![]() Daylife/AP Photo used by permission
The Minnesota Supreme Court today decided that Franken, a Democrat, won the highest number of votes in last year’s U.S. Senate race and deserves a signed election certificate.
The court said that Republican Norm Coleman didn’t prove that a lower court made mistakes requiring a rehearing of the case. Coleman had asked the court to order thousands of rejected absentee ballots counted. He had hoped the counting would allow him to overcome Franken’s 312-vote lead.
The court’s decision brings to an end the seven-month state fight over the Minnesota Senate race. Franken has had a lead since January and a trial court decided in April that he won the highest number of legally cast votes.
But Coleman has fought that determination, first in front of a three-judge panel and then in front of the state Surpeme Court. He had left open the possibility that he would wage a federal court fight for the lead either by appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court or by encouraging supporters to file a suit in federal court.
Neither of those would necessarily keep Franken from being seated.
So, when is Al going to be sworn in?
He’ll be sworn in on Saturday Night Live.
I’m thinking he’s going to end up a lot less crazy than some of the nitwits in the senate.
Man, don’t you know that Superman always wins? Read some comics fool!
When selective recounts for Al Gore were stopped by the Supreme Court, W was deemed to have “stolen” the election. When the recount is requested by the Republican, he’s abusing the system.
I believe both Franken and Bush had the votes to win, but it would be nice to have some consistency from those on this site who can maintain that Coleman should have gone away over 312 votes, while Gore was justified in fighting.
Hey, fair’s fair! If Minn elected him, then thats all there is to it.
#5 had a good point too.
Don’t forget Minnesota also elected wrestling star Jesse “the body” Ventura as the governor.
I seem to remember that the Republican was ahead until the recount. So, this is just typical “keep counting till the Democrat wins” stuff.
Answering #5:
November 5, 2008:
U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman today gently suggested that Democrat Al Franken concede the U.S. Senate race to him, thereby beginning the healing process.
“The prospects of overcoming 725 votes is extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely remote,” said Coleman, speaking at his campaign office in St. Paul late morning.
“If you ask me what I would do, I would step back,” said Coleman […]
You’re right, Random Ogre. It _would_ be nice to have some consistency.
But it has nothing to do with us. Coleman is all alone in inconsistent-douchebag-land because he HIMSELF swore he would concede, then didn’t.
But this is hardly surprising from the party of “My bedroom is private, but what’s going on in YOURS, hmmm?”
Good for them, having an angry, unfunny, past-his-prime comedian as Senator.
First Ventura as Gov., now Franken as Senator. Is the cold making them stupid?
Sanity and stupidity are very different. Thank you for insulting my state. And where are you from sir?
Err that was supposed to be 11. Bah there is that sanity slipping again.
“I’m good enough, I’m smart enough and, doggone it – people like me!”
— Stuart Smiley
#11 GigA, what we need are more amiable old ex B-Movie actors. Is Fred MacMurray still alive?
#14 has it right. I can’t wait for his first ‘speech’ .
I think people may be surprised.
He has more votes, according to a VERY thorough recount.
Mr. Coleman, you lost. This is about your state, not about you. Time to cede (well, it continues to be time to cede).
“I’m NOT good enough, I’m NOT smart enough and, doggone it – (apparently NOT enough) people DON’T like me!”
— Stuart Smiley; US Senator in The End Times
Finally, now I get to watch this dumbass in the senate with all the other dumbasses. This is going to be funny as hell.
Perhaps a dead man’s party is in order just to thank the 2812 dead voters that made the Franken victory possible.
Yep, it’s a miracle and definitely above and beyond the call of civic duty.
Reading this kind of DU crap explains why the current nastiest name you can call the most obnoxious, deceitful and despicable person you might ever run into, is “Republican”.
I think #5 makes an excellent point. Both Gore and Franken strove to keep absentee ballots uncounted. I wish I knew why those ballots were rejected. I hope it’s not that Democrats fear absentee ballots because so many of them are from overseas military people who tend to be conservative. That would be dirty politics, and we here at DU know that only those mean-spirited, evil Republicans ever engage in that. I don’t know that the Democrats didn’t allow people who are putting their lives at risk for our country to vote, but I know they tried it in 2000 then cried foul when the ploy failed. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if that’s what happened here, the only difference being the ploy worked this time.
Yeah, Ahminedjad won a landslide, too.
The postal union is Democrat, isn’t it….
This is very important. It gives the Democrats 60 seats in the Senate. They can bust a filibuster, if united.
#12 & #13
Arkansas and yes it was the heat that caused us to elect Clinton and Huckabee.
I have listened to him on Air America though I totally disagree with him at least he is one liberal who can logically argue his point with out resorting to the usual name calling of racist or homophobe, Hitler or the usual religious nut.
I dont think he won but the rule of law says he is the winner so now he is the senator.
About time.
God bless America, this is great news.
I am very happy for Senator Franken…. Did you hear that? Senator Franken.
It kind of rolls off your tongue doesn’t it.
Very happy for Al Franken… now let’s get to work people.
Now that the Democrats have their 60, watch the wolves among them, show their true colors and start holding out their votes to get their pieces of pork…