post boats sinking in Amsterdam on Queen’s Day (still waiting!!).


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