It’s kind of a hypnotic sound that Dante Bucci gets playing the recently (2001) invented instrument called the PANArt Hang. Take a look at the company’s brochure.
More videos of Bucci playing can be found on his YouTube site.
More videos of Bucci playing can be found on his YouTube site.
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Great sound. I listened almost halfway through which may explain why I’m not as interested in buying music and MP3 players as a lot of people. My normal response to most racket is to want to turn it off.
Nice and pretty cool too.
Amazing…I am always amazed at the creativity of the human mind. I wish there were more creative people that took Dante’s path of expression rather than those that develop weapons and other things that take life and destroy things.
BTW…I’m not a tree hugging hippy nut. I’m an active duty Soldier in the US Army.
Hang drums are neat albeit a little ‘hippyish’.
The Hang Drum iPhone app is pretty cool also.
Very nice sound!
Great sound, a an excellent form factor too I want one, but I can’t find a retailer. So sad. 🙁
This would be great to listen to while falling asleep. It has a nice soothing sound. The company that makes these appear to be arrogant assholes though.
#6: If you read the Wiki entry, you have to go to Switzerland and have one custom made for you.
It’s not a drum.
It’s good for about 30 seconds, then I can’t take it any more, and it was really nice to close the window and shut it the fuck up.
I think I prefer wind chimes. I have several of those.
Sounds nice.
Wasn’t there an instrument used in the Carribean back in the seventies that looked and sounded similar and was made out of 55 gallon barrel ends?
Freeeee Birrrrrrrrrd!
Hey, if you turn a drum upside down and play the bottom side, it’s still a drum. If you change the sheepskin for something with a bit more nitrogen in it, say a goat skin, it’s still a drum.
This is just a steel drum. Nothing new to see here. Move along.
#11 amen. I can’t see why some people are getting so wet with excitement over a pair of (basically) inverted steed drums.
Also, they look like you could cook a chicken in each one.
Hmmmm wonder if I can… with the wasted Woks in the Garage…maybee…and a hammer… hmmmm…
Yehaa..I tried this on New Years, With the Wife’s new Stainless steel cookware (never uses it)..It did not turn out so well. I thought it had a pretty good sound, but neighbors said I had a tin ear..who knew?
throw in some trumpets and you’ve got the air wolf intro 😛