Man Made Global Warming Denier

Strassel: The Climate Change Climate Change – — This is disappointing a lot of people. Perhaps this trend is a plot by the oil companies. Personally when I started hearing that ALL scientists are in agreement and everyone should shut their traps, I got immediately suspicious. How does that work especially with a new theory that cropped up in 1988 and was then popularized by Al Gore, a know-nothing politico. Then the smear campaign seemed odd.

Among the many reasons President Barack Obama and the Democratic majority are so intent on quickly jamming a cap-and-trade system through Congress is because the global warming tide is again shifting. It turns out Al Gore and the United Nations with an assist from the media, did a little too vociferous a job smearing anyone who disagreed with them as “deniers.” The backlash has brought the scientific debate roaring back to life in Australia, Europe, Japan and even, if less reported, the U.S.

The number of skeptics, far from shrinking, is swelling. .. Joanne Simpson, the world’s first woman to receive a Ph.D. in meteorology, expressed relief upon her retirement last year that she was finally free to speak “frankly” of her nonbelief. Dr. Kiminori Itoh, a Japanese environmental physical chemist who contributed to a U.N. climate report, dubs man-made warming “the worst scientific scandal in history.” Norway’s Ivar Giaever, Nobel Prize winner for physics, decries it as the “new religion.” A group of 54 noted physicists, led by Princeton’s Will Happer, is demanding the American Physical Society revise its position that the science is settled. (Both Nature and Science magazines have refused to run the physicists’ open letter.)

Found by Justin Vincent, et al.

  1. Global Warming is just a theory.

  2. steelcobra says:

    Global climate change IS real. The religious man-made catastrophic version is what’s just a theory.

  3. tomzer1 says:

    The #1 indisputable cause of global warming is the Sun! KILL THE SUN!!!

    (And if we could do that by launching Al Gore into it, I say it’d be worth it.)

  4. faxon says:

    Climate is ALWAYS changing. Human caused? I don’t think so. Gore and his sycophants are disturbed. I guess the Permian Extinction was my fault, too. It’s the political crap that is disgusting….

  5. Milankovitch Threshold says:

    It just doesn’t matter, It just doesn’t matter!

    Slowing the speed our increased emissions will not stop any change It might at best only buy us a few generations of humans until we have to deal this the new climate.

    The Earth has been warming up since the last Ice Age. We probably have sped things up a little but it would be warming up just the same with or with out us. At some point (perhaps when the last of the Arctic Ice Cap is gone or some major ocean current changes) we will be in for a wild ride then things will settle down back to a slow change.

    Geographic time is a bitch

    oh and if you are one of those few thousand year old earth folks no worries enjoy your Rapture from the window of your Hummer.

  6. Traaxx says:

    The entire Cap&Trade system has be devised so that a few rich people, Al Gore example, and make money while exporting what little is left of the US industry.

    Exactly what’s so free while trading with Commiunist Red China and it’s slave labor. The entire political argument is no longer Demoncrat or Republicrat it’s now Globalist versus Nationalist.

    We have enviromentalist demanding that we tear down our “Green” Dams, not build Nuclear Plans, get rid of Gas and Coal plants and go to what solar power and wind. Now we have enviromentalist attacking the wind generators in Oregon as both noise and visual polution.

    Yeah, if we can’t outlaw an industry then we’ll sue into outsourcing.


  7. #7 listen to the upcoming No Agenda

  8. Animal Mother says:

    Republicans are anti-science until it comes to global warming.

    Democrats are pro-science until it comes to global warming.

    Both parties suck.

  9. dusanmal says:

    @#2 Global climate have always changed,… Attempts to both make it man-made and somehow artificial because of that are what is religion (not the catastrophic part of it, which is just entertainment).

  10. Milo says:

    Even if man made global warming is bunk, it makes no difference. Efforts against MMGW are efforts to control pollution! Who’s pro-pollution? See below.

