The Vatican is quietly conducting two sweeping investigations of American nuns, a development that has startled and dismayed nuns who fear they are the targets of a doctrinal inquisition.

Nuns were the often-unsung workers who helped build the Roman Catholic Church in this country, planting schools and hospitals and keeping parishes humming. But for the last three decades, their numbers have been declining — to 60,000 today from 180,000 in 1965.

While some nuns say they are grateful that the Vatican is finally paying attention to their dwindling communities, many fear that the real motivation is to reel in American nuns who have reinterpreted their calling for the modern world.

In the last four decades since the reforms of the Second Vatican Council, many American nuns stopped wearing religious habits, left convents to live independently and went into new lines of work: academia and other professions, social and political advocacy and grass-roots organizations that serve the poor or promote spirituality. A few nuns have also been active in organizations that advocate changes in the church like ordaining women and married men as priests.

Some sisters surmise that the Vatican and even some American bishops are trying to shift them back into living in convents, wearing habits or at least identifiable religious garb, ordering their schedules around daily prayers and working primarily in Roman Catholic institutions, like schools and hospitals.

They think of us as an ecclesiastical work force,” said Sister Sandra M. Schneiders, professor emerita of New Testament and spirituality at the Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley, in California. “Whereas we are religious, we’re living the life of total dedication to Christ, and out of that flows a profound concern for the good of all humanity. So our vision of our lives, and their vision of us as a work force, are just not on the same planet.”

RTFA. You’ll delight in the tasks of an Apostolic Visitation. Then there’s the bureaucratic inquisition on tap for the Leadership Conference of Women Religious. It seems they’re failing to promote the church’s teaching on male-only priesthood, homosexuality and the Roman Catholic Church as the sole means to salvation.


  1. Joe says:

    Oh, you and your ironic titles…

    Here’s what religion really is.

  2. qb says:

    I was visiting the mother house of an order of nursing nuns a while ago. The average age in the order is about 68. They’ve had no novices for 5 years. In other words, their order is dying off.

    Talking with them there isn’t a hint of sentimentality or anger over the situation. They are actually looking to the future and thinking about what they can do with their facilities, money, and influence to create lasting community legacies after they are gone. They were negotiating with two different universities over the purchase of their teaching hospitals and using the money to build long term aids hospices and support facilities for women coming out of prison.

    It was deeply moving and a remarkable example of practical religiosity.

    Talking with priests I know, they seem to whine a lot about the decline in numbers and are afraid of the future. Enough said.

  3. bobbo, believing in the sanctity of contracts says:

    Yea, well any franchisor will from time to time review all his franchisees to make sure they are living up to their franchise contracts.

    Nuns no different. Why would the freaking Catholic Church allow any variation from the Pope’s Inerrant Interpretation of these empty vessels?

    I’d think the Nun’s would be happy to get put back on the straight path if nothing more than to protect their immortal souls.

    Can’t be free and a follower at the same time.

  4. tcc3 says:

    Um, they are an ecclesiastical workforce. A life devoted to prayer is kind of the whole point.

    I’m no fan of the church, but its their barbecue.

    If you like the good works, but not the subservience to the church and the prayer, whats stopping you from being a good catholic and doing good works as a civillian?

  5. Dallas says:

    #4 Totally agree. I like you term “their BBQ” – LOL

  6. Dallas says:

    I’m very disturbed at this vicious attack on nuns by the taliban within the church.

    While I agree this is not my business or as tcc3 said, their BBQ, nuns are one of the few things about the church that many people admire.

    The Flying Nun was one of my favorite shows growing up alongside Gilligan’s Island and Maxwell Smart.

    Shame on the church for attacking their nuns.

  7. billabong says:

    The whole church including nuns,priests,lay workers and members are being told to shape up and become conservative or get out.This is from an institution that just forgave Galileo for heresy.The catholic church left me I didn’t leave the church.

  8. Benjamin says:

    It seems that too many of the nuns got out of the “habit” or wearing a nun uniform.

  9. GF says:

    I’m not a Catholic but I guess I could say I am since most of you think it’s ok to do whatever you want. Yea, that’s the ticket, I’m Catholic and enjoy wild sex orgies with nuns, big flaming BBQs and going to fashion shows where Madonna dresses up as Jesus whilst showing off her love canal. Damn skippy.

  10. KingTester says:

    Nuns should have nothing to worry about after all they have sworn allegiance to the Pope. Whatever he says is so even if it contradicts scripture.
    Eph: 2:8-9 Salvation is by grace alone.

    Not grace + communion + baptisim +good standing in the church.

  11. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    It’s a shame, though hardly new, that in seeking to be a true blessing to mankind, these nuns feel they must reject some of the teachings of the Church.

    Obviously, they should be taught a lesson that they won’t soon forget 😉

  12. picky says:

    The word is tact not tack, you fucking moron.

  13. right says:

    “Whose the moron now?”’s “Who’s the moron now?”

  14. tcc3 says:

    Hey Alfred, while you’re in there look up Statist for me.



  15. Uncle Don says:

    Is there a precedent for removing a bad Pope?

  16. Dallas says:

    #13 Alfred – I too read and enjoy most of your views (those 10 lines or less). Your circular explanations provides me some insight into the deranged mind.

    For the record, I don’t hate religion. It provides many a sense of belonging and a form of self assurance of the unknown. The brain craves answers – even if it needs to make one up.

    I’m sure Jesus existed and was likely a wonderful hippie liberal of the times that promoted peace and harmony.

    What I oppose are Jesus helper bees! It just seems like I hate religion but I don’t!

  17. Dallas says:

    #18 I don’t think so. The only one that may be able to remove a pope is the pope’s secretary. As in the business world, the secretary is all powerful.

    You may want to see Ron Howard movie “Angels and Demons”. I won’t tell you the ending to not ruin it.

  18. fulanoche says:

    #18 Uncle Don

    Check with the Hondurans. They may have a suggestion.

  19. Couldn't keep from saying it says:

    Nuns do much of the dirty work no one else is willing or able to do. They ease the suffering of the downtrodden and hopeless every single day.

    Nun- def. Ain’t ever had none, ain’t getting none now and ain’t never gonna get none.

  20. qb says:

    #22 Alfred1

    Hi sailor, new in town?

    (Bets on whether he gets it?)

  21. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    I just gave birth to another Alfredone. Luckily I was able to fully flush it, but I did have to bust it up with a coat hanger.

  22. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    #23 – Where the hell did you ever get that idea? We run bingo games and try to keep the priests away from little boys. Holy shit, we’re not all Mother Fucking Theresa.

  23. brian t says:

    Nuns! Nuns! Reverse! Reverse!

    I had some nuns as schoolteachers when I was a kid, living in Sooth Africa at the time. It was the right job for them, and they wore what looked like a bad school uniform every day – grey on gray. They were not nice people, though, but that may have more to do with being schoolteachers …

  24. Angel H. Wong says:

    You get what you preach for.

  25. qb says:

    Not only is Alfred1 getting powned, he’s powning himself. There’s a word for that…

  26. jccalhoun says:

    Nuns do much of the dirty work no one else is willing or able to do.

    Hmmm…. sounds like we should get illegal immigrants to become nuns!

  27. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #30 qb, is the word “statist”?

    It’s a guess, but that’s my final answer.

  28. qb says:

    #32 Gary, I was thinking of something far more rude. However, your answer is far funnier. 😉

  29. Uncle Patso says:

    Remember when they used to make movies about nuns? When was the last time you saw a story about nuns? (Other than the Elvis movie.)

  30. qb says:

    #34 Doubt from last year. It’s a long way the Sound of Music.


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