Caution: Not terribly gross, but probably in bad taste.

Another example of Microsoft Marketing at its finest. Cripes, what are they thinking? It’s been pulled from distribution but will live forever here and there. We will repost it as necessary.

  1. sadtruth says:

    Still easier to watch than that karaoke music software, what ever it was, commercial.

  2. Joe says:

    Normal reaction to Windows Vista.

  3. Shubee says:

    I disagree. I think it is terribly gross. What else has Microsoft produced that I should be sickened by?

  4. BigBoyBC says:

    Was this done by the same ad house that does those weird Burger King ads?

  5. Hugh Ripper says:

    They really have no idea. Shocking ad about a crap product.

  6. bobbo, watching too much tv says:

    Put this together with the “A-Hole” thread and you have two data points about the direction/location/quality estimates of the American Public by highly paid executives who specialize in these things.

    Could they be right? Rap “music?”

  7. Gasbag says:


  8. RTaylor says:

    #4 That Burger King plastic head has always freaked me out.

  9. rbitting says:

    Okay, let me guess…they were going to run this on the Food Channel?

  10. Ah_Yea says:

    I should go to work for the Microsoft advertising department.

    I mean, if this is the kind of stuff they put out, I don’t have any worries.

    I could do better in my sleep.

  11. Dallas says:

    Throwing up was so cute on the Etrade commercial.

    Not so cute with adults..

  12. FRAGaLOT says:

    Oh My Gawd, you use Internet Explorer?
    >PC gets sick from all the spyware and viruses<

  13. Tippis says:

    Well, hey! It’s not often you see truth in advertising: that’s the exact reaction people should have to IE8…

  14. Special Ed says:

    Wasn’t she in two girls, one cup?

  15. Jägermeister says:

    Wow, Microsoft ads are starting to get classy.

  16. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    I’d puke too if I had to use IE8.

  17. Ron Larson says:

    I could think of a better scenario to illustrate the benefits of a browser’s porn-mode. Like one involving getting fired at work.

  18. dm says:

    Don’t most browsers now have a “porn mode”? Safari has had it since 2005.

  19. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    #17 – I’ve never seen my boss, he’s kind of like the tooth fairy.

  20. V. Omit says:

    Clearly the ad department is addicted to Family Guy and they thought the funny puking on that show would be easily transposed into marketing. Sorry gang, it don’t work that way, duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Where do they get these people? I watched that and thought they were trying to say Microsoft computers are sickening and was expecting to see it be an ad for Apple computers.

  21. Jeremiah says:

    I don’t know, all my roommates thought it was pretty funny. Maybe you guys are just getting old.

  22. Riker17 says:

    I recognize Dean Cain, but who are the other two actors in this piece? The “husband” looks familiar…

  23. dm says:


    I’m not hyping Safari. I just meant that it seems strange for Microsoft to base an advertisement around a feature that other browsers have had for years.

  24. echeola says:

    This was a clueless ad. What are they thinking? This just solidifies my decision never to use IE8.

  25. cheapdaddy says:

    I’ve found wites that work fine in all the other browsers that won’t render properly in IE8, including some made by web design houses.
    I’d puke too.

  26. Buzz says:

    I love the ambiguity. “Caution: Not terribly gross, but probably in bad taste.”

    Probably? PROBABLY?????

    You guys have got to stop cooking steak tartare for breakfast.

  27. cheapdaddy says:

    I’ve found websites that work fine in all the other browsers that won’t render properly in IE8, even some from web design houses. I’d puke too.

  28. Nimby says:

    Career of
    Dean Cain

  29. ridin the short bus says:

    Was that for real?…. Microsoft is on the slide!!!…. We’ll all be using Andriod (XERDSFAE#$#@!) and complaining about it in 5 years!!

  30. qb says:

    Here’s all the Microsoft viral net ads in all their glory.


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