Here’s more info on augmented reality, including a program which collects environmental data from many sources (including networked furniture?!?) and presents it to you.

According to Pachube’s developers:

“Pachube is a little like YouTube, except that, rather than sharing videos, Pachube enables people to monitor and share real time environmental data from sensors that are connected to the internet. Pachube acts between environments, able both to capture input data (from remote sensors) and serve output data (to remote actuators).”

In other words, any kind of sensor you want (from CCTV to air quality monitors) can feed data to your smartphone and pop up one of those graphs. Want to avoid areas with lots of particulate matter in the air? Now you can see those invisible particles by waving your phone around. Or do you want to rent in an office in a building with a small carbon footprint? If the proper sensors are in place, Pachube lets you see the carbon footprint of buildings you enter.

  1. LibertyLover says:

    Still waiting for my neural nanonics . . .

  2. AC_in_Mich says:

    now, if it would only find the bars with the hottest and loosest babes, they would sell gazillions!

  3. jescott418 says:

    Is it always that hazy there? You can hardly see anything?

  4. Dallas says:

    I like this application. For instance as a language translation tool. ie Point to a sign in a foreign language and have it display an English translation!


  5. orangetiki says:

    Looks like a solution looking for a question. It might make sense in national parks for points of interest, but not much else.

  6. KMFIX says:

    Sarah Connor is soooo screwed.

  7. Beonarri says:

    Until I get my Shadowrun style goggles, I am un-impressed.

  8. ren says:

    No one wants networked furniture

    cuz if your couch and bed started leaking logs, it could be a bit embarrassing…

  9. Hugh Ripper says:

    Will it tell you how big an idiot you are if you point the camera back at yourself?

  10. Two to the Head says:

    Phillip! Where can I get that Sweater? My My.

  11. EvilPoliticians says:

    Well there goes my business idea out the window…

  12. Nimby says:

    If, instead of a two or three sentence blurb, it would direct me to the page in the Lonely Planet, that would be nice. Cripes! If you’re looking at a castle, chances are you passed a dozen signs telling you it’s such and such castle. Probably told you not to swim in the moat, too!

  13. Mike says:

    2nd Video, the first building he looks at is most famous for being in ‘The Sound of Music’. Didn’t tell him that on his phone though did it. What a scam.

  14. deowll says:

    Seems like something the military and the cops could use.

    No stupid that’s the wrong house! The one we got a warrant for/need to blow up is over there!

    Could prevent all sorts of problems.

  15. noname says:

    When I am using GPS on road trips I allways thought it would be a great Idea if something like “Pachube” could act as a tour guide and automatically point out landmarks, historical facts. How many time have people drove by noteworthy places not releasing they are missing out on some interesting stuff.


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