Madoff ScandalMadoff and his “posse”

Bernard Madoff has hired a veteran prison consultant to help him to find the best possible jail in which to serve his 150-year sentence for Wall Street’s biggest fraud. After his sentencing this week Madoff, now Prisoner No 1727-054, met Herb Hoelter, of the National Center for Institutions and Alternatives, whose previous clients include the jailed Sotheby’s chairman Alfred Taubman and the financiers Michael Milken and Ivan Boesky.

The draconian maximum sentence imposed by the judge means that Madoff, 71, will be assigned to a tougher category of prison than most white-collar criminals. He could be forced to mingle with murderers, rapists, drug-dealers and white supremacist gangs with a hatred of Jews. Madoff is Jewish. He could even find himself incarcerated with terrorists in the infamous “Supermax” jail in Florence, Colorado.

“He was incredibly disappointed. He knew he was going to spend the rest of his life in prison. I don’t think that was ever an issue,” Hoelter told The Times. “But it’s patently unfair to cast him as a symbol of all evil.” Federal convicts are assigned to minimum, low, medium, high-security prison, or even the sole Supermax facility, by the U.S. Bureau of Prisons using a score-card known as Form BP-337 to calculate an inmate’s “Security Point Total”. A first-time non-violent white-collar criminal convicted in a U.S. federal court would normally qualify for incarceration at a minimum-security “prison camp” with easygoing rules and no perimeter fence.

“He could cause a lot of problems because it’s a very high-profile case. People may react very badly to him,” Mr Bales said. “He is going to have white supremacists who do not like the Jewish population. He has got some enemies he is going to have to face.” It is even possible that Madoff could be upgraded for his own safety to the only Supermax facility, where inmates are locked up for 23 hours a day and never get to mix with the general prison population.

John Webster, of National Prison and Sentencing Consultants, said: “Next to being a sex offender, people who are perceived as stealing from the elderly are not perceived as very popular folk in prison. Everyone has a mother. I think there is going to be some form of retaliation.”

Um….draconian maximum sentence?!?! You’re breaking my heart! At this point I’d like to believe Madoff doesn’t have enough money for a pack of smokes, much less hiring a consultant.

  1. pben says:

    Is it too late to change my vote on the Madoff poll you had up the other day?

  2. VeryVeryMeanBastard says:

    “Madoff is Jewish” – no kidding?! lol

    so were Alfred Taubman, Michael Milken and Ivan Boesky (“the financiers”).
    I bet Herb Hoelter is Jewish too.

  3. Andrew says:

    As long as 1727-054 gets some sort of food and is held securely and as humanely as can be economically provided, I don’t care where he is. I think that attempts to manipulate the system should earn him negative points, causing a downgrade in his eventual location. He should be afforded the same protection as a rapist, murderer or other such convicts similar to him.

  4. contempt says:

    No consultant required – the cushiest prison is Gitmo. They say the food and view are great, but the down side is he may have a problem with the other inmates – oh well.

  5. ECA says:

    a person that robs a few 7/11’s gets 20 years and probably got, MAYBE $1000.
    99.9% of white collar crimes spend 5-10 years in jail IF’ caught. They also HID the money and probably got away with $80,000 to MILLIONS of dollars.
    The poor guy, hopefully, didnt kill anyone..and if he did it was 3-4.
    the WHITE collar thief, hurts 100’s and 1000’s if NOT MORE.
    The poor person robs Banks and 7/11’s.
    White collar crime is mostly in the retirement funds, and bookkeeping areas of business, with access to TONS of money.

    FINALLY, a judge that gave a reasonable sentence.

  6. soundwash says:

    “The draconian maximum sentence”

    -give me a break

    “..calculate an inmate’s “Security Point Total”.

    wtf is this? an SAT test for prison? if our schools are any indication, this would result in
    idiots getting life and geniuses
    getting 6months suspended.

    -oh wait..isn’t that how it
    is now?

    financial fraud on this level that effects the future of hundreds or thousands of people should have a death penalty attached to it.

    that’s the only way you’ll have less fraud at this level. 1 appeal, entire process takes no more than 1 year from start to finish.

    “But it’s patently unfair to cast him as a symbol of all evil.”

    why not? -and who cares? its just a label that will be usurped by high level government officials or his bosses within a year anyway.

    IMO, he’s got an exit plan that is yet to be revealed.

    Makes no difference, he is a very small potato relative to the people he worked for. Bigger fish will be fried in the coming months and he will be a small notation in history.


  7. John Paradox says:

    # 3 Andrew said,

    As long as 1727-054 gets some sort of food and is held securely and as humanely as can be economically provided, I don’t care where he is.

    Hand him over to Sheriff Joe:

    “But it’s patently unfair to cast him as a symbol of all evil.”

    Well, according to the Bible….1 Timothy 6:9-11 (King James Version)

    9 But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.

    10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

    11 But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.


  8. contempt says:

    To place events in perspective, Madoff is an amateur compared to how much the Obama administration is stealing from investors (taxpayers).

    Go figure?

  9. Thomas says:

    If sending him to a supermax is really an option then he should request capital punishment as it would be more humane.

    I’d be surprised if they sent him to anything other than a minimum security prison. He is 70. His flight risk is almost zero. The security point value is a way of determining the amount of security the individual requires. Part of that involves risk to the individual from reprisals from other prisoners. Thus, I suppose they might send him to a higher security prison for his own protection.

  10. WTF says:

    Why the hell does he get to choose where he goes??? And how can he afford a consultant?? And no pity for him!!! He should have thought about the consequences while he was doing all this crap. Now it’s time to face the consequences….

