Daylife/AP Photo used by permission

A federal judge sentenced Bernard L. Madoff to 150 years in prison on Monday for operating a huge Ponzi scheme that devastated thousands of people, calling his crimes “extraordinarily evil.”

In pronouncing the sentence — the maximum he could have handed down — Judge Denny Chin turned aside Mr. Madoff’s own assertions of remorse and rejected the suggestion from Mr. Madoff’s lawyers that there was a sense of “mob vengeance” surrounding calls for a long prison term.

“Objectively speaking, the fraud here was staggering,” the judge said. “It spanned more than 20 years.”

20 years of the SEC abdicating their chartered responsibility.

  1. canuck says:

    That’ll teach him to swindle jews. Swindle gentiles and you get probation.

  2. Truthie says:

    Google “Madoff on ice”.

  3. Greg Allen says:

    Oh, great. Now we tax payers have to feed and house this guy the rest of his life. Are we any safer?

    Prison should be reserved for violent criminals.

  4. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz says:

    The judge listen to NA?

    I like NA but sometime I just cant stand Curry.

  5. faxon says:

    Maybe this judge should ask to see BO’s real birth certificate. The one nobody is allowed to see. A “Certificate of Live Birth”, unsigned by anyone, is NOT a birth certificate.

  6. Glenn E. says:

    150 Years? I’ll bet he serves less than 1/10th of that, and drops dead of some illness he already knew he had. Giving himself up, was probably a deal he made with the banks and the government, and so his family will be absolved.

    By “taking the fall”, the major banking institutions, and the SEC, become blameless for not ratting on him for decades. They all KNEW he was a phony! He dealt with none of them, in the decades he was supposedly investing. Which would be an impossibility, in making any real money. And none of the major banks trusted him with their money. So how is this not an admission of the banks’ own complicity in Madoff’s scheme, by remaining silent? Don’t they have some legal obligation to report known or suspected fraud? Where does it read in the US constitution (or any other country’s charter), that if you are a billionaire, you don’t have to rat out other billionaires?

    And what the hell was the SEC up to all this time, that it couldn’t be bothered to nail this clown, the very first year he started stealing? Why are all of us “average joes” treated as “guilty until proven innocent”? And multi-millionaires and billionaires, like Madoff, are treated as “innocent, even when known to be guilty”?

    It’s probably a good thing that Michael Jackson died when he did. Or this case would get a lot more media coverage, right now. And the crap would be hitting the fan!

  7. Glenn E. says:

    At his trial, none of this family or close friends submitted a single letter of support for him. Obviously, they are avoiding being connected with his crime, by distancing themselves from him now. And obviously, they knew!

  8. Glenn E. says:

    Now the US government (the American taxpayers) get to protect Madoff’s ass from all those who would tar and feather him. And I’m sure he’ll good treatment on the inside, as he’s probably got some skeletons to reveal, if he’s not.

  9. Dall says:

    How long is his sentence, per victim?


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