Al Jazeera – Iran recount gives Ahmadinejad win — It’s official!

Iran’s Guardian Council has confirmed the re-election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the country’s president, following a partial recount of votes from the disputed presidential election of June 12.

State television said that Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati, the council’s secretary, had presented Sadegh Mahsouli, the minister of the interior, with a letter saying it had approved the election after a recount of 10 per cent of the ballots.

“The secretary of the Guardian Council in a letter to the interior minister announced the final decision of the Council … and declares the approval of the accuracy of the results of … the presidential election,” IRIB, the Iranian broadcaster, said.

  1. GF says:

    Thank awkbar that’s settled. Now Israel can bomb the hell out of ’em.

  2. Benjamin says:

    If you think that counting 10 percent of the ballots that were preselected in case of a recount will settle things, I got a bridge I am willing to sell you.

  3. Proud Alien says:

    Well, now imagine, that the Iranians didn’t like the outcome of the US elections in 2000 and 2004. Isn’t it funny how the Yanks expose themselves as sore losers every time something doesn’t go turn out to their liking? Oh, Venezuela is terrible, and Iran is such a monster. Hello?? At least they 1) have elections; 2) offer equal right to men and women; 3) allow free travel to and from their countries. Now, let’s look at our friends in the region, like the Saudis, or the Kuwaitis, or the Egyptians. Do you see the difference?

    Truly, this country’s hypocrisy has no boundaries. Is it any wonder that the US has no respect in the world? And ain’t confuse it with the appetite for the dollars: it’s business, stupid!

  4. chuck says:

    Well that seems fair. Only re-counting 10% of the ballots is all that is necessary.

    After all, we only needed to re-count the votes in a few specific counties in Florida.

  5. gooddebate says:


    He yawns, rolls his eyes and says in a seemingly defeated way, “All right, I guess I’ll play.”

    There’s only one reason why you’d say things like this, you’re a bully. Like the bully in the lunchroom, “Hey dork, get me a milk!”

    Posting on a site like this is the perfect place to act like a bully, too. But here’s the problem, you’re trying to make everyone feel bullied but there’s no requisite threat of harm. So, it may seem like a good way to move people to your way of thinking but it doesn’t have the effect that you think it does. The only possible threat, I guess, could be that you’re implying that the whole world thinks like you.

    Well, you’ll be glad to know that you can gloat pretty soon when the US finishes self destructing. So, you can choose to live with your little bully attitude if that’s the kind of life you want to live. Unfortunately, your view of what’s good and what’s evil in this world has already been damaged.

  6. Jägermeister says:

    This is why there should be a 100% separation of church and state.

  7. Jägermeister says:

    #6 … Make that religion and state

  8. amodedoma says:

    Good for them, now those people will either explode in revolution or bow down.

  9. Thinker says:

    Well I for one am just shocked, shocked I say!

  10. Thinker says:

    As Gomer Pyle would say, … “Well surprise, surprise, surprise!”

    Nice to see you back Pedro.

  11. Kai says:

    The Religious leaders using religious law and the military are in and will be in full control.
    This is merely a “steam venting”. It is also an opportunity to grab some activists and remove them from the agitation they create.

    Soon all will be as it well and we will continue to be the “great satan” as we have been since the ’70’s.

    By the way you can thank president Jimmy Carter for this situation. Perhaps you will thank him while he is pounding nails at some Habitat for Humanity site.

  12. Proud Alien says:

    # 10: Nice to meet you, Moron. A few questions for you: have you been to any of these countries? What sources do you get the information from? Also, you didn’t seem to notice a comparison question. Why so shy?

  13. jim says:

    ThIs is a victory for the CIA and Mossad. They have successfully delegitimized the Iranian government with this so called ” Green revolution”. Now, once again they will have a gullible US public behind them when the bombs start dropping on Iran. I’m confident you will all be there wearing your green and thinking to yourself how great it is that America is there to save these poor repressed people. We’ll good luck with that. Because, Russia and China will never allow that to happen. Your foolish neo con’s are leading the whole world down a very dark road. Just remember, Russia and China are fully capable of taking on the US and this time around, it ain’t going to be a sitting on your ass in front of the TV type of war.

