Worth a listen. Not that it will change anything.

Found by Tim Yates.

  1. Sea Lawyer says:

    I’m far less bothered by the supposed goal of the bill than I am by the political shenanigans that go on so that members of the Congress of the United States are voting on bills which they could not have possibly even read much less understand. You might as well just open the whole thing up to a popular vote by the entire, clueless population, with just a few carefully chosen soundbites from which to made their decision.

    It is an absolute travesty.

  2. GF says:

    Yep, it’s a travesty.

    It’ll cap trade alright. I hope you don’t want to see the grandparents in Florida anytime soon cause the only thing that will be affordable is a horse and buggy, maybe not even that.

  3. Saz What says:

    I don’t trust either side on this issue. But with respect to this video, I have a hard time believing any congress critter with ties to oil companies talking about energy or emissions. Just like I don’t trust Al Gore, whom has a vested interested in a cap and trade system, speak about the necessary first step being such a system.

  4. Benjamin says:

    It’s a tax on everything. President Obama promised that if I voted for him that people making less than 250k wouldn’t have their taxes increase. I can’t afford the $700 to $1400 a year that this tax will cost.

    Hope no one here works in the steel industry. This bill will make sure that your job goes to China. I’d recommend moving to a Southern state. You don’t have to heat as much down there and you won’t be able to afford to heat if you stay in a Northern state.

  5. newrepublican says:

    You certainly picked the right guy to lead us forward into alternative energy and clean politics:


    There’s hardly anyone in the Republican Party who’s dirtier than Barton.

  6. Noam Sane says:

    Shouldn’t this post be accompanied by Al Gore in clown makeup? That shit is comedy gold, John.

  7. jbenson2 says:

    newrepublican makes a lame attempt to shoot the messenger, but the bottom line is the cost of this untested and mostly unread Cap and Trade legislation is so outrageous it is even frightening the Tax and Spend Democrats.

  8. jbenson2 says:

    …is so outrageous it is even frightening the Tax and Spend Democrats in the Senate.

  9. Specul8 says:

    BHO is trying to rush this bill (like others-think TARP) through before it is understood and fairly debated. The public is starting to catch on that global warming or rather the new name “climate change” is so much hype.
    Cap & Trade is a job killer and will cost us all a lot of cash.

  10. Todd Peterson says:

    0 effect on climate – devastating effect on economy.

    Cap & Trade is snake oil!

  11. LibertyLover says:

    Cap & Tax is more like it.

  12. contempt says:

    I bet the sheeple who voted for Hopey McChange are regretting that decision, but you were warned.

    Now each and every one of you deserve all of the new taxes, regulations and loss of freedoms headed your way.

    I laugh at your superior intellect.

  13. Ah_Yea says:

    Here is a good look at the end effects of Cap and Trade.

    A real good article, with a valid overview of the entire Obama Presidency’s approach to everything.


  14. Rick's Cafe says:

    Difference of opinions on validity aside – how could anyone justify voting on this bill when it wasn’t even printed or physically available to read at the time of the vote.

    So how valid is an argument be if THIS is the chosen method of debate?

  15. Jägermeister says:

    Talk about having static mind. “In 2050, you would have to reduce CO2 emissions by 83%… you can’t put a battery or nuclear reactor in an airplane.” He thinks that technology is static… nothing new will be invented in the coming 41 years. This is such a loser mentality. Imagine this loser in 1939… he would have proclaimed stupid stuff like “You can’t fly faster than sound”, “There’s no way we can leave earth”, “There’s no way humans will walk on the moon”, “Computers is a fad and not economically feasible” etc. Where the fuck are your balls? Really! Is this really what America has become? A bunch of whining losers.

  16. Joe says:

    I stopped watching when I saw the “R-” next to his name.

  17. LibertyLover says:

    #16, Is this really what America has become? A bunch of whining losers.

    Yep. It’s become a bunch lazy people who expect the government to do everything for them.

  18. Peggusus says:

    Yea don’t listen to something the opposition says. That is being open minded, transparent, cooperative, intelligent.If I was a Democrat I would have my eyes closed now too.

  19. Jägermeister says:

    #18 – LibertyLover

    This isn’t about government doing everything for them. It’s about achieving a goal… you know, something the USA used to be good at until everyone became self-centered selfish pricks.

