Google currently has 17,062 links (and counting) to news reports on Jackson. Every news channel has nothing but Jackson stories. I even saw Adam Curry interviewed on ABC about him. It’s all Michael, all the time.

Have all wars stopped? Has crime gone away? Have politicians stopped doing whatever the hell it is they do? Is anything happening that isn’t related to Michael Jackson? Anywhere?

  1. faxon says:


  2. ikelleigh says:

    Breaking News: Keith Richards is still alive.

  3. pcsmith says:

    The Michael Jackson I am interested with is the beer guru. When he passes away, I will salute him with a bottle of Chimay Blue.

    Or am I too late?

  4. Kevan says:

    Totally agree with this post. Every one of my friends had a Michael Jackson related status today on their Facebook account. I posted a screenshot of Google News showing over 18,000 stories on MJ, and around 2,700 on the climate change bill, and wrote DISPROPORTION in big red letters on it.

    This is what is wrong with America; we are a nation of utter morons, apparently. The man hasn’t produced anything of true substance in years and people are revering him as if his death signaled the end of free society or something.

    Princess Diana Syndrome.

  5. pcsmith says:

    Sorry, missed the funeral by 11 months. Guess I need to find a place to drink a few more bottles then do an imitation of Manneken Pis, Wallon style.

  6. Jim says:

    You act surprised in some way. Are you perhaps insane?

    Of course they would latch onto this, celebrity ALWAYS trumps news.

  7. Wasn't Me says:

    Apparently the initial reports of him dying of a heart attack in the hospital may be wrong. It has been suggested he was discovered in the children’s ward having a stroke!

  8. Nugget Coombs says:

    At least some young boys will now be safe from this paedophile bit of sh*t. I reckon the post mortem will prove that the cause of death to be HIV/AIDS, but obviously that will be covered-up.

  9. brm says:

    #30 Greg:

    “It’s fascinating how people refuse to believe “the media” about global warming, 911 or Obama’s birth certificate but they have no doubt about Jackson’s media-reported pedophilia.”


  10. 888 says:

    who cares

  11. Gasbag says:

    I agree 888. I am sick of it!

  12. soundwash says:

    /the pessimistic slant

    if he did die of cardiac arrest, giving him Oxy’s plus a shot of meperidine would have definitely helped him get there with a quickness, since both can result in cardiac arrest. (never mind respiratory failure)

    it’ll be interesting to see if he was given a shot of naxalone prior to the 911 call. (or if any was even on site)

    if so, the Doc knew he screwed up, if not, the Doc definitely screwed up.

    naxalone will wake the (overdosed) dead if administered within a minute or so of death (coupled with cpr) -i’ve been there.

    (oddly, if the doc panicked and gave too much too fast, cardiac arrest would have also resulted)

    since Police reports indicate the Doc was injecting the Oxycontin along with the meperidine, to not have naxalone on site almost guarantees death would have resulted eventually.

    -esp since oxycontin is only sold in pill form.. (basically, it’s a megadose time released Percocet)

    the doc is screwed either way.

    only reason i can see the Tox report taking a month is so all those interested in recouping the $200-500 million jackson was in debt for can make some of it back with a month’s worth of The Life of M. Jackson specials and commemorative albums etc etc. (and the media gets a second Life of Mike special)

    -oh, and of course, to bury the details of the next life/game changing event congress enacts or votes on. (re: house passage of the carbon bill last night after 7pm or so i think)

    (no doubt if drugs are found the as the cause of death, “outrage” and immediate passage of a new (anti)drug related law (or heaven help us, the health care bill) will result.

    politicians on the hill would think nothing of exploiting someones death as a springboard for their own agenda.

    (a well staffed private lab could do it in a week with preliminaries in 24hrs. -no need to hear from the backlog crew, i am aware of the logistics)

    Having said all that, i’ve always been a huge fan of his music since i was a kid and was looking forward to the music from his upcoming tour.

    Mike’s music was timeless.

    I hope he finds a better life on the other side.


    (side note: I bet some underhanded crap in the Madoff case is going to use Mike’s death to slip another extension under the the people’s and MSM’s noses/radar. -my guess, he’ll never see a real jail cell.)

    -enough time will pass so a power failure from the crazy electrical storms due this summer opens his cell and “off he goes” -happy as a clam.


  13. @# 3 contempt said, “this Obama guy is just not working out. If I wanted to live in a third world country I would move there.”

