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John and Adam discuss the news of the day from an international perspective

Queue / cue / Q the closing credits — We hope you enjoy the show!

No Agenda Archive

Running time: approx. 90 mins.

  1. robin1943 says:


    Click on the “Injury Compensation” tab at the bottom of the first page of the NVIC website and you can see what this is all about. A bunch of lawyers are drumming up law suits against the drug companies. This is NOT a government organization at all.

  2. tecban says:

    #1 I think Adam predicted Madoff will suddenly “die” in jail (a la Ken Lay) and be relocated to South America.

    Here’s the Wikipedia intro on the NVIC:

    The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is a privately run antivaccination organisation, headquartered in Vienna, Virginia. It was founded in 1982 by parents of children who died or became ill at some point after undergoing routine vaccinations, which they blamed for their child’s sickness. NVIC advocates for what they describe as vaccine safety and informed consent protections in the schedule of childhood vaccinations. The NVIC website contains a large collection of articles published by NVIC on vaccines, infectious diseases, state and federal vaccine legislation, vaccine policies and bioethics.

  3. tecban says:

    Here is a discussion of the Supreme Court’s ruling (from 1905) that people can be forced to be vaccinated, from a Congressional Research Service report dated 2005.


    Jacobson v. Massachusetts is viewed as the seminal case regarding a state’s or municipality’s authority to institute a mandatory vaccination program as an exercise of
    its police powers. In Jacobson, the Supreme Court upheld a Massachusetts law that gave
    municipal boards of health the authority to require the vaccination of persons over the age
    of 21 against smallpox, and determined that the vaccination program instituted in the city
    of Cambridge had “a real and substantial relation to the protection of the public health and safety.”

    In upholding the law, the Court noted that “the police power of a State must be held to embrace, at least, such reasonable regulations established directly by legislative enactment as will protect the public health and the public safety.” The Court added that such laws were within the full discretion of the State, and that Federal powers with respect to such laws extended only to ensure that the state laws did not “contravene the Constitution of the United States or infringe any right granted or secured by that instrument.”

    The Court addressed the constitutional concerns raised by the petitioner in Jacobson,
    but remained unconvinced that his rights were “contravened” by the mandatory vaccination program. The petitioner argued that “his liberty is invaded when the State subjects him to fine or imprisonment for neglecting or refusing to submit to vaccination;
    that a compulsory vaccination law is unreasonable, arbitrary and oppressive, and,
    therefore, hostile to the inherent right of every freeman to care for his own body and
    health in such way as to him seems best; and that the execution of such a law against one
    who objects to vaccination, no matter for what reason, is nothing short of an assault upon
    his person.” The Court rejected the petitioner’s constitutional challenge and noted that “the liberty secured by the Constitution of the United States to every person within its jurisdiction does not import an absolute right in each person, to be, at all times and in all circumstances wholly free from restraint.”

  4. JM Freeh says:

    John and Adam go off the deep end about NVIC, not even realizing that the organization’s mission is to warn citizens about forced vaccination — in other words, NVIC is on their side of issue.

    Curry bloviates on his outrage, completely ignorant of what he is talking about. The guy is so full of himself he doesn’t even bother to read. He just likes whining and making juvenile comments. I will never bother listening to another Dvorak/Curry podcast again.

    Party on, dudes. Who cares if you’re actually making any sense whatsoever?

    What a complete waste of time.

  5. SparkyOne says:

    Thought the artwork would have JCD wearing condoms on each ear. Got to wear that protection.

  6. Grant says:

    I really enjoy listening to John, but the discussion about NVIC.ORG is blatantly ignorant.

  7. We discuss the anomaly on the Sunday show…

  8. Farmer says:

    Adam = Confused on this show (and probably looking for a way to make money out of scaring and confusing people)

    John = Just following along with Adam.

    Should be fun to see what happens next. Come back for the next show for more fun 🙂 hehe

  9. mr. show says:

    #5 If you think that is nonsensical, listen to this…the “Chuckle edition” of No Agenda. It’s the audio equivalent of the cartoon “Garfield without Garfield”.


  10. GotsTheLife says:

    I really enjoyed todays show.

  11. Mustardtits the blind harp blower says:

    Except for the slight factual oversight I thought it was a pretty good show. Very Alex Jonesish.
    I think you guys should tweet(or the equivalent) your talking points a few hours before the show and let the producers vet (is it vet?)the stories, It would work great ,I think.

  12. deowll says:

    I think what the law in Mass. actually says is that in case of plague you can either be vaccinated or stay home and avoid all contact with other people so you don’t spread the bleeping thing nor kill yourself or your family.

    The way things stand we are eventually going to get enough unvaccinated goof balls that they are going to find out why vaccinations are required and vaccines were developed.

