Worth a watch. This was covered on Thursday’s No Agenda podcast.

  1. jescott418 says:

    You know this administration is no different then any other. We will be just as sick of Obama in four years as anyone else. Its because nobody really talented and devoted to making things work is in government.
    Its all about people trying to make a name for themselves. Why American’s do not wake up and demand better people in government is beyond me. We seem too easily convinced that they will make a change.
    I still cannot believe how any administration can sell us on another government program like health care. While we are drowning in debt!

  2. Brian says:

    Same crap new faces.

    As bad as the right wingers are about not wanting to hear an opposing view the left is much worse.

    When can we get a real centrist party so we do not have to either give it all to big business or to welfare

  3. soundwash says:

    i was wondering when you were going to find this.

    talk about a breakthrough. i really hope this goes viral.

    the MSM is realizing that events about to unfold in the coming months will severely expose their complicity in the mass deception campaign obama and his cabinet are running.

    Helen is esp pissed because she’s been part of the whitehouse press core for some 50yrs and knows first hand, this administration has taken control of the press
    to a level never done before.

    (she’s also been let down in a big way because she voted for him)

    all of obama’s press conferences
    are highly scripted. they make no effort to hide it either.

    then again, Brand Obama is a brillant attempt to run a presidency as highly produced
    and scripted infomercial for
    which Americans have been programmed to eat up like candy.

    Lets hope this wakes up some die hard obamazoids. -the state of shock they’ll be in when the truth finally hits the fan may very well leave many of them paralyzed to do anything if they learn it the hard way.

    I guess we can say the honeymoon is definitely over and in fact, is headed for a very nasty divorce. (about time too)

    it’ll be interesting how the whitehouse handles this. I’m thinking heart attacks, but
    maybe getting them both on a plane headed over the Indian
    Ocean might be easier to cover,
    what with all the magnetic anomalies and such. i mean,
    what the heck, we have
    celebrities dropping like
    flies lately, who’d notice?


  4. Akyan says:

    What they need is digg dialog. 🙂

  5. Dallas says:

    Agree town hall questions should completely taken at random.

    The delusional republican granny asking if Obama was a Muslim is the current champ.

    However, opened up to the internet we may get the entertainment zinger Americans crave.

    “Ms. Palin, when did your daughter become a whore? “

  6. BigBoyBC says:

    I’ll bet the Obama administration is questioning their decision to move Hellen back to the front row…

    I can’t stand Gibbs, his tone and general demeanor is so condescending. The media may have a liberal bent, but they won’t take that crap for long from administration.

  7. RTaylor says:

    C. J. handled these situations so much better in the Bartlett Administration. Toby was a pain in the ass.

  8. Proud Alien says:

    Remind me, if you would, did Bush and Co ever have anything close to a discussion like this one? No offense, but at the time everyone seemed to be happy to float in the BS they were feeding the public, no questions asked. Nope, Obama is no perfect, but, hey, it’s a step in the right direction.

  9. Grandpa says:

    Such bullshit. Why can’t someone just tax all goods coming into this country of all American based businesses that were sent overseas, press charges and imprison those that hire illegals, and put an end to H1b visas in fields where more than 5% Americans are unemployed.

    End of problems. Americans have work, pay taxes, balanced budget just around the corner.

  10. right says:

    Gibbs was caught red handed and wouldn’t answer the basic question (squirming as fast as possible). Damn. So much for transparency, it’s so disappointing to see this after all the hype.

  11. Greg Allen says:

    This “scandal” needs a BS meter.

  12. Greg Allen says:


    When Obama’s #1 adviser hires his favorite gay hooker to secretly pose as a journalist, I’ll agree with you that Obama is as bad as Bush.

  13. Awake says:

    The hypocrisy of the press in that room goes beyond the physical limits of the laws of the universe.

    The ‘reporters’ in that room are NOT members of the press. They are just there to take notes and regurgitate the talking points that the ‘press secretary’ has been assigned to disseminate. Not once in our lifetime have those ‘reporters’ ever followed up on statements made in that room… no investigative journalism, no challenges, nothing. The exception being Helen Thomas, who for the best part of EIGHT years was never called upon by the Bush Press secretary out of fear that she would ask an actual question.

    The JOB of the Press Secretary is to represent the perspective of the administration, not to provide news. If those aholes that are in that room want to be real reporters, they have to get off their ass and start doing some work, instead of glorified cut-and-paste bloggers.

    On the subject of town hall meetings, the king of meaningless meetings was ‘Dubya’ Bush… his record stands unsurpassed. Not only were his town hall meetings deeply scripted, they were violently anti-freedom of speech and assembly… only the few blessed by the party were allowed to attend or even be in the general vicinity.

  14. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Tap tap tap tap tap tap

    He’s dancing around the question as fast as he can. And yes, both parties do it. I remember in 2001 VP Cheney had a “town hall” meeting at the Minnesota state fair. Come to find out to attend you had to be preselected and screened by the MN Republican party.