  20. Buzz says:

    According to mysterious sources (unclefart.squarespace.com) this presentation is an attempt to gain political staying power by adhering with the first item in TRM, The Republican Manifesto.

  21. Truthie says:

    Airplanes: Hydrogen fuel. No carbon.

    We are ALL endangered by excess carbon in our air.

    Cost of photovoltaic energy is going down, also geothermal and wave generation. But the investment must precede the reaping of benefits.

    Green jobs will replace jobs in the oil business, providing we reduce the oil business. But the number of maintenance people for a solar, wind, wave and geothermal economy will be HUGE.

  22. deowll says:

    Cap and trade = Cap and pay. I prefer to drive a car rather than walk. A bike is not a practical option for going to work or going shopping either at least for me.

    I also want to have a job.

    I like to heat my house in the winter.

    I like hot food on occasion.

    I can do without hot water or air conditioning but I still want a few fans.

    I’m checking out a push mower but I’ve tried options to a garden tiller and a mattock is rather hard on a senior citizen and it isn’t going to get easier to use as I age.

    People are still free to say what they think and as far as I’m concerned this idea of Obama’s and the big city Dems is an Obamanation.

    In the real world we the people and the entire nation will suffer.

    Gains? I’m not sure there are any other than cleaner air in major cities.

  23. Mark T. says:

    Section 299A of the 300+ page amendment from Waxman requires that any home being sold will have to have an energy compliance home appraisal. If your home doesn’t have high efficiency windows, doors, insulation, appliances, etc, etc, etc, then your house will be worth less than it is today.

    If you don’t bring it up to Waxman’s requirements, then it is likely that the person that wants to buy your home won’t be able to get one of the new low income energy efficient home loans to purchase it. All the energy credits applied to loans for energy efficiency will not apply to your house thereby making your it less likely to sell.

    You will be forced to spend tens of thousands of dollars buying new air conditioners, new water heaters, new insulated windows and doors, new thermal insulation, new refrigerators, new ovens and stoves, etc, etc, etc. And, of course, you will have to replace every light bulb in the house with compact fluorescent bulbs.

    But it isn’t a tax!

  24. B.Dog says:

    That’s some straight talk from Rep. Barton. How the hell could anyone vote for the bill after hearing that?

  25. sea lawyer says:

    Voting on legislation which effects 300 million people without actually reading it is for idiots like those in Congress and Jägermeister apparently. But at least we are achieving goals. How decisive of us.

  26. Mark T. says:


    Guess what? Hydrogen is totally unsuitable for all our commercial aircraft. Every commercial aircraft on the planet is designed to run on liquid fuel. There is no place to store compressed hydrogen and liquid hydrogen is immensely expensive and is only suitable for rocket motors. On top of that, I know of no jet engine on the planet that will run on hydrogen.

    What you suggest is scrapping the entire world’s fleet of commercial jet aircraft. That is truly a pipe dream.

    The only change you will see is higher ticket prices. Simple as that. This is an energy tax.

  27. Toxic Asshead says:

    Face it. We got ‘change’. We’re changing from the greatest nation that ever existed into a 3rd world banana republic.

    When BHO shows up for a speech in a General’s uniform with big aviator sunglasses on and announces the next elections are canceled, some of you still won’t believe.

  28. badtimes says:

    A general’s uniform and aviator sunglasses?
    When all you have to offer is fear, expect the results the Repubs are having these days.
    I suspect President Obama is secretly being paid off by gun/ammo mfrs, considering the boom times they’re having by preying on people’s (unfounded) fears.
    And the FEMA camps! Oooo noes!

  29. Rick's Cafe says:

    LMAO – Thank God for the 2nd Ammendment

  30. Jägermeister says:

    #26 – sea men

    If the US was dependent on losers like you back in the 60s, the US wouldn’t have been first on the moon.

    #27 – Mark T. – Guess what? Hydrogen is totally unsuitable for all our commercial aircraft. Every commercial aircraft on the planet is designed to run on liquid fuel. There is no place to store compressed hydrogen and liquid hydrogen is immensely expensive and is only suitable for rocket motors. On top of that, I know of no jet engine on the planet that will run on hydrogen.

    Static thinking. Technology gets improved, new things gets invented etc. Ever thought of that?

    What you suggest is scrapping the entire world’s fleet of commercial jet aircraft. That is truly a pipe dream.

    Again… static thinking. Ever thought “Hey, let’s design an airplane that runs on hydrogen.”?


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