Church members — many of them wearing identical blue shirts with the church’s name as they helped direct traffic and check weapons to make sure they were not loaded — were joined at the event by their friends and others who heard about it on the news. About 10 members of a local private militia were among those who attended.

The event has been criticized by other religious leaders, who say churches have no business glorifying deadly weapons. Across town, another event carrying an anti-gun message was held.

But Pagano, the Marine veteran and police chaplain who leads the Assemblies of God congregation, was unapologetic, saying one cannot defend a person’s First Amendment right to religious liberty without the Second Amendment right to bear arms.

We love God, we love our country,” he told the applauding crowd. “Without a belief in God, without a belief even in firearms, I don’t believe this country would be here the way it is today. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

Attendees listened to rules about carrying unloaded weapons securely in holsters, recited the Pledge of Allegiance, sang patriotic songs such as “God Bless America” and “America the Beautiful” and watched a series of Internet videos arguing for the right to bear arms and warning that gun-control advocates would put people at risk of mass murderers and other criminals.

A milder flavor of the religious wacko gun-nut variety. RTFA and reflect.

The appropriate question: Which gun would Jesus Christ carry?

  1. LDA says:

    I agree, America would not be the place it is without god and guns.

  2. Jägermeister says:

    “We love God, we love our country,” he told the applauding crowd. “Without a belief in God, without a belief even in firearms, I don’t believe this country would be here the way it is today. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

    Not even the American Holocaust.

  3. GregA says:

    What good are guns in church if they are not loaded with one in the chamber???

  4. faxon says:

    Clinging, like BO said. Right on.

  5. faxon says:

    Which gun would Jesus carry? None. And look how HE ended up.

  6. Zybch says:

    Mah, Assemblies of God. What more needs to be said.
    We have them here in Australia and they’re a bunch of young-earth wackos here as well who routinely practice excommunication and all the other standard activities of the more extreme cults.

  7. davies says:

    [deleted — spam that got through – ed.]

  8. qb says:

    What does “belief in firearms” mean?

  9. Jägermeister says:

    Alfredone… click the link in post 7 and let us know if your computer is okay.

  10. AdmFubar says:

    well praise the lord and pass the ammunition!
    yee haw!

  11. Hmeyers says:

    I believe in firearms.

    I don’t own one, but because everyone else does I don’t need to and my neighborhood is safe.

    You never know who has a gun in this country, except when you are in patsy cities and states with atrocious crime rates.

  12. Improbus says:

    Guns aren’t the problem. Their owners are the problem. You should have to take a mental stability test to have one … including the police, especially the police.

  13. GabbyHayes says:

    Ever get the feeling that folks like this can’t wait to have a reason to shoot someone or some thing?

  14. Jägermeister says:

    #14 – Alfredone – If I’m in the area, that’s the church for me!

    I’m sure they’ll throw in a bomb belt as an extra.

  15. JimR says:

    “Without a belief in God, without a belief even in firearms, I don’t believe this country would be here the way it is today. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

    Without guns your forefathers couldn’t have massacred all those Native Americans and took their land. Nothing to be ashamed of….

    “…and warning that gun-control advocates would put people at risk of mass murderers and other ”

    Oh brother… guns have never stopped a mass murder… just the opposite.

  16. faxon says:

    #12..Let me guess who administers the “mental stability test”. Perhaps the same Homeland Security People who say that returning servicemen, people who oppose abortion, illegal immigration, and supporters of Ron Paul are all potential terrorists? No thank you. Fortunately, I don’t need to pass no stinkin’ test.

  17. JimR says:

    #12, Improbus… I agree except for one thing. Both guns and people are the problem. As long as there are ample guns around, they will be available to assholes who like to kill.

  18. faxon says:

    Let’s just say this one more time…even though you numbskulls will never, ever get it….

    The Second Amendment INSURES the other NINE amendments….

  19. Awake says:

    A church encouraging it’s parishioners to arm themselves… in every case the membership ends up using the guns against themselves… do Jim Jones and David Koresh bring any images to mind?

    This example should be followed in all fellowships: AA/NA members should be asked to bring guns to their meetings… anger management class members should be asked to bring guns in case one of their membership loses their temper.

    The idea of bringing guns into church is just plain obscene… those that think otherwise have probably been tricked into worshiping the great deceiver.

