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At around 5:30am on June 27, an unoccupied building still under construction at Lianhuanan Road in the Minxing district of Shanghai city toppled over. One worker was killed. According to information, a 70 meter section of the flood prevention wall in nearby Dianpu River and that may have something to do with this building collapse.
Amazing how well in tack the building remained after falling.. Shangahai is mostly a Mud Flat, it probably just went splat… Sombody is having a real bad day today… Explain this Elmo!!
There’s likely an invoice for at least one bullet, probably already mailed out to at least one newly grieving family.
Lets not Forget china is STILL a very much Communist Country.. so its quite feasible that #2 is correct… I had my rude awakening when I visited…
they can just leave it like that and hang the pictures on the floors and ceilings
looks like the Olive View Medical Center following the Sylmar earthquake in the early 70’s or very late 60’s in LA
#5 – SparkyOne
They copied the blueprints… 😉
I think they’ll need to move the doorways.
#7 – Floyd – I think they’ll need to move the doorways.
Buy an apartment, get three ladders for FREE!
I am sure their is not nearly the safety codes there as their is in the US. Not to forget that these people for the most part do not make a lot of money. I cannot imagine much goes into these buildings in the first place.
Save a little on rebar and look what you get!
Obviously, trying to copy the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Big Fail.
Lucky there wasn’t another building underneath. If a building topples like that, it’s a problem with the foundation, the footings, the underpinnings. On the program “(World’s Most) Extreme Homes” you see it all the time. For a single family dwelling, they’re often drilling a dozen holes 20, 30, 40 feet deep and filling them with reinforced concrete to keep the building just so. I’m not reading professional incompetence or shoddy workmanship, but “cost cutting measure”. Because the order to cut costs comes from “on high” in any bureaucracy, I doubt that the true culprit, whoever he or she may be, will be executed.
#12 – BillM – Obviously, trying to copy the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
China already has a leaning tower, and it’s older than the leaning tower in Pisa.
Shame to see all that smelly, disease-inducing Chinese drywall go to waste.
“According to information, a 70 meter section of the flood prevention wall in nearby Dianpu River and that may have something to do with this building collapse.”
Incomplete sentence much?
Look at how little rebar is in the caisons – almost none. China should go ahead with the Hummer sale. They could make it out of cardboard and it would get 40 miles to the gallon – gallon of melamine.
Should I take seriously an article which begins a sentence with “According to information…”?
Should I take seriously an article which begins a sentence with “According to information…”?
Anyone want to take bets on if the local communist party bosses were in on the development of the site. My guess is they were and wanted a quick and cheap build. All kinds of shortcuts are possible and likely when you have that political weight behind the site. But it will be the lowly building inspectors and contractors who literally get the firing squad.
BTW, my understanding is the official party line on last years earthquake in China that caused such massive loss of life in school buildings is in. No shoddy construction etc. It was just the intensity that destroyed all the schools even though many of the surrounding buildings fared much better. And anyone questioning this determination has a good chance of “reeducation”.
#19, #20
Should I take seriously double posts?
The building seems incredibly strong, it’s the FOUNDATION that needs a bit of revision.
I’m sure the buildings around it, which look nearly identical, are perfectly safe…
Hmm, I wonder if the structure was marked “Made in China”, that usually indicates a high quality product…..
Pilot program for National Building Code found in the Waxman-Markey Piece of Shit.
I would guess they must have been giving away something for free on one side of the building.
1.3 billion people in need of urban accomidations,
4 Local party officials in needs of new Mercedes,
13 storey apartment building erected on a SLAB foundation?
A couple of 40 ton jacks, a couple of tow trucks, and we can sit this baby back up like new.
#22, I only remember clicking the submit button once, and was taken by surprise to see my comments posted twice.
Obviously their building skills are great but their foundation skills are in doubt.
Too much led in the concrete foundation?