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Demonstrator tries to escape police |
Ultra-Orthodox Jews, angry at the opening of a parking lot on the Jewish sabbath, clashed with police separating them from secular Jerusalem residents who held a protest on Saturday in support of the move.
Police moved in to separate the demonstrators after ultra-Orthodox Jews started hurling stones and vegetables. A police spokesman said 24 people were arrested and four policemen suffered minor injuries.
Tensions have been brewing in the city over plans by Jerusalem’s Israeli mayor, Nir Barkat, to reopen a parking lot on Saturday, a move that could draw more traffic into the city on the Jewish sabbath…
Tensions reached a new peak on Friday when thousands of Ultra-Orthodox Jews walked through a main street in the city in protest at Barkat’s decision. Some scuffled with journalists and photographers covering the march…
Barkat became mayor in November after beating ultra-Orthodox Uri Lupolianski. He ran on a platform of reversing an exodus of secular young Jews who leave to cities like Tel Aviv and Haifa in search of better job opportunities.
The intolerance of fundamentalist religions confounds me. When push comes to shove, they are as violent, cruel and egregious as any other leftover cave-dweller.
I don’t get it either. Virtue and salvation should be its own reward==not forcing people who disagree with you to act in conformity especially when their sacrilege doesn’t affect you at all?
So does God command orthodox Jews to prevent others from working on Saturday or are these Jews just going for ego points?
Morality. Its a wonderful thing and we all have it. People doing opposite things in the same name, but what at all is “moral” about using force to make someone else conform to your personal preferences?
More people should care less about what other people do.
Uh… if you’re not supposed to work on the sabbath, isn’t throwing stones and vegetables “work”? Hell, you’re not allowed to turn on a light on the sabbath! Or boil water…
All “true believers” are loons. Alfred?
Yes, they are to prevent anyone ELSE from working too.
In fact, if they need something done, they cannot ASK for you to do it either.
#4…Interesting. If they’re not supposed to be doing anything, what could they possibly need?
Crap, this is how I got in trouble with my Catholic wife…expecting logic from her religion.
It’s always amazing what folks consider rational vs silly. Folks think it’s perfectly reasonable that two Koalas ‘walked’ (don’t ask how) from Australia to Jordan/Egypt to get on Noahs ark, but the idea of a Flying Spaghetti Monster (all praise his noodley appendage) is just OBVIOUSLY silly. Crazy is crazy.
Good ole AlfredENewman. Can’t tell the difference from his country and another…
It’s hilarious the lengths they go to to find loopholes so they can continue to live in a modern society under a law that was designed for pagan desert dwellers.
Makes them good Lawyers I guess.
Lets say you locked yourself out of your home. You cannot ask someone to help in anyway. Or you can, but it has to specifically be not “work”. And can you guess the punishment? Five letters. First one “D” and the other “EATH.”
The world would be a much nicer place if religions had never developed. They all started with the sun worshipers, and got steadily worse. No other species requires this hypothesis for it’s existence. Will humanity ever progress beyond the stone age in this department?
Probably. And then we’ll go right back again. The Pendulum of Humanity!
feel the love of god………..
#11, “No other species requires this hypothesis for it’s existence.”
No other species is intelligent enough to sit around an ponder where they came from either.
Two “Indians” standing on a hilltop, father & son…. The elder points to the Moon: “Someday, son, all White Men go there and we get our land back….”
Back to topic, cults is cults…. What we now call “Ultra-Orthodox” was the result of trying to keep the “group” together over centuries of persecutions. To some extent, they’ve managed to maintain a presence in Israel since the Romans bailed out, but the result is a perversion of Judaism, IMO….
It all, IMO, comes from a concept that says that “if we ALL follow EVERY Commandment (there are something over 600 of them) absolutely correctly, the Messiah will come. “Get the ritual right!” In this respect the result is as nutty as any other “fundamentalist” group….
They threw vegetables, on a Sabbath?
Actually if the fundies would just really be fundies, the “no work” rule would be almost irrelevant. Its the “acitivist living fundies” that are the problem equating turning on a light switch to the prohibition of lighting a fire. Hell (sic) I would consider myself a good jew turning on my gas oven via the knob—“I” didn’t light anything. Still didn’t read anything about forcing other people to follow the jewish rules==that is other jews who aren’t quite as nuts. Lock-em up Dano.
“I would consider myself a good jew turning on my gas oven via the knob—”I” didn’t light anything.”
And that’s why you would actually be a BAD Jew. You did work, or did something which made work. Either way, death is the punishment.
My gas stove doesn’t have a pilot light, so it always sparks a new flame. Definitely not kosher…
I like the suit…
Re: Alfred1:“How can anyone be against killing tens of millions of babies before they are born!”
If I had the power, I would have you raped by a backwoods hillbilly with an IQ of 43, and you would get preggers with siamese triplets.
Is that guy running in the picture protecting his head with a stack of bibles?
i dont have a great knowledge of judaism, but wouldnt the sabbath also not allow them from prosting on that day? 😛
WHY would you force more AlfredENewmans on the rest of us? WHY?
Re#24, Named: “WHY would you force more AlfredENewmans on the rest of us? WHY?”
…. no problemo Named, Alfred would drive his Hummer to Canada within a week (after he stopped crying), get an abortion, shoot all the witnesses in self defense, sleep with a 12 year old hooker and then wake up laughing hysterically that God would give him such a saucy dream.
Orthodox Jews can’t work on Saturdays, but they can riot?
Can’t you keep him in the US? Say… Flint where he will imagine that he’ll buy up depressed property for a profit?
“Uri Lupolianski. He ran on a platform of reversing an exodus of secular young Jews who leave to cities like Tel Aviv and Haifa in search of better job opportunities.”
Jews leaving the Holy Land for a better life elsewhere. So when they finally get Israel exactly the way they what it (Arab free), then they’re just as likely to abandon it, for greener pastures. Have you see the place? The Holy Lands aren’t exactly lush. I think many are living there, just because someone said they couldn’t.
#7 Ramen!
#22 I think it’s a round fuzzy hat called a “Shtreimel”. Things are darn expensive apparently.
As someone who grew up an orthodox Jew I feel the need to set the record straight. These people are hypocrites. This is not the norm, they are just crazy extremist who represent no one but themselves. This has been going on for a long time and is not new news. Right now in my life I think organized religion is just crap. However there are plenty or respectable intelligent people who have faith and I have nothing against them. These people are simply wackadoos and should be seen as just that and not as a representation of “orthodox” or “ultraorthodox” religious Jews.
Now exactly what makes them different from muslims? They boths seem wacko.