  14. thegodfaza says:

    So by “partial”, they mean that they recounted all Ahmadinejad’s votes only.

  15. Proud Alien says:

    For some forgetfuls here: remember Orange “revolution” in Ukraine? Well, the government that was formed went down once, the president who got elected has an approval rating of 2% and the country wants the “bad” guys back. Rose “revolution in Georgia: the ant-government riots are a routine thing there, the coalition split and the US-supported guy is widely hated.

    But, hey, the gullible Pedros and Morons are eager to bend over and offer their behinds for more of their tax dollars to cause more disturbances just for the heck of it.

  16. RTaylor says:

    I understand the Iranian President has few powers, the clergy is in real control of the country. If you took a city, like San Francisco, and assumed it represented a true cultural cross section of a Nation, you error. We observed the middle class in cities. Who knows how the rural vote went? Perhaps it’s enough to show the world Iranians aren’t all lockstep sheep. I’m sure it rattled the hell out of the clerics. As soon as Israeli intelligence confirms a viable nuclear weapon is close the, IDF will attack with a vengeance. If they can’t do it with conventional weapons, they’ll go nuclear. They’ll not live with a hostile country close enough to launch a first strike. Israel even has missile subs that can launch a last strike.

  17. gooddebate says:


    Compare Iran with Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Egypt,… our friends? Are you implying moral equivalence? What you’re really implying is that a person (or country) makes friends with like persons (or countries). And that if you can show that one friend (or country) is unworthy then everything they say or do can be thrown out as unworthy. Is it really honest to try to point this out by comparing a country that is a 1 on a scale of 1 to 10 with countries that are 2’s?

    Here’s what you don’t get; in this country there is a running battle with the government. Listen for peoples general opinion of congress. There’s a continual fight to prevent the government from taking things that aren’t it’s business. There may yet be revivals where the government is pushed back but it will eventually win. So when you come here you’re not talking to the government or even friends of the government; you’re talking to people. So don’t show your ignorance trying to bully people when you really should be fighting the government.

  18. Tex says:

    Now let’s see how many Twits keep Twitting until death do they part from their text machines which of course are going to save the world from oppression from filling the world with Twits.

  19. ethanol says:

    Proud Alien (#13),

    Since you haven’t been here much, I’ll enlighten you about Pedro. Pedro lives in Venezuela so I think he has an idea about this topic…

  20. Sam says:

    What?!? The same people who defrauded the election in the first place have claimed there was no fraud? I don’t believe it!

  21. Nimby says:

    I lost track. So A’jad now has 125% of the votes? Is that nationwide or just where they’ve been recounted?

    It doesn’t matter. The Ayatollah still holds the reins.

  22. jim says:

    Exactly the type of comment you get from someone who has nothing to add to the debate.
    Let me guess, your a Bill O’reilly fan boy.

  23. jim says:

    Let me make another guess, you don’t support Hugo Chavez.

  24. amodedoma says:

    Politicians are all the same crap. It doesn’t really matter who wins. What does matter, is that the Iranian people can take control just like they did when they took the power from that US stooge ‘the Shah’ and gave it to the Ayatollahs. I understand some Unitedstatesicans are little resentful after the hostage crisis and the failed rescue(I was right there aboard the USS Okinawa at the time). A humiliating defeat to be sure. Still not enough to learn not to mess around in somebody elses politics, though – and that’s a shame.

  25. Lou says:

    Who cares ! Not I.

  26. ramuno says:

    The results were announced by his brother,
    Jeb Ahmadinejad.

  27. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #28 Ramuno Cheese — Hahahahahah! You win.

  28. orangetiki says:

    So when you ask the people who win did you cheat and they say no, do you believe them?

  29. jim says:

    I thought as much . Your a bitter man because hugo prevented the scum bags you supported from raping your country. I can see why you support western neo-con tyranny in Iran.

  30. Rick Cain says:

    I always wondered where Saddam’s vote counting team went…


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