White version of Alfredo

Judge rules on side of religious rights in exorcism case | ajc.com — I’m stunned, really stunned that this happened in Georgia and not Florida where I could use the wacky news from Florida logo. Sigh.

Weed testified that Alfred believed her son to be possessed by Satan. The teenager was calling himself “Alfredo,” spitting, hissing and flailing his arms wildly. He had to be handcuffed, for his own safety and that of the officers, before he could be transported to Gwinnett Medical Center, Weed said.

The teenager was treated for dehydration and minor bruising to his wrists, Weed said. The judge said it would be a mistake to discount the possibility that a religious solution existed.

“I have a hard time believing you’re going to get anybody to say in Gwinnett County, Georgia, that Satan doesn’t exist, that the Bible doesn’t exist, that the actual biblical descriptions of possession are not true,” Mitchum said. “You’re not going to get anybody to say that’s all false. So it’s going to be really hard to claim that the basic precept behind any of her actions were false, malicious or criminal.”

You have to love the logic.

Found by Kurt Feldhaus.

  1. Glenn E. says:

    Me, “Any sufficiently under educated country, cannot distinguish fact from fantasy”. And that’s why the US has been made to rank so poorly, among other developed counties. It’s far easier to talk most US citizens into fighting wars, and giving up their rights, when they’re dumb as stumps. So educational spending has come last, for some decades now. While the military has gotten the lion’s share of the national budget.

    We are a highly gullible people who believe in
    Ghost Whisperers, Mediums, electronic voting, Global Warming, Lie Detectors, Kevin Trudeau, the need to do battle with the whole damn world, and the basic honesty of our elected politicians. Obviously, we are truly screwed.

  2. addicted2tv says:

    #30 Rich…Yes. There are no such things.


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