    A few years back one of the church colleges of a bunch of such goof balls got hit and they had to close the thing down for a while and for some odd reason they vaccinated the students against the disease or at least the ones that weren’t already sick. If my memory is right a couple of kids died. Some of the others were permanently impaired.

    I’m not sure about the connection if any between autism and vaccination. It is true that some people who get vaccinated as children have autism but it as common among those who don’t.

    Bottom line getting vaccinated is risky. Getting the diseases for which vaccination are given is even more risky. Without vaccinations the diseases would be as common here as in the third world and people would be seriously unhappy about that.

    At least for the present swine flue seems to be just another seasonal flue. The major difference is that with this flavor of swine flue, if you start to run a fever with it, get your self some medical help because things are starting to red line. Mild cases don’t seem to run a fever.

    Oh yeah, if Adam thinks Bush gave himself all that power he’s more ignorant than I thought he was. Congress gave him all that power. The same people whose incompetence brought us the recession and whose incompetence is going to keep in going in the states long after much of the world recovers with the possible exception of the EU. The people running most of the EU seem to be even more incompetent but don’t worry. We are catching up. Just look at California.

  13. BGreenan says:

    A little more research guys before you trash a lady who is only trying to warn us. You owe her and her boobs an apology.

  14. brm says:

    Curry can be such a dumb ass. Doesn’t he read anything (ex: the NVIC site?)

  15. JMFreeh says:

    “We discuss the anomaly on the Sunday show…”

    Oh, and I’ll be SURE to spend a good part of my Sunday listening to excuses about the “anomaly.” That would be a GREAT use of my time.

    Stop the effing Beavis and Butthead routine. You’re just embarrassing yourselves.

    And yeah, get a little editorial help once in a while. Curry obviously can’t handle it, and doesn’t care.

  16. Ken says:

    I like how at 4:00 into the podcast, Curry brags about how in 35 minutes he has done all the research he needs, including knowing everything about forced vaccinations and code reds. Maybe if he spent 36 minutes he would have realized that the woman from the NVIC is not an official govt. spokesperson. Someone needs to tell him that a *.org website is not the same as a *.gov website.

    Pretty fucking sloppy episode guys.

  17. Jlspiry says:

    Freaking LOVED the show. I’m a fellow non-pucker like Adam, though you guys really haven’t talked about that in a long time.
    My dad works for the IRS and I’ve got him listening to you guys. I watched the “World According to Monsanto” video and a bunch of others you’ve suggested.
    If ya’all want a new conspiracy, those florescent light bulbs not only carry mercury but they make AM stations crappy. That’s right, “THEY” are pushing those bulbs so we can’t listen to Michael Savage.

    Can’t wait ’til Sunday,

  18. Bill says:

    Was anyone else really disappointed by this episode, especially their treatment of the forced vaccine section? It seemed they assumed that it was an official Govt statement, realised it was from a group saying the same things as them, then rather than accept they had misunderstood the situation and maybe commit to some further research to verify what she was saying. Rather to make unfalsafiable claims about the nature of her work and the group, effectively slander her and then blithely continue to engage in defamation of character was disappointing and out of order. What on earth motivated them to do it? I always respected JCD’s sense for a story etc but he seriously dropped the ball here. Really poor show (in more ways than one)

  19. Its “new media” people. No need to fact check.
    (something we learned from “real media”)

    Oh, and we can eat on air and we don’t wear headphones either. No need for that.

    30 seconds of show prep (not 30 minutes!) Distrust anything and everything. Hell we can be wrong 80% of the time.. it’s all about numbers my friends. All about numbers. If we can double the listeners by making up shit, that we will do. Just like any other network or podcast you have ever know.

    So please.. Wont you give generously to our show. We have no idea what we will spend the money on. We really have no reason to ask for money because we just wing it. But still. We love you and we know you have money to shovel our way. Please give. Love you. Mean it.

    Gotta run. My new girlfriend is calling. She needs to go shopping for new shoes.


  20. tecban says:

    #19 et al I agree, they both dropped the ball on the NVIC thing, and it got old as the topic went on. Adam should have at least read the Wikipedia article on the NVIC before ranting about it. Usually JCD sniffs out those kind of mistakes and calls Adam out more quickly, but he let it go for some reason. (If I was able to find the information while listening, I’m sure JCD did too.)

    All that being said, the podcast has always kind of just been a chance to eavesdrop into a conversation between these two interesting guys. They aren’t presenting journalism or legal arguments – it’s two guys spouting off, and this isn’t the first time they’ve been flat out wrong like this. For this show in this format, I prefer the conversational feel over them reading through too many notes, even if it means sometimes they miss the mark.

    Overall the episode was a good one, even if that topic gave me mild eye strain from over-rolling.

  21. tecban, it would be fine if the show was promoted as such. “it’s two guys spouting off”
    Saying its your Gateway to REAL information is setting the mark kinda high.

    I guess if you dont care if the stuff they yap about is true or not, it doesn’t matter.


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