    And of course efforts to promote skepticism are backed by polluters. Who else would want license to pollute?
    The only rank and file people that back this skepticism are the usual beat up dummies that the Republicans always abuse; those who will least be able to avoid and alleviate the effects of us fouling our nest. It’s like some sort of battered party supporter syndrome!

  11. gquaglia says:

    #4 Gore isn’t crazy. This whole thing is all about money, I know that’s shocking to some of you.

  12. denacron says:

    In the coming few weeks I plan to visit some redwood groves…. in Wyoming and Montana. They are petrified and standing in place where they once grew. The climate was warmer here at one time. The Thames river had hippopotamus basking on its banks in the past. From what I hear its a bit too chilly for them now.

    I live in an age of phenomenal environmental political and economic scams.

  13. The Elite Establishment says:

    It has been said we can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time, but it appears we can’t fool Dvorak readers.

    Unfortunately, for you, it doesn’t matter. We will continue to own your government representatives and if we see a way to make you a more viable servant we will have our legislative twinks make whatever laws are necessary to continue our master(us)/slave(you) relationship.

    Thanks for voting self-centered, windbag idiots in, we couldn’t have such ‘change’ without you. 🙂

  14. shunt ciat says:

    Madoff’s $17o million seized and eco-prince Al Gore ousted for being Nigerian SCAM king !!
    Not a bad day for Saturday afternoon.
    Of course, none of people who were taken from the Madoff scam will ever see a dime and This WSJ article will be wiped under the rug and deleted from the website.
    I am happy.

  15. faxon says:

    So I will be cozier when I move to Alaska with my guns and gold, right??

  16. Dean in Palm Desert, CA says:

    Well lets see, by now the northern polar ice caps should have been free of any ice and everyone should be on a beach on the north coast of Greenland getting a tan. But we shouldn’t be able to get there because, according to the test books I had in high in high school in the 80’s we should have run out of gas our cars and planes before the turn of the century. Oh and the hurricane season after Katrina every thing at sea level should have been wiped of the maps by all the giant storms that where to have hit the mainland the year following Katrina. And what else has the science comuity been absolutly positive about?

  17. canuck says:

    The idea of shipping vast sums from rich to poor has a long history in the climate debate. Maurice Strong once said that the main objective, the “ overall goal,” of climate policy is to create a “ new economic basis for flows of money to the developing countries.”

  18. Wolffe says:

    Regardless of the truth of global warming, there are a few valid points the detritus surrounding the situation can teach us:

    1. With a mindset of “there are no problems, there are only opportunities”, someone, shomewhere, will make money in ANY situation.

    2. The easiest thing to do in any situation is argue about it. This eats up a lot of time and provides a cheap feeling of moral superiority for at least one side of an “issue”, which hopefully has resolved itself during the extensive debates.

    3. If something requiring immediate action by the human race does pop up, we are fu***d. By the time we do market research / oppinion polling on the best shape/color/price point of the solution…….

    4. Pollution and spam are not a good ideas. Any business model that rides on the back of the faceless masses (which pollution and spam do) needs to die. Quickley. Read “Tragedy of the Commons”

    5. Try not to be an idiot. Try not to be reactionary. Its like camping, people! CLEAN YOUR SH*T UP!

  19. qb says:

    I’m one of those green types. I recycle like mad, ride a bike, insulate my home, buy efficient appliances, etc. I think species depletion and habitat destruction are obvious problems and donate money towards solutions. I think man made global warming is likely so I do what I can to avoid producing green house gases.

    However, the last thing I’m going to do is preach at people about it. Maybe I can influence people by the way I personally live (well actually I doubt it) but no one wants to be bored to death by this type of political correctness. I consider it extremely poor taste, in the same way as religious people who preach about my impending journey to hell.

  20. deowll says:

    I’m willing to agree that that global warming due to CO2 is occurring but there are some many aspects of what is going on related to climate change that CO2 might not amount to much in the grand scheme of things.

    CO2 levels have been much higher at some points in the past and some locations are going to be a heck of lot better off with global warming. The southern Sahara is supposed to get rain which will kill the dust storms connected to hurricanes in Atlantic Tropics and Russia and Canada are going to be better off.

