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John and Adam discuss the news of the day from an international perspective
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No Agenda Archive
Running time: approx. 90 mins.
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John and Adam discuss the news of the day from an international perspective
Queue / cue / Q the closing credits — We hope you enjoy the show!
No Agenda Archive
Running time: approx. 90 mins.
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Waxman’s got to be the *ugliest* member of Congress.
Waxman is ugly enough without photoshopping.
Waxman’s politics are the only thing worse that his look. He looks like a cross between a mole and a Hobbit. Maybe there is something to this Global Warming thing after all.
Wow. That is not pretty.
I think I saw an episode of him as a plastic surgeon on the Twilight Zone. He really does need to wear a mask.
Earth to Waxman:
Jackson’s plastic surgeon is not busy these days…
I don’t know, I think he looks like a Human, Ferret hybrid.
Just goes to show you, the American public will elect anyone. And I’m not talking about how he looks.
That climate change stuff is pretty complicated — no wonder the Fed or somebody is going to have to fix it. Congress has voted that no price is too high to pay for carbon dioxide reduction and security. Even the plastic version of poor martyred Michael Jackson would probably agree with Congress on this one, if he could only read the legislation and it’s amendment.
I almost never agree with Adam Curry’s crackpot ideas but he is 100% right and Waxman is proof that Politics IS Hollywood for ugly people.
That is one ugly motherfucker…
This bastard looks like he fell from the ugly tree and hit every fucking branch on his way to the ground.
Um, Divorak finally hits a home run and nobody cares.
This bill is going to hurt about as much as the bank and car company bail out.
My personal take on it is that if this hunk of crap gets passed a lot of Republicans will get elected.
Something that didn’t seem at all likely 100 days ago. How time flies when Congress starts, or rather continues, passing bills that nobody is allowed to read before voting on because they are that bad.
This last one got blamed on the Republicans because Shrub supported it. This time around that isn’t going to fly. The Dims will have to take the credit. The have the House, the Senate, and the White house.
Ugly sonofabitch.
I’ve always hated those Free Credit Report Dot Com ads, but this one especially. This is Hollywood Syndrome perfectly illustrated. To put it briefly, Hollywood hates women. The lesson of this ad is “don’t marry a woman, lie around the house all day with your buddies instead, drinking beer and playing your instruments.” Notice that’s what the guy is doing anyway, while his “dream girl” wife is tripping over them trying to get some laundry done. I see that as a good thing — getting laundry done, but the attitude in the ad is that it’s unpleasant and makes her resentful. (Which is, like, a drag, man! I can, like wear this shirt at least one more day, man!)
Yes, Hollywood loves girls, but Hollywood _hates_ women. Long ago, there were all kinds of strong women characters in movies and on TV — grown-ups who had influence in their families and cared for them in grown-up ways. Donna Reed, June Cleaver, Harriet Nelson, heck, even Lucy was a strong, if ditsy, character. Then, slowly all the moms started dying off. Bachelor Father, My Three Sons, etc., etc., etc. In general, in the movies and on TV, the women are divorced but the men are widowers.
The perfect example is “Fatal Attraction,” which perfectly mixes Hollywood’s obsession with Sex and Death. Have sex and die, say the movies. Halloween and all the slasher movies say it in a more sophomoric fashion, but the message is the same — sex = death. The lesson is don’t fall for a woman, go out with a girl, then spend all your quality time with your car and your buds.
And it’s getting worse all the time.