Google currently has 17,062 links (and counting) to news reports on Jackson. Every news channel has nothing but Jackson stories. I even saw Adam Curry interviewed on ABC about him. It’s all Michael, all the time.

Have all wars stopped? Has crime gone away? Have politicians stopped doing whatever the hell it is they do? Is anything happening that isn’t related to Michael Jackson? Anywhere?

  1. dummy says:

    Quick pass that Climate Change bill while everyone is looking at old YouTube videos of Michael Jackson.

    There is nothing to see here………Oh what was that??

  2. Derek says:

    All this while cap and trade gets passed

  3. contempt says:

    May I take this moment to say that this Obama guy is just not working out. If I wanted to live in a third world country I would move there.

  4. Yawn says:

    YAY!!! One less weirdo in the world!

  5. Jägermeister says:

    #3 – contempt – If I wanted to live in a third world country I would move there.

    Please expand… this is going to be fun.

  6. Sewage says:

    Sounds like more of the same blah blah blah

  7. Greensaab says:

    Farrah and the Climate bill are not supposed to be talked about.

  8. contempt says:

    #5 Jägermeister

    I think the point will be crystal clear after you have to take out a loan just to pay your energy bills.

  9. qb says:

    I’m taking the dogs for a walk then going to read a book with a glass o single malt scotch. Maybe if I can’t sleep I’ll fire up the IDE and learn some new stuff.

    I don’t about anybody else, but I’ve kind of stopped watching TV. I watch lots of series on DVD (just finished Rome, highly recommended) and rent/buy movies. On the net I mainly read tech stuff because that’s my shtick and a few blogs which are cool. TV, especially the news, just doesn’t cut it anymore.

    OK – I lied, I still watch Myth Busters if it’s on. There is one show on TV. 😉

  10. green says:

    You are all under a trance. Wake up! 😀

  11. BigBoyBC says:

    I bet Obama had the CIA get rid of Jackson to distract us from the what’s going on in DC…

  12. TooManyPuppies says:

    Jackson dies and we finally have world peace. This proves that bastard was behind all the worlds problems.

  13. Jägermeister says:

    #8 – contempt – I think the point will be crystal clear after you have to take out a loan just to pay your energy bills.

    If it’s really that bad for you, then perhaps it’s time for you to downsize your lifestyle… there are a lot of people who get by with a 1500 sq.ft. home instead of a 4500 sq.ft. home.

  14. Luc says:

    Oh, brother! First it’s John always bitching on Tech 5 about some supposedly so many and such “redundant” stories. Now it’s you, Uncle Dave, bitching about 17,062 links related to Jackson’s passing. What in the world do you both propose instead? A single, almighty, ever exclusive source of news for the entire world and the extinction of all others effective immediately? Please get over yourselves.

  15. brm says:

    Face it: probably the most famous human on the planet has died. It’s huge news.

  16. soundwash says:

    #1 -too late, it squeaked by in the house. 🙁

    i gather investments companies selling +1800w solar panels will be the *windfall*
    profit investment if the shills in the senate send the bill to the prez..

    #8 and #11 are spot on…

    full passage of this bill will finalize the exodus of any major industries left in the U.S.


  17. McCullough says:

    #16. “Face it: probably the most famous human on the planet has died. It’s huge news.”

    And that pretty much sums up why we are all totally screwed. Thanks for the clarification.

  18. Uncle Don says:

    Hewlett-Packard released classic HP calculators for iPhone/iPodTouch:

    Downloading one of ’em, there was a requirement to purchase every Michael Jackson song within 15 minutes of running the app, or every other app would launch into that Rick-Roll thing. (Kidding)

  19. BrianK says:

    Even the WEATHER channel covered it! “It’s 76 degrees and sunny outside the UCLA medical center where fans have gathered at the report that Michael Jackson is dead”.

  20. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    At least we don’t have to listen to Sanjay Gupta explain anal cancer.

  21. ct says:

    This just in… Jon and Kate had MJ offed to divert the media attention away from themselves.

  22. Troublemaker says:

    Rest in peace Michael… you’ve touched children the world over.

  23. Mark Derail says:

    The Pirate Bay torrent server is still up and running!

    #9 qb Same here, why channel zap, when with BitTorrent you can have on demand & DVD quality.

    Rather than getting the cable co DVR priced well a good 200$ above that of a decent PC, I went the PC route. Wireless keyboard/mouse.
    Just a regular nVidia 9800 card is strong enough for even 1080p AVI files.

    Might I recommend Weeds, Harper’s Island, Dexter, Fringe, The Mentalist, Prison Break…easy full HDTV shows, whole seasons packaged up in one tidy torrent.

    I actually pay my cable co an extra 30$/month for my high bandwidth usage. Easily offset by no longer renting at the video store, and not paying for PayPerView movie channels.

  24. qb says:

    #38 Mark Derail

    Those are all excellent shows. Good choices. I haven’t seen Harper’s Island yet but I’ll now look into it.

  25. hmeyers says:

    The climate bill isn’t law.

    It passed the house.

  26. Jägermeister says:

    #15 – contempt – As it turns out the size of my house is just fine, but thanks for trying to tell me what you think I need and don’t need.

    If you can afford it, keep it. If not, stop whining and downsize. You have no clue on what it means to be poor.

  27. jccalhoun says:

    Today I listened to most of BBC’s Have Your Say program which is a call-in show with callers from around the world.
    It was amazing that they talked to people on nearly every continent (Yes they even talked to someone at a research station in Antarctica) and everyone was gushing over him. The only critical comments came from people in the USA.

    I’m not quite sure what to make of that. Either those of us in the USA who don’t have that high opinion of MJ were close enough to see and hear about his bizarre behavior and criminal allegations and the people from the rest of the world think less of allegations of molestation or we in the USA are overcritical of people even in death and the rest of the world is too polite to say ill of the dead.

    Of course it was only an hour long program and so isn’t a real sampling of public opinion from around the world or anything.

  28. Greg Allen says:

    It’s a good time to hold that embarrasing press conference. At last count, over 1200 “family values” conservatives have held press conferences about their sex affairs since Jackson died. Over 8,000 “fiscal conservative” Republican leaders have announced embezzlement of taxpayer funds. Over 13,000 military hawk GOP leaders have confessed to draft dodging. Nearly 25,000 “just say no” conservatives revealed their drug addiction. Dick Cheney confessed to everything above and to loathing the constitution, as well.

  29. Greg Allen says:

    >> Troublemaker said
    >> Rest in peace Michael… you’ve touched children the world over.

    It’s fascinating how people refuse to believe “the media” about global warming, 911 or Obama’s birth certificate but they have no doubt about Jackson’s media-reported pedophilia.

    I admit that Jackson seems guilty based on the media. But, c’mon, who really knows? I don’t. You don’t.

  30. Travis McCoy says:

    a famous person died, one of the most famous people in the world at one point. of course its all thats going to be reported for a couple days, you act like you’ve never seen how the media acts before


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