    Of course those predictions all depend on what actually happens as opposed to what some weather prophet says will happen. The problem is anybody can make a prediction.

  21. Jägermeister says:

    Steve Fielding is leading a Christian party (Family First) that is – among other things – anti-abortion, non-environmental, anti-euthanasia, anti-gay abortion/marriage/civil union and they want mandatory censorship of the internet. Surprised?

    I guess some people are willing to grab on to whatever straw they can in order to prove their agenda… right, John?

  22. Improbus says:

    It is not so much climate change as to many crazy and hungry primates.

  23. steelcobra says:

    The key problem with the CO2 argument is that the higher the CO2 concentrations, the better plants grow, in both size and quality. Which is why indoor growers boost the percentage significantly.

    The worst arguments out there are anything involving the ozone layer. It is just as destructible as the tide, i.e. you have to actually destroy the beach (atmosphere) to get rid of it. The fact is that the ozone layer is an interaction between O2 and UV light from the sun. Stable O2 pairs are broken and energized, allowing the free oxygen atom to bind to an O2 particle, creating an O3 (ozone) molecule. This particle again is struck by UV light, breaking the extra O off and reforming into O2 again. This cycle repeats constantly. Which brings me to a huge crime of the environmentalists in this regard; the banning of Chlorofluorocarbon compounds. The fact is, the only experiments done were in plastic boxes at sea level which showed a “possible” runaway chlorine linking effect, though in reality all that would happen is that the same number of chlorine atoms would get added to the break-group-break cycle. And that is, of course, assuming that the Freon (the most effective refrigerant to date, I might add) could possibly get through the thermal inversion layers well below the ozone layer’s altitude. Another fun fact, the scientist worked for a company that happened to produce “green” refrigerant products…

    The environmentalist movement does have good ideas, like recycling waste materials. But the point is not to just trust the news media about science, because they don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about:
    A PHD’s perspective:

  24. bill says:


  25. Angel H. Wong says:

    Boo-hoo, you had eight years to harrass, defame anyone who believed in global warming and now that the tables are turning you’re all crying like little girls.

  26. Tindell says:

    The WSJ article mentions a book named Heaven and Hell that questions man made global warming however doing just small research leads me to a site that debunks many parts of the book as been incorrect or changed to fit the argument

    Personally unless you are an expert in this field an have seen both arguments you cant really know the answer their are too many facts contradicting other facts its a mess like most things that involve cash on both sides you just never know whos revealing the truth its best to keep an open mind to both sides of the argument. Never get stuck in one way of thinking, always be willing to change!

  27. Robart says:

    #21 Really? An ad hominem attack is the best yo can do?

    I appreciate some of the more logical arguments here.

  28. Jägermeister says:

    #27 – Robart

    Yeah, next time I’ll produce 500 links to sites that explains global warming and the probable causes for it. Let’s beating the dead horse a little bit more.

  29. bobbo, a casual reader of things scientific says:

    The problem with GW is that while it is subject to study, it cannot be tested as there is no control group–ie no duplicate earth. That being the case, we proceed only on best guesses and statistics that allow by wide margin for conclusions to be wrong.

    As close as man made pollution may fit tweaked models for human caused global warming, what fits a model even more closely is a politically entrenched power group transferring money from the many to the few by creating FUD to their advantage.

    How sensitive must a model be in order for its longer term predicitions to be seen as accurate? Can social policy be formed to address GW that does not waste money if it turns out to be wrong? I think it can, but not in our system. Too many corrupt interests on either side looking to line their own pockets.

    Meanwhile, larger and larger areas of the oceans fill with pollution, kill the coral, create dead zones where only algae and jellyfish roam. You know what follows ocean collapse? Thats right.

    Heard this morning the initally proposed cap and trade plan was funded/based on the Government selling the credits initially to create the market. Pelosi got the plan modified to give the inital credits away for free. We deserve a dead ocean.

  30. bobbo, demonstrating his casual scientific reading says:

    I would guess the impact of heliosphere collapse is not part of the climate change model?


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