  20. sargasso says:

    A publicity stunt.

  21. suckit says:

    #20 Faxon

    Lets say this for you since we aren’t quite sure what your problem is.

    Either you are just plain stupid and ignorant that there are more than 10 amendments.

    Or you are one of those douches who really only believe in the first 10 amendments and want to take the vote away from minorities and women and want to see slavery return.

    Or you suffer from the god delusion and are confusing amendments for commandments.

    I really cant see the difference in your particular mental defect but maybe you should just go away before you hurt yourself.

  22. Andrew says:

    I’m so embarrassed. Is that the word? Wait… Disappointed?

    Hard to say why this makes me feel sad for our country, but it does. Like pro wrestling, Slim Jims, stupid monetary policy, tabloids, deep fried garbage, hate radio, entitlement, stupid energy policy, George W Bush, ignorance…just sad.

    This is how you worship? Really? Really? I suspect not. I think you are having a pep rally for the backward and reactionary. Enjoy yourselves.

  23. Dallas says:

    Are the loonies worshiping firearms now? Worshiping a golden cow was much safer, IMHO.

    In the movie ‘Beneath the Planet of the Apes’ they worshiped a nuke.

    This is a slippery slope my friends. Janet Reno, where are you?

  24. JimR says:

    Our Firearms, who art in our holsters,
    hallowed be thy name.
    Thy Kingdom come,
    thy will be done,
    on earth as it is in our holsters.
    Give us this day our daily bullets.
    And forgive us our friendly fire,
    as we forgive those who mistakenly fire against us.
    And lead us not into temptation,
    but deliver us from evil.
    For thine is the kingdom,
    the power and the glory,
    for ever and ever.

  25. GF says:

    I’d rather be at the firing range or hunting with my gun 🙂

  26. Traaxx says:

    No, He won’t need a gun, but in His 2nd comming he is supposed to return not as the healer and redeemer but as God’s Justice and I doubt that Edieard or his Demoncrat friends will be very happy then, here’s to looking forward to that time….Edieard might be feeling a little heat.



    Kinda sad that people like Edieard think it’s morally superior for a woman to raped than a rapist being shot, sad but just like evil.

  27. Awake says:


    It is so disappointing to see that someone like you, who declares himself of such deep knowledge of the bible, would misinterpret Luke 22:36 at such a fundamental level.

    Of course he is not speaking of real physical swords, he is speaking of strength of salvation.

    Matt. 10:34: “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth, but a sword.”

    The sword is ‘salvation’. That is what Jesus is all about throughout his teachings.

    Alfred1, how can you miss such a fundamental parable?

    Immediately following Luke 22:36 the disciples tell him that they have two physical swords, and he says:
    38 They [the disciples] said, “See, Lord, here are two swords.” “It is enough,” he replied.

    How can two swords be enough to battle the Romans that are coming to arrest him? When he says “it is enough” he means (as the simplest interpretation) “Don’t go fighting them, you can’t win”. It can be also read as “Shut up already with the real swords!”

    In a larger context, the two swords can be interpreted as the two bandits that Jesus was crucified between, but that takes a lot more quoting and explaining.

    Anyway, what Jesus basically said was:

    “If you have to sell your clothing and run around naked in order to prove your faith, do so. And no, I am not talking about physical swords you dummies.”

    Shortly afterwards, Peter cuts off someones ear during Jesus’ arrest, and Jesus gets pissed off that violence was being used, and glues the ear back on the guy, telling Peter to put that damn sword away.

  28. dexton7 says:

    I think I’d take my chances with the “praise the lord and pass the ammunition” crowd, rather than be with the “I love the Nanny/Police State taking over my life because Obama loves me” crowd.

  29. Universal Turing Machine says:

    wow crackpots

  30. Cursor_ says:

    #33 As usual you want what you want and to hell with anything else. Just like a Levite would do.

    Luke 5:39 Applies to you and these other bibers who lack faith to make them cling to their own will and power instead of God.

    The whole issue of self-defense at the Garden is hurled onto the rocks when he tells them that IF he really would like to put up a struggle (In other words if they TRULY must fight) he would have employed 12 legions of angels instead of two swords carried by untrained men. God’s defense was far better than anything a mere human could muster.

    But you see that puts you and them in their place. AT the throne, not ON it. And that just doesn’t sit with theirs and your levitical nature.



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