  11. sargasso says:

    Call me a foolish old shoe, but I gotta feeling, deep down inside, we’re gonna see Mr Bernie Madoff rise again.

  12. ggore says:

    “Symbol of all evil”? Pretty much. Along with Phil Gramm R-TX who authored, and the Republican-majority House & Senate, which in 2002 passed the bill deregulating the financial industry, which made credit default swaps legal once again after being illegal for 80 years, which almost brought down the whole banking system in the US and most of the planet! And this debacle passed on to Obama to fix. If he hadn’t “bailed out” these institutions we would be in a complete depression right now instead of just having to endure some serious pain.

  13. nolaguy says:

    Threaten to send him to Angola here in LA. Maybe that will loosten his lips and give up the rest of those involved (brother, wife and kids).

    This rotten frak bankrupted charities for Christ sake…nothing short of a daily session of shoving a pine cone up his ass could make up for what he did to those people.

  14. King of Pap says:

    I feel so sorry for Mr. Madoff. So very sorry. He was such a fine gentleman. And now, he is being so badly treated. For what? Money? That’s not enough reason to imprison a fine person like Mr. Madoff. I wish he could just stay with me, in my in-law apartment. I would make sure he was comfortable, and bring him nice chicken soup when he was feeling poorly. Poor, poor Mr. Madoff. I am sure he misses his fine penthouse apartment with maid’s quarters. And his wife. Poor woman. Whatever will she do?

  15. jccalhoun says:

    So is Madoff the only Jewish person to ever be sent to a supermax prison or all those other Jewish prisoners not as important as Madoff?

  16. Jane says:

    Funny Madoff blog post

    Madoff Men: The Top Six Greediest TV Characters

    So, to celebrate the biggest and greediest scoundrel of them all getting his, let’s take a look back at some of the other wealthy yet unscrupulous baddies from TV land and some of the lessons that Bernie could – or might – have learned from them.

  17. SparkyOne says:

    #13 nolaguy
    Mostly Jewish charities at that!

  18. Poppa Boner says:

    #1 – Jews can be fucked in the butt too. On the bright side, he’ll never make another noise when he farts.

  19. Ron Larson says:

    “…His flight risk is almost zero…”

    Wrong. His flight risk is extremely high because (a) he has nothing to loose, and (b) he might have a lot of money hidden somewhere to help him hide. If I were him, I’d take off. Why not? What are they going to do, double his sentence?

    And I too have questions:
    (1) How does he had the money to pay a consultant after being convicted? That is money that belongs to his victims.

    (2) How and why does a consultant have influence over the prison system?

  20. King of Pap says:

    Why is he NOT in handcuffs in that picture? If it was me, I am sure I would be chained up.

  21. audion says:

    If we had our priorities straight, he’d be hiring a consultant for finding the cushiest needle.

  22. ridin the short bus says:

    #12 Phil Gramm messed up allt of of peoples lives… interesting you mention him here.. I have a bone to pick with him with the Gram Rudman bill back in the 80’s. I was immediatly effected by this… as for Madoff… he is 70+ who cares what hapens to him!!! I just would not want to be him!!!

  23. Thomas says:

    Baloney. I’m not sure when was the last time you looked at the current crop of human warehouses we call prisons, but the odds that a 70 year old, overweight, stockbroker will effect escape is zero.

    > Why not? What are they going
    > to do, double his sentence?

    All prisons are not the same. If he were to attempt escape, they’d transfer him to a supermax prison. There is a world of difference between a minimum security prison and 23 hours of isolated lockdown.

  24. 888 says:

    He will live in any prison much better than most of the people in the world live today (include some americans, don’t forget).
    And he will live there courtesy of YOUR and MY taxes.

    Justice in his case is death penalty (if we don’t want to be cruel), but much better would hard labor camp until he die (why don’t we have those anymore?!).
    Scumbag like him should clean dirtiest and stinkiest public toilets in NYC subways, with his bare hands. Or clean the shit after totaly senile residents of old people’s houses. Make him work jobs like this until he dies.
    Why keep him comfortable in the jail for crying out loud. Make him useful if we really have to keep him alive.

  25. 888 says:

    “He is going to have white supremacists who do not like the Jewish population. He has got some enemies he is going to have to face.”

    Does that mean we should feel sorry for him or something? LOL LOL LOL
    Hell yeah, for once I can say “white supremacist” may be useful.
    Go KKK! Rape his Jew ass any way you want!
    I’d love to read about it one day with pleasure 😀

  26. amodedoma says:

    Now, if he’d’ve been a 19 year old jew from a trailer park who’d tried to rob the 7-11 with a pellet gun, then he’d go straight to general population and have his teeth knocked out the first night.
    The people are demanding justice, but justice is for sale just like everything else and it’s logical to assume that this guy’s got lots of money stashed somewhere.

  27. GRtak says:

    Hopefully the Judge won’t listen to the requested prison.

  28. cheese says:

    Since when is being jewish = a race? Isn’t is a religion? What does a religion have to do with going to jail for being the biggest con artist in history? Why should I feel sorry for him — shouldn’t I feel sorry for his victims instead? What’s he done for them besides smirk at them in court?

  29. Rich says:

    Consider- he could be the target of anti-Jewish gangs AND possibly some Jewish gangs who figure he let them down and tarnished their name through his actions.

  30. Dave W says:

    I still say he should be put head, arms and feet in stocks on a Wall Street sidewalk. Don’t bother to bring him food. He’ll get enough tomatoes and eggs….


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