California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Wednesday declared a fiscal emergency for the government of the most populous U.S. state to force lawmakers into a special session to tackle a $24.3 billion state budget gap.
Lawmakers have failed to agree on a spending plan that balances the state’s budget for its new fiscal year, which began early Wednesday morning, and budget talks are at an impasse.
“Though the legislature failed to solve our budget problem yesterday, rest assured that solving the entire deficit remains my first and only priority, and I will not rest until we get it done. I will not be a part of pushing this crisis down the road — the road stops here,” Schwarzenegger said in a statement.
Other states available at discount rates. I wonder what I can find on Craigslist…
#29 – MikeN – Hey Dallas, the only reason Arnold is Governor is because voters hated the fiscal mess created by Gray Davis.
But they must love Arnold’s fiscal mess.
Prop 13 has got to go.
Said from someone that does not own a house.
You mean like Grey Davis who got swindled by Enron? A liberal Democrat in office would only make it worse. A moderate Democrat (which means fiscally conservative) would be the equivalent of Arnold (a moderate Republican).
Again, I ask how is it that the State with one of the largest personal tax rates and one of the largest populations and the largest budget cannot live within that budget?
The problem is that the CA Democrats only want to quick fix this year’s problem. The CA Republicans are opposed to raising taxes without any solution to prevent them from getting into this problem next year. Without an actual fix, we’ll be here again next year and they’ll just want to again raise taxes ad infinitum.
And the Democrats are continuing to establish themselves as a party that cannot understand the fundamentals of economics. Don’t spend money you don’t have.
Republicans unable to compete with the common sense of Obama are now working in the background, still trying to do as Limbaugh wants by killing the country one bite at a time at state level. No new taxes to pay for all the stuff you now want.
# 34 Don Quixote said,
“No new taxes to pay for all the stuff you now want.”
No. More like no new taxes to pay for all the stuff that other people told me I want. If other people want that stuff then let them pay for it. The legislature obviously did not care about my (or other voter’s) opinion about what services I was willing to pay for (and how much) so don’t expect me to pay for them.
CA is a great example of what happens when Republicans(by defination) start behaving as Democrats(by defination) – there is no one left to say; “Let’s not spend money we don’t have”.
Result is a whole lot of money is given to a bunch of people who’s primary ability in life is to convincingly lie to an audience so well that they give away their vote.
Is it any wonder that we’re in the mess we’re in.
#35, Steve,
The legislature obviously did not care about my (or other voter’s) opinion about what services I was willing to pay for (and how much) so don’t expect me to pay for them.
Now that is a great opinion. If you don’t like something, withhold the taxes. I guess that leads to the question, then who will pay any taxes?
I don’t like the police, so no tax money for them. The military spend way too muuch, no tax money for them. I don’t attend school, so no tax money for them. I didn’t get picked top go to the Space Station, so no tax money for them. The Department of Agriculture didn’t stop the latest contaminated hamburg problem so no tax money for them. Homeland security allowed some illegal aliens to enter the country, so no tax money for them. I disagree with several Supreme Court opinions, so no tax money for them.
Simple fix. Start charging the mega-rich, living in CA., real and significantly more taxes. They’re all there making a huge bundle while living in that state. And probably getting to use the lion’s share of state resources to do it. But probably have bribed state representatives to keep their taxes low (or non-existent). And all this special interest wheeling and dealing, has strapped the state for cash. Plus the import biz uses CA. ports to bring in cheaply priced goods, that put americans out of a job. So up the tariffs, to compensate Arnie. And stop putting it all on the back of people without jobs and their own lobbyists.
Suddenly, Arnold, the clever businessman, isn’t doing so well running the state. Eh?
Mr. Fusion said,
“Now that is a great opinion. If you don’t like something, withhold the taxes. I guess that leads to the question, then who will pay any taxes? ………………..”
That’s not quite where I was going with my comment, but be careful. If you insert the right tax funded item (abortion, death penalty, war in Iraq, etc), most people would definitely say I don’t want their tax money to go to that.
What I was complaining about was I feel very unrepresented by the State of California Legislature. They appear to work for the special interest groups that fund their campaign funds, not for me or you. They continually create programs and push agendas that the State cannot possible fund in the long term.
And when you have “Taxation without representation”, people in this country eventually tend to do something extreme about it.