Video: Smoke, sign or UFO over park in Va.? – — This was from a couple of weeks ago and was dismissed by the media as an anomaly.

Virginia family believes the black ring they saw in the sky during a trip to an amusement park was a sign from God.

Officials at Kings Dominion, a theme park near Fredericksburg, say the ring Denna Smith and her family spotted Monday was smoke from the Volcano ride, WAVY-TV, Portsmouth, reported.

Smith told the television station the ring was perfectly round and so tight it was “like a cut in the middle of the sky,” that it did not look like smoke. She said the family prayed together as soon as they got home.

  1. lynn says:

    Looks like God lost a contact lens.

  2. Manfromuncle says:

    Obviously burn-in from the cheap camera they were using. Clever trick from amusment park to get you to look into the sky, while you are being pick pocked for more money..

  3. JimR says:

    they were shooting through a car window… see the first few frames. The mark is on the window.

  4. deowll says:

    Well if it wasn’t done to the film after it was put on a computer and that is a big if in this day and age. I’d say it was a clear ballon with something wrapped around it.

    P.S. Maybe 30 years ago I came out of a building at night and say a flashing light floating along at about telephone pole hight. It was inside a clear rectangular bag no doubt full of hydrogen or helium. No doubt somebody was wasting time trying to scare we poor ignorant country/small town types only it didn’t even get reported.

  5. John Paradox says:

    One (smoke) Ring to rule them all!


  6. deowll says:

    # 3 I think you got it. A clear stick on with a little crap around it and would look just like that.

    People do love to pull pranks and see how many people they can get to fall for them.

  7. mawd says:

    #3, I don’t think it’s attached to the window. They certainly were inside a car (or something), but at about 0:05 – 0:08 you can see both the window frame, and the ride outside. The position of the object is moving in relation to both. If it was actually attached to the window I would expect it’s distance from the frame to remain the same.

    Also, the “ring” is much crisper than the window frame. To get that level of focus on something that was only a few inches away from the lens (ie something stuck to the window) I would expect the window frame to be more less fuzzy and the ride in the background to be out of focus as well.

    Finally, it may just be my eyes playing tricks on me, but at just about the 1:00 mark, it looks like the shape changes slightly. But I can’t really tell.

  8. sadtruth says:

    “She said the family prayed together as soon as they got home.”

    How does our civilization continue to produce such lumpen drek?

  9. Gil says:

    If you scroll the movie back n forth, you can see that the ring certainly moves to the right.

    What I believe is more anomalous about this footage is that more people didn’t see it. When phenomena occurs in a crowded public place, it’s odd that a huge number of people DON’T report it. I’d expect a huge explosion of tweets about this if it were legitimate.

  10. Shane says:

    Do a Goggle image search for “smoke ring ufo”….you’ll see a bunch of these.

  11. deowll says:

    I went back and looked at the video again. So for as I can tell the visual distance from the object and the tower stayed the same nor did it seem to move against the background.

    The camera did move.

    AS for #8. Sadtruth, I think you are being hoaxed by a like minded person. Sucker.

  12. McCullough says:

    There is a certain type of machine that produces these, it’s an entertainment thing for concerts..etc.

    My friend just saw them being set off at Bonaroo Music Festival in Memphis.

    From Burning Man:

    Now the question is: What’s that white thing under the smoke ring…hmmmmmmmm?

  13. Evan G. Ellical says:

    #12 – that’s the doorway of the devil! get down on yer knees and repent!

  14. Sailboatfool says:

    this is how to make a smoke ring. Join a pyro club and have fun!

    [In order to see this video, you will have to right click and download this file. It’s a cool video. – ed.]

  15. Improbus says:

    Poor evangelical southern crackers with not a single critical thinking brain cell between them. I almost pity them.

  16. LibertyLover says:

    They are known as “orbis of atrum effercio.”

  17. The Elite Establishment says:

    Heh heh we still got them praying to smoke rings in the sky. Good to see the old tricks still paying off.

    It’s almost like playing Simon says. No wait thats the new trick on Fox Monday nights this summer.

  18. Ballenger says:

    Shot through Plexiglas with a hole cut out of it OR adhesive from a GPS windshield mount?

    [See comment #12. – ed.]

  19. Jopie says:

    I’ve seen a very similar ring over a music-festival once, it seemed to come from the ground an grew larger as it went up to couple of hundred meters.
    I presumed then it was part of the festival and it seems likely this ring is also produced by some machine at the amusement park.

  20. KarmaBaby says:

    Its a smoke ring. Right before the video ends, it starts to disperse.

  21. Jopie says:

    Probably made with a bigger version of this.
    It doesn’t look really hard to pull off.

  22. Robart says:

    They are taking Michael back to the mothership.

  23. just jimmy says:

    Looks like a smoke ring, but seems really crisp to me. As far as the car window theory, that’s a load of bunk. They are obviously inside the amusement park, judging by the relative position of the tower-of-terror ride on the right side of the video. Chances are they are under an awning or eating pavilion.

    Maybe the gov’t is finally testing the invisibility cloak. If you look at all the old sci-fi movies, this is what an aircraft looks like when “invisible”. And we all know the gov’t gets all their good ideas from sci-fi…

  24. Zybch says:

    #16 Almost.

  25. Wretched Gnu says:

    #1 for the win.

  26. Winston says:



  27. Animal Mother says:

    I see a lot of vids of these rings. They must be easy to produce.

  28. Drpiper says:

    I have been to Kings Dominion. The video was most definately shot from within the park and not from a car. The parking lot is now where near where this video was shot from. However, they are pointing the camera towards where the Volcano rollercoaster is. The Volcano roller coaster lets loose with a huge burst of flame from the top of the volcano a couple of times an hour. This video is not a hoax, just a unique combination of weather and the flame from the Volcano.

    These people are just stupid idiots without an ounce of sense in their little pea picking heads.

  29. Hugh Ripper says:

    Its a miracle! God has sent us a sign! A ring! A smoky lookin ring in the sky! A miracle! Its a God Ring! Its God sending us a sign…with a sky ring…a God Sky Ring thing…is a sign….it means….time to pray! Yes pray! Pray to the Sky Ring God! A miracle….etc etc.

    Sheesh…time God learnt to tweet if you ask me.


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