    It is time for all media to refer to these meetings as political infomercials, which is what they are.

  15. McCullough says:

    #16. Too bad Billy Mays is gone, he would have made a great press secretary.

  16. SparkyOne says:

    The Bamm Bamm administration best get Helen back on her meds.

  17. Faxon says:

    Of course these Town Hall meetings are bullshit. We all know that. Where is Joe the Plumber? Nowhere to be seen at these things… Just suck up liberal shit.

  18. bobbo, not watching tv for news says:

    #3–soundwash==well done. One of your better missives, or moreso glad to see you post again. Also enjoy seeing Pedro post again although I disagree. C’mon–families values politician’s daughter being a whore. Thats funny no matter who is at issue.

    Back to soundwash. No. The MSM (aka stenography pool) is not only aware of what they do, they do it consciously and willingly==it is in fact their job. Only issue is finding that line being confrontational enough to get your own one hour talk show before being disinvited to the press room.

    The notion that other people don’t know what they are doing just because what they are doing is entirely corrupt defines American Naivety.

  19. deowll says:

    Dallas, why do you hate Palin so much? Did you abort one of your kids or something? Just asking.

  20. bobbo, amused by spin meister shills says:

    #21–do ill==why do Repuglican shill operatives characterize any opinion/comment they don’t like as “hate?”

    Why do YOU hate different opinions/comments? Do you have no other colors on your political palette?

    “You are either on my spam issuing alert list or hate everything we stand for.”

    Anyone with an ounce of objectivity, respect for the political center of America recognizes Palin as “aberrant.” Shill.

  21. done says:

    Anyone with an ounce of objectivity, respect for the political center of America recognizes the Obama White House’s stage-directing of the press and disdain for ordinary people as “aberrant.”

    More generally, I’ve never seen such hatred in American politics…and while the Right has its bombthrowers, the Left seems to be almost entirely filled with spittle-flecked ranters. It’s not even close. I don’t know anyone on the left who has the slightest compunction about wearing an Obama pin to a job interview, or walking into a party filled with strangers saying “Isn’t it great to have a non-demonic government now?” while conservatives know they can get fired or screamed at and shunned if anyone finds out they don’t worship The One.

    Most ordinary folks simply have given up trying to engage their neighbors on politics. Either they are also generally conservative (like most of the productive workers in this country), or they’re going to start screaming that you’re a fascist and try to get you shunned by the rest of the neighborhood.

    I’m moving to another country in August for a 2 year assignment…if I like it I’m not coming back. You guys have the whole sandbox now, and we’re no longer wanted, so enjoy.

    No whining if you’re not in Paradise in 8 years…if Obama’s really all that and a bag of chips, nothing can stop you now that Al Franken has joined the party.

  22. done says:

    #24, no thanks. Don’t want it to get crowded.

    I’ve spent a few weeks there and know several people who have relocated there in the last few years. Lower standard of living, but good safety and health care and a LOT more day-to-day freedom (many fewer lawyers) than the US.

  23. ECA says:

    there is to much BULL SPIT going on in government.

    A person from india asked me about the corruption in getting things done, in INDIA.
    I told him it was the same here.
    He inquired HOW that could be..
    I told him, we tax it, license it, regulated it, INSPECT it and charge for every part of this. Then make it LAW. then add property tax.
    He agreed that it was JUST as bad.

    Look up Socrates.
    those that know Who/what/when/where/how/why of the government, dont like the job. So, we must contend with those that WANT the job and have less skills or have other agendas.

  24. MikeN says:

    Helen Thomas ‘Do you think the media is stupid?’

    Robert Gibbs ‘Yes, since they made you their leader.’

  25. Stopher2475 says:

    I see their point to some extent but there’s always going to be someone who’s question doesn’t get asked based on time. You wouldn’t want one group monopolizing. Maybe they need some third like the college to select a set that makes sure everything gets touched on like in the debates.

  26. Patrick says:

    Who actually expected this administration to be better than the last one?

  27. lop says:

    Patrick, it’s impssible for it to be worse than the last one. Hitler would not be worse than the last one.

    Ok, I take it back…if Obama decides to launch all the US ICBMs straight up and let them come down and nuke us 50 times over, it would be worse. Other than that. it cannot possibly be worse.

    If people like you would join Obama in rebuilding the country, we’d be well on our way. But if you keep throwing wrenches into the works by spreading cynicism and suspicion, it’s not going to get better.

  28. Patrick says:

    # 30 lop said, “Patrick, it’s impssible for it to be worse than the last one. Hitler would not be worse than the last one.”

    Naw, just start by creating even bigger deficits than Bush while at the same time continuing a stupid unwinnable war.

    Hmm, sounds like Obama is WELL on his way.


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