White version of Alfredo

Judge rules on side of religious rights in exorcism case | ajc.com — I’m stunned, really stunned that this happened in Georgia and not Florida where I could use the wacky news from Florida logo. Sigh.

Weed testified that Alfred believed her son to be possessed by Satan. The teenager was calling himself “Alfredo,” spitting, hissing and flailing his arms wildly. He had to be handcuffed, for his own safety and that of the officers, before he could be transported to Gwinnett Medical Center, Weed said.

The teenager was treated for dehydration and minor bruising to his wrists, Weed said. The judge said it would be a mistake to discount the possibility that a religious solution existed.

“I have a hard time believing you’re going to get anybody to say in Gwinnett County, Georgia, that Satan doesn’t exist, that the Bible doesn’t exist, that the actual biblical descriptions of possession are not true,” Mitchum said. “You’re not going to get anybody to say that’s all false. So it’s going to be really hard to claim that the basic precept behind any of her actions were false, malicious or criminal.”

You have to love the logic.

Found by Kurt Feldhaus.

  1. Patrick says:

    Seems wacked to me. But, I guess maybe less damaging than electrocuting someones brain or cutting part of it out when someone acts like this…

  2. Dallas says:

    Hope Alfred1 is now fully exorcised and the neck pain goes away.

    Those 360 deg head turns must be awful.

  3. ren says:

    Article doesn’t specify, did the exorcism work?

    Is the guy ok now?

  4. Rick's Cafe says:

    And yet another reason for the United Nations to take over running every aspect of our country…..cause ya know, it’ll be so much better.

    Sarcasm? Maybe, but how many nations have populations that believe in some type of Voodoo/DarkArts and participate in the UN? All it takes is one to make this legit.

  5. Patrick says:

    #4 Rick, the US has been this way from the beginning. We still became the most powerful & successful country in history. Your powers of data analysis is pretty much nil..

  6. brendal says:

    #4 – wow…doesn’t anyone know anything? Obama’s cultural heritage is RICH with this kinda stuff…why don’t you go ask him?

  7. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Exorcise him…what’s the worst that could happen?

  8. That ain t a hatrack says:

    Arthur C. Clarke, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”

    Me, “Any sufficiently backwards whackjob cannot distinguish magic from most anything.”

  9. JimR says:

    Proof that Satan exists… I exorcised and lost weight!

  10. John Paradox says:

    Untreated dehydration generally results in delirium, unconsciousness, swelling of the tongue and in extreme cases death.

    emphasis added

  11. Special Ed says:

    #2 – If Alfredone were possessed he’d be a much nicer asshole.

  12. Patrick says:

    #10 I thought that was liberalism left untreated…

  13. Jägermeister says:

    The teenager was calling himself “Alfredo,” spitting, hissing and flailing his arms wildly.

    Yep, that’s our Alfredone.

  14. Great American says:

    #11 Whereas you would still be a regular asshole.

  15. Benjamin says:

    #10 Most Americans are suffering from dehydration. Before any of those symptoms you mentioned appear, other symptoms should appear, such as headaches and such. In the case of Alfred1, I don’t know if he was denied water or not. If he was, then someone did the exorcism entirely wrong.

  16. bill says:

    BTW, Georgia is way more freaky/wacky than Florida!

    Try getting a beer on Sunday no matter what the temperature is outside.

  17. bobbo, an active user of his library card says:

    Well, I for one do believe the bible exists. From there, all sorts of iron clad logical conclusions exist including the manifest physical existence of incarnate evil and the power of prayer.

  18. Like I says:

    Exorcisms should be illegal. If you are possessed by a demon that’s gods will and your responsibility! If you expel it by exorcism then YOU are legally responsible for what happens to whom ever it inhabits next. Its your demon deal with it.

    Now where is my pea soup?

  19. addicted2tv says:

    I live in the area and will have to say that I agree with the judge when he says “I don’t think”. Otherwise he’s a moran. The kid obviously needed medical attention. Either mental or physical.

  20. WhereIsDead? says:

    This exorcism and the judge’s ruling absolutely prove Darwin’s Theory has never applied in Georgia or, possibly, the entire United State of America.

    God Is Great!

  21. Special Ed says:

    #14 – Exactly! Pretty much like yourself.

  22. Now for Something Completely Different says:

    What a retard. “The judge said it would be a mistake to discount the possibility that a religious solution existed.”. Really? Instead of maybe getting him some psych help or drugs, you’re going to pray to Odin, Zeus, Jehovah, Isis, Quin Yin, or whatever god/goddess you like? And a JUDGE is saying this is perfectly reasonable? NO. That’s the exact OPPOSITE of reasonable…it’s childish and stupid to think in the year 2009 a magical invisible “demon” or “witch” is responsible. Grow up people!

  23. deowll says:

    My data would tend to suggest that some mental issues can be cleared up for believers but such an action.

    It also suggests that if you believe in the power of a curse and know about it a curse can work.

    Read a nice article recently on people who were hypnotized and told they were paralized in some fashion and then brain scanned.

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    RE: #24, Alphie,

    heee’s baaaack.

  25. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Georgia… who’d of thought. I’d of bet $20 on Louisiana.

  26. Greg Allen says:

    It’s a slippery slope. There are A LOT of nutcase families out there.

    If they intervene in religious nutcase families,then what about equally nutty “vegan” families? Or families who eat at McDonalds every day? Or let their kids watch late night HBO?” or…?

  27. Great American says:

    #21 I’m sorry, I take back my comment in #14. You are no ordinary asshole…you, sir, are a CLEVER asshole with that retort.

    Good for you!

  28. t0llyb0ng says:

    One would think that demons & witches would be obsolete. But we are born with the same old medieval minds & don’t know ourselves well enough to realize it.

  29. Rich says:

    There’s more under Heaven and on the Earth than wandered through the considerable mind of John C Dvorak. Can you be sure there are no such things as evil spirits?

  30. Glenn E. says:

    A few centuries ago, all the state’s judges supported Salem Mass’s Witch trials. Until the Governor’s wife became accused. Then it was a far different story, