Google currently has 17,062 links (and counting) to news reports on Jackson. Every news channel has nothing but Jackson stories. I even saw Adam Curry interviewed on ABC about him. It’s all Michael, all the time.

Have all wars stopped? Has crime gone away? Have politicians stopped doing whatever the hell it is they do? Is anything happening that isn’t related to Michael Jackson? Anywhere?

  1. Somebody_Else says:

    I’m 21 and I’ve never listened to Michael Jackson.

    Did George Harrison get this much coverage when he died? I actually liked his music.

  2. Angel H. Wong says:

    Right now ALL the Republican politicians are having as much barely legal gay sex as they can and ALL the Democrat politicians are getting spanked by $2,000 hour hookers.

  3. Rob says:

    Karl Rove ordered a hit on Michael Jackson to divert news attention away from that philandering GOP governor.

  4. faxon says:

    Michael Jackson was seen walking down the street in Las Vegas today, but his nose was missing.

    Michael Jackson faked his own death to collect his own insurance money.

    Michael Jackson had his head frozen, and his body is now walking around with Prince Michael II’s head attached.

    Jacko’s second wife murdered him to get custody of the clones.

    Wait until the tabloids come out next week. This is just a sampler….

  5. Glenn E. says:

    Really, it’s all about the recording industry’s profits. So all the news media is helping them cash in on his death, because he wasn’t selling many records while he was alive. I haven’t considered M.J. that good, to justify all this world attention. They didn’t morn Frank Sinatra as much as this. Or John Lennon. But some scrawny kid, who can sing really high notes, and moves like a robot on stage, and molests kids? Oh yeah, that’s who the world falls to its knees over, when they die from a drug overdose.

    I gave away the few M.J. 45rpm singles, I had, years ago. When I bought my first CD player, it came with a free “Jacksons Victory” CD, that nobody would take off my hands. Not even for free. The only versions of M.J’s songs I’ve listen to in years, are all Weird Al Yankovic parodies. When Al dies, I will morn.

  6. Glenn E. says:

    So the whole world morns the passing of someone who leaves us hundreds of millions of dollars in debt. Possible the world’s biggest deadbeat. Not counting Bernie Madoff. I can possibly understand the sorrow of all those of whom he owed money to. But so many others have taken to lamenting his passing, after years of nearly forgetting him, and thinking him weird for sleeping with young boys. They’re all a bunch of weepy-eyed social victims. They need to cry about something, after losing their jobs and homes, and this finally happened. So now they’ve got any excuse to cry in public. And the media has got an excuse to film them.

  7. soundwash says:

    all said and done, anything relating to jackson’s death will continue to headline in the MSM news until all the scandalous Bills being rushed through congress are passed.

    IMO, the timing of his death is is just too



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