Why hasn’t Jessie Jackson been screeching about this? Will there be a cyber marches on Facebook’s server farms? “I have a dream…”

Abandon your MySpace account for Facebook? You might just be a racist.

At a keynote speech during New York’s Democracy forum at Lincoln Center, Danah Boyd spoke of the racial disparity and possible reasons for mass abandonment of MySpace for the “more cultured” and “less cheesy” social networking site Facebook. Boyd, a social media researcher for Microsoft and fellow of the Harvard University Berkman Center for Internet and Society, stated:

“We might as well face an uncomfortable reality … what happened was modern day ‘white flight’.”

Boyd also observed that:

“The fact that digital migration is revealing the same social patterns as urban white flight should send warning signals to all of us. It should scare the hell out of us.”

Referring to MySpace as the “ghetto of the digital landscape,” Boyd indicated that MySpace users are more likely to be “brown or black” and espouse a different set of ideals in conflict with those espoused by the teens she surveyed over four years. She said that patterns in migration across social networking sites echoed those of a white exodus from cities in the past. Boyd also said that teens who use Facebook are more likely to condescend their MySpace-favoring peers.

“Any high school student who has a Facebook page will tell you MySpace users are more likely to be barely educated and obnoxious… like Peet’s is more cultured than Starbucks and jazz is more cultured than bubblegum pop. And Macs are more cultured than PCs.”

  1. VeryVeryMeanBastard says:

    “I’ve read boyd’s work (and her name is legally dana boyd with no caps. That’s the name her parents gave her”

    Apparently she was fucked up since she was born.
    That explains her gayMac remarks. Being so “special” since childhood (a.k.a. “fucked up” in other’s opinion) she probably always had this urge to do or use everything different than the most people do, lol

  2. deowll says:

    Well people it’s like this. They did a study and discovered that the price of a bottle of win had a great deal to do with how good people thought it tasted and how much they enjoyed drinking it.

    Some of the cheaper win got very high scores and some of the high priced wines got mediocre scores when people didn’t know the price but tell them the price and the price determined how good they thought the wine was.

    Mac snobs, gene snobs, car snobs, even girls have more orgasms if the guy they are having sex with has more money. I think we already knew that one.

  3. AJK says:

    I am a white teen male, and I think this is the largest piece of sh** I’ve seen in a while…can’t they face that fact that facebook is just better than myspace? That is the only reason why I moved from myspace to facebook…

  4. Nimby says:

    The truly elite don’t fuck around with either of them.

  5. Sister Marry Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    #35 – I agree Nimby, I certainly wouldn’t want the general public to know that I’m a racist, atheist bitch from hell, especially here at the convent.

  6. Nimby says:

    #36 – Ahh, Mary. You’re too hard on yourself. Surely you’re not a racist.

  7. soundwash says:


    I’d like to smack the blithering idiot that wrote the article in the back of the head for being a moron.

    I mean wtf, do people have nothing better to do than write articles that will only end up giving Al Sharpton a reason to torture us for two weeks in the news with his racist crap?


    Democracy has ruined this country. Somebody please return it to it’s original Republic roots.


  8. bobbo, only stating the obvious says:

    Mary Handgrenade hasn’t posted in a racist way to my notice, but she certainly isn’t religious either.

    Why Marry? Seems like Merry would fit better, or did you cleave unto a long cylindrical metallic object providing explosive relief as your life long mate? Would being faithful to a long metallic object providing explosive relief violate your marriage to the one and only son of god, god hisself, the holy spirit and how is that not poligamy. Seems to me if you love gas, water, and ice that is still three different things.

    but then I’m not religiously educated in the finer shades of meaning.

  9. amodedoma says:

    Boy, I’m really impressed with this Dana Boyd chick. She knew just what buttons to push. I’ll bet she’ll be selling more books, and charging even more for her appearances in conferences.
    It’s all horse feathers but all you got to do is call a group of white people racist at the right place and time and boom! YOU’RE RICH!
    Now if the site in question were overun by white trash and the same study were made they’d only have class prejudice and that wouldn’t get any attention at all.

  10. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    #39 – Bobbo, I think you should respect my superstitions. The father, the son, the holy ghost, the Easter bunny, Santa Claus and the tooth fairy , I worship them equally because each are equally non-existent. We take up a collection to put the Pope in little red shoes and a solid gold scepter.

  11. ericphillips says:

    So the fact that Myspace doesn’t work well, with often broken features, and Facebook is much more stable (and not over inundated with bands) has nothing to do with this?

    Funniest thing about this “rascism” is that Myspace is owned by News Corp., one of the leading spewers of anti-minority rhetoric around. LOL

  12. Who Cares? says:

    Who cares social networking is for losers, people with ADD,the insecure,low lifes, and wapanese video game fags.

  13. Who Cares? says:

    Who cares social networking is for losers, people with ADD,the insecure,low lifes, and wapanese video game fags.

    Most people still prefer traditional human ways of interaction.

    The internet is just a medium for insecure vitriol spewing cowards to spread their hate.

  14. Tenacious MissD says:

    Everyone up here needs to get a life, go shopping, or spend time with a loved one or child. I can see that there is still alot of hatred in this world and many people probably going to hell, (The covenant chic will be one.) For one, not everyone went to college to get a degree in webmastering or whatever you ELITE people call it. For two, its fun to have something out there in cyberspace that is all yours, diverse and speaks in volumes of whom you are as an individual, whether you are loud and obnoxious from the hood, or the stix. Or you are a harvard grad with an mba, or a graphic designer trying to network. Its a piece of you, if people dont like it they can easily skip your page.

    It seems to me that you people whether black, white, or whatever go galloping through these peoples pages just to find something to harp about. Its sad.

    Plus, facebook is just plain sad. Its borring has no life and stuffy, just like the folks whom frequent it Im sure. I have both and I do find that the folks that do consider themselves in a higher social status, or tax bracket consider themselves better for being facebooker’s. If you feel that your that elite make your own domain and just shut the fuck up and let us little people live. Racist bastards.

    One more thing, to the person who said that most of the universities population is white, well I have a white husband and my children come out looking white, so even though you think your cohabitating with a white person, guess what there is KNEE-GROW in their blood, dumbass.

  15. OHIOBUCK23 says:

    In response to people saying only low lifes use MySpace:

    I use myspace and have a M.A. from Ohio State University. I draw and do art and it is an outlet for my creativity via the web. I don’t use this to sell..just post art for personal gratification. Facebook is for cliquy people who want to stay in the same circle of friends they have always known. Sure I have 100’s of friends from college and high school who are on facebook..hell I played ball at OSU. However, I am not interested in getting an update every minute from the same girls and guys I see at the bar every weekend. In this sense, Facebook is like a digital HIGH SCHOOL. I have these individuals’ numbers…if I need to talk I can call or text them. Lastly, Facebook is mundane and symbolically represents a gated, closed off residential community with the private networks and college networks, etc. So being a Buckeye I can’t meet a person who went to USC because I know no one they know and didn’t go to USC…stupid. I enjoy meeting new people..and I am very good at exposing fake profiles so that is not a problem for me using Myspace. Half the time I don’t even look at my friends list. I just post art and edit my layout.


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