    Third world status was issued sometime early in 2003. The experiments in Florida were successful. It was time to share the results with the entire nation; this following the passage of the Patriot Act. Perhaps you were one of those easily frightened by boogie men and other unseen phenom from far away, primitive exotic places who want to “harm Americans because of our freedom” who supported that gem of legislation.

    Third world status was confirmed when wages in most places had not kept up with costs to live and people in the U.S. began working like Jamaicans having two, even three jobs in order to survive.

    All this happened under the administration of the previous guy President Dumbya who probably really resonates with you, even though his policies really did not work out.

  14. Hey folks you can always choose to turn off the ding-danged teevee. In fact you’ll be better for it. For those who elect to continue to watch the coverage, who as they do become more and more self righteous remember however wrong you believe any person to be does not make you right.
    Another way to say this is if you believe the accusations about Jackson are true, that his alleged behaviors are wrong, know that this will not make you right because you oppose his alleged behavior. It comes to a big fat “So What?!” Get right with yourself so we can get down to work saving the planet for the children.

  15. contempt says:

    >>Get right with yourself so we can get down to work saving the planet for the children.

    That’s the biggest load of crap yet written.

    Saving the planet it just a code phase for government servitude. If that’s the kind of life you want for the children then your government school programming is complete. You will make a fine slave and the children will curse your name.

  16. Improbus says:

    #42 888, who cares


  17. skunkman62 says:

    # 23 Troublemaker said, “Rest in peace Michael… you’ve touched children the world over.”

    i never had hot coffee stream through my nose…until now!

  18. jescott418 says:

    I am so amazed at how we get so interested in such people as Michael Jackson. His life was pathetic for such a talent. As Elvis did he destroyed his life while others who come out now say they knew he was? What kind of friends and family watch someone your care about do this. Now everybody talks about how much they loved him, Please. Spare me the bleeding heart.
    Michael Jackson needed what he is getting now when he was alive. That is Love and concern, and intervention.

  19. badtimes says:

    And once again, the loonies do not disappoint.
    I see one ‘ACORN’, I raise you a ‘secret Muslim’.
    C’mon, you can do it!
    One thing I can agree with- so many people, so irrational. Many of them posting Bible verses here.

  20. SparkyOne says:

    he is still dead, time to move on

  21. deowll says:

    Let me explain. The story is old and stale for now. Nothing more needs to be said until the results on drug tests comes in but meida types are like a dog chasing their own tail. They’ll most likely keep on doing it until something else comes along and distracts them or the story is so stale that they are getting death threats.

    Respectfully yours,

  22. MikeN says:

    No politicians aren’t doing what they always do. The House voted for a bill that didn’t exist at the time of the vote. The clerk’s desk had an old copy, plus some 300 pages of amendments not added.

  23. mcteapot says:

    we have lost a god!

  24. archieoi says:

    Once I was at a party and Thriller came up on the play list. The hottest girl there jumped up and screamed at the top of her lungs. And she was smoking hot! As the album played on the girl started dancing in the middle of the floor as if her feet where on fire. This some how caused a spontaneous chain reaction that effect every other girl at the party to follow suit. By the end of the album most of the girl was in tears, almost as if Michael was actually in the room singing to each one of them. I have been to quite a few parties and clubs in my life but I have never seen any thing like that before and maybe never will again. After that day I realized how great this man was…

  25. Greg Allen says:

    >> Alfred1 said,
    >> Obviously the media used his death to distract from the climate change bill…

    Alfred you are spot-on, once again!

    That is _obviously_ exactly what’s going on.

  26. Rangements says:

    I wonder if whoever wrote this would say this to a family who just lost a loved one suddenly, was crying their eyes out getting ready for the funeral…..

    “Bla bla bla…….Google currently has 17,062 links bla bla bla …… Every news channel has nothing but Jackson stories. Bla bla bla ….. Have all wars stopped? What the flick are you mourning him for when there are more important things to do…….”


    People need a break from the same old crap especially when someone that affected their lives profoundly dies. They need to mourn, reflect, and be with friends where ever they are online.

    Critical comments during such events are like the person that goes to the funeral and immediately starts criticizing the flower arrangements because they had some issue with the person who died or their family.

    Show some respect.

  27. Mr. Fusion says:

    #51, skunkman,

    i never had hot coffee stream through my nose…until now!

    You should read “Alphie’s” posts more often.

  28. rick_lsu says:

    One of the most significant entertainers of the 20th century dies and you are surprised by all the media coverage? Jeez, get over it. It will all calm down soon.

  29. faxon says:

    Wasn’t he half dead years ago?

  30. algore says:

    It’s being reported that his last words were: “take me to childrens hospital”…


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