– Pelosi Won’t Give Public a Week to Review Text of Health-Care Bill Before House Votes on It — Whatever happened to the public review promises made by the Democrats? What gives?

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi D.-Calif. will not give the public a week to review the final text of a health-care reform bill before it is voted on later this year.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid D.-Nev. has also declined to commit to giving the public a week to read and consider the final health-care bill.

At her press briefing on Thursday, Pelosi was asked whether the health-care bill would be handled differently than the stimulus bill, which came up in February. The 1,071-page final text of that bill was posted on the House Appropriations Committee’s Web site late on a Thursday night and then voted on the next day.


  1. steelcobra says:

    “Whatever happened to the public review promises made by the Democrats? What gives?”

    2/3rds majority of the seats is what happened.

  2. The Commodore says:

    I seem to recall a similar issue when Hillary was in charge of crafting health care reform during Clinton’s first term. Now all I can imagine here is an overbearing mother shrieking at us saying “don’t worry about what’s in it; it’s good for you. EAT IT!”.

    I’m not willing to give anyone the benefit of the doubt here. Public airing or no bill at all.

  3. AppleIIGuy says:

    Just shows that the only thing more crooked than a politician is a crook.

  4. newrepublican says:

    All it shows is that none of y’all read the news. Mostly for IT reasons, that was dropped weeks ago.

    Guess they didn’t discuss it on Fox Snooze.

  5. roastedpeanuts says:

    What is wrong with this country?

    One would think things are getting worse but I’m starting to believe it’s just that the level of access we have to information has increased rather than the crookery.

    What bs. Vote libertarian.

  6. EvilPoliticians says:

    But we voted for Change! So Change they give us!

    Fracken politicians. They know the public will not stand for the specific changes they are putting in place (not that they themselves have read everything). The Demobrats are pushing every agenda item they can while they still can.

    Reminds me of Bush post-election ’04 when he stated he was given political capital and was going to spend it. Didn’t last long…

  7. chuck says:

    President Obama should show a little political courage and announce that he will not sign the bill if it hasn’t been made available for public review.

    He has nothing to lose. The democrats will pass it anyway.

  8. Dallas says:


    This is was the one Congressional bill I was going to read this week.

    Now I have nothing to do on thursday

  9. deowll says:

    This is the kind of crap that gave Bush the right to go to war any time he wanted, the Patriot act to spy on everybody, and the bail out for “Fat Cats Ripping Off the Public Are Us”.

    They are trying to finish up using the same thing on the so called Energy Bill and they are going to do it with the Health Care Bill.

    The idea is obviously to pass a bill before the public finds out what’s in it they don’t like. The problem is when the public does find out it isn’t going to be happy.

    I don’t understand. Don’t the Democrats want to continue to hold power?

  10. Greg Allen says:

    I had to burrow a couple of clicks to discover that “CNS News” was one of those right wing news spinning sites.

    C’mon John!

  11. EvilPoliticians says:

    # 10 Greg Allen

    I had to burrow a couple of clicks to discover that “CNS News” was one of those right wing news spinning sites.

    So the fact that it came from a right wing site means the fact they reported isn’t true?

    Or does your allegiance to the Demobrats warp time unlike the non-believers?

  12. bobbo, knowing the mob is not democratic says:

    with rare exception, when has public comment ever been really helpful? The FEW cases I can think of is when our elected officials got into office and then proposed things opposite to what they had run on promised–eg, the continuing consolidation of media ownership.

    But WE DON’T LIVE IN A DEMOCRACY. WE LIVE IN A REPUBLIC. So, the dems allow 7 days for loons to voice their “opinions” whereas the reps gave less than a day all with no foreseeable difference except the mob feels they haven’t been consulted?

    Meet the new boss, same as the old boss because it is more about “the SYSTEM” than the people. Just as it always is.

  13. faxon says:

    So what? It is going to pass, no matter what anybody thinks about it. Brace yourselves. Just like the Cap And Trade. More bullshit from Washington.

  14. SparkyOne says:

    DEMOCRACY or a REPUBLIC it matters not. The Cub Scouts have “den mothers” and the US Government has “dumb mothers”.

  15. Timuchin says:

    More ominous is that they don’t seem to care what the majority of voters think. Are they intending to cancel the next elections?

  16. B.Dog says:

    Sheep must be heard a herd:

  17. Ah_Yea says:

    #12, bobbo.

    It matters because we the people want to know. Then we want to hold our representatives accountable.

    It also matters because it shows either or both of two things:

    1) Obama lied about a review period, and/or
    2) Pelosi has more influence and power in the government than Obama.

