Huh. I wonder…
With this groundbreaking research, could someone use it to, say, make money by creating magazines and Interwebitube sites that cater to men who like looking at women who look like…
What’s that? There already are?
When it comes to the question of who’s hot or not, research has found that beauty is skin deep for men and in the eye of the beholder for women.
The study by psychologists from a North Carolina university has found that men are much more likely to come to a consensus when defining what they find attractive in the opposite sex.
The study, published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, could mean it’s not just money and security that lures many attractive young women to far less attractive older men, The Courier-Mail reports.
Wake Forest University researcher Dustin Wood polled 4000 men and women, aged 18 to more than 70, on how attractive they found the subjects of a range of photographs of people of the opposite sex aged 18 to 25.
The study, perhaps not surprisingly, found men’s view on the attractiveness of different women was defined by physical features, with women who looked thin and seductive getting the highest ratings.
Men also were particularly attracted to women who appeared confident.
Women showed a more diverse range of responses, with some rating particular men very attractive while other women found the same men not attractive at all.
This is commonly found in men given a placibo. When given the drug alcohol, the subjects responded quite differently.
Another marvel of the advertising industry in our modern web based times
All these people have iphones , blackberries etc etc to communicate and “interface”
Why did they not go out and ask someone
They could of had a “focus group” at a local bar , and swallowed their drinks in the bar bill
This all reminds me of the war on drugs and the ad campaigns that you see on tv and the media
Who are these ads directed at ? Did they ever show them to their target market of kids for their input
In the end it all comes down to empire building and keeping your job and advertising budgets
They also like crazy stories with the word “sex” in the title like this.
I guess some men like boney.
didn’t we all read it to confirm that hot babes might like us fat ugly rich type for more than our money? Turns out they honestly do. Yea, only the worst kind of whore finds money sufficient instead of just necessary.
So, which sex is more shallow?
Bobbo: Only the worst kind of male whore finds looks sufficient instead of just necessary. So, which sex is more shallow? — Just taking your comment to its logical conclusion.
#5–Jeanne==so which sex is more shallow? Hard to draw the very basis of a question out to “its conclusion.”
I’ve always enjoyed a collary: “Men marry hoping she will never change and women marry hoping he will.”
Truth and kindness. Missing or in short supply in too many relationships.
I’ve always heard the ol’ wives tale that women choose to marry men who look and act similar to their good ol’ dad.
Bobbo: Don’t know which sex’s preferences are more shallow. It does seem to me though that many men wail that women only like men that are more successful than they are. And, women wail about men’s preference for women more attractive than they are. Neither seem to be aware that their own discrimination is anything but normal or necessary.
In order to help the scientific effort, here is my list of demands!
1. That she will be sexy
2. That she will be a whore in bed and a lady in the living room
3. That she will know how to cook well and would like cooking for me
3. That she will like to laugh and enjoy laughing with me
4. That she will be smart. Not a professor, just “normal smart”
5. That we can talk and hear music together
6. That she will give me space when I need and that she will want to have space for her own.
I will finish with an old arab saying:
“When young, women control men with sex,
When middle aged, women control men with food
And when old, women control men with a shoe!”
I doubt it.
Only govt could waste money on researching the obvious, I don’t think any private enterprise is that stupid.
You goofed, Women find rich successful men to be much more sexy. There was a study done and women even report more orgasms if the guy is a leader/dominant male with a fat wallet.
Hot and seductive, sure.
The “thin” part — not so much. I prefer a normal body.
# 14 deowll said, “There was a study done and women even report more orgasms if the guy is a leader/dominant male with a fat wallet.”
I say, when sexing a lovely lady, leave your wallet on the table.
Okay, so they show me pictures of various women and ask which ones attract me. Should I choose the smart one? The best cook? The one who read historical novels? The one who likes Mozart? That’s the durned problem with pictures. Okay, I’ll have that one, with the great tits!
I prefer cute over hot. Cute goes a LOT farther. I like women, not some 14 year old boy with breasts. If I wanted that I would move to Polynesia.
#9 It is not a wives tale. And on the other side of the coin, men gravitate to women that are like mommy. These are the first people we fixate upon as children. Oedipus & Electra is more common than people admit.
I don’t want the woman to cook for me. The vast majority of top chefs are men, not women.
‘Nuff said.
# 17 Cursor_ said, “I like women, not some 14 year old boy with breasts. If I wanted that I would move to Polynesia.”
Sorry. Do 14 years old Polynesian boys have breasts? I mean more so than any other 14 year old boys?