    I pick #2. Pelosi is acting as the Commander in Chief, and Obama apparently cannot do anything about it.

    Pelosi is running roughshod over Obama at every turn. Congress is following her lead.

    As I said from the beginning, “Who is actually in charge of the Democratic Party?”

    Now we know.

  18. Central Scrutinizer says:

    Pelosi and Reid are almost as bad a Gingrich and DeLay were.

  19. Nimby says:

    How did Pelosi get out of “the CIA lied to me” fiasco, anyway? And now here she is saying FU to the public. One of the largest, most nation changing pieces of legislation ever and she says you don’t need to know what’s in it. Just bend over and relax. Everything is rush, rush, rush. Unless this health care plan is the greatest thing since firehouse poles were installed in strip clubs, I think the Dems are heading for a major upset in 2010.

  20. mr. show says:

    Why John why? Now I’m picturing Pelosi dressed as Wonder Woman and I think I like it a little too much. Curry’s right…nice rack!

  21. Athon says:

    Not like anything would happen if we read it would it?

    Just a bunch of pacifists on DU looking for a leader that will never come.

    Keep whining to each other…like it matters.

  22. Athon says:

    Now that I am on the soap box…next time there is a vote, get off your fat asses and vote for someone competent.

  23. Troublemaker says:

    How is this different than any other bill signed into law these days?

    How many hours did they have to sign the Patriot Act, which was much more harmful to the security of Americans than this bill?

    Ron Paul – Patriot Act – NOBODY READ IT!

  24. yoiksandaway says:

    (I don’t understand. Don’t the Democrats want to continue to hold power?)

    Of course, but how does THIS hurt them?

    1-They own the media, and if the Republicans actually find a decent candidate, the media will demonize and smear them into oblivion.

    2-The Congress will have gerrymandered Repubs into permanent minority status, so even high turnout will not matter…the new voters enrolled by then (we don’t need no stinkin’ citizenship) and the ACORN canvassing will see to it that they will have nothing to worry about.

    3-No one cares… did you hear Micheal Jackson died?

  25. soundwash says:

    I’ll Bet you they dont show it because saves money by banning lawsuits against all medical practitioners..

    Think about it.

    Americans have been turned into sue happy hamsters.

    If Uncle Sam is going to take over health
    care, it HAS to have language that limits
    (or bans) liability/damage/malpractice. lawsuit payouts.

    Given our sue happy nature, GovCorp Medical would be broke in the first year.

    Case in point: Tamiflu and Oseltamivir
    have been given immunity:

    HHS extends liability shield to antivirals used for H1N1

    What say you people?
    –a reasonable assumption?


  26. Rolfag says:

    There is a word that describes this type of leadership Tyranical. This is not what I voted for. This is making the Democrats look like slimy lemmings. Where is the vision, the transparency, the hope we all saw on inauguration day?

  27. I thought everything congress does was supposed to be a matter of public record. Here it is. I hope this link to the PDF works.

    If that link doesn’t work, just google

    house health care bill full text

    It came up as the first link. Of course, it’s 850 pages.

    Hey, at least the house is getting more time to review the bill before signing than they got with the PATRIOT ACT.

  28. WhereIsDead? says:


    You know, you’re getting to be as boring and predictable as all of these other neocon morans, who always repeat exactly the same thing, ad nauseum, no matter what the topic happens to be.

    Did you realise, it’s getting to the point where we no longer need any article content whatsoever? Merely making up and posting a headline with any graphic or a photo at all, using pretty much random words, is more than sufficient to garner a few hundred carbon copy comments.

    Pelosi Breaks Wind. Obama Sucks Straw. Health Insurance Exists. God Gobbles Atheists. Jobs does jobs.

    I’m pretty sure all of those headlines, all on their own, no picture, no graphic, would garner at least a hundred comments.

    I could write them myself or we could easily cut and paste comments from one article to another and no-one would ever be the wiser, including the people making the comments.

    Worst of all, we no longer need to read the byline to determine which articles are yours and which were gleaned by the various editors.

    Think about that one for a minute or two…

  29. [b]CNSNEWS.COM The Right News. Right Now.[/b]

    Did everyone get that? Right.

    So, this is not a reputable news organization but rather a right wing libel machine … as evidenced by the fact that they make the claim that we can’t review the doc and 5 seconds of googling turns up the full text on the first link.

    When they say Right, they’re not kidding.

  30. #29 – Me,

    Dang, HTML tags here. BB code tags on cagematch. Oh well, I think everyone gets the idea. The story is as false as can be. CNS News is worse than Faux News and even easier to prove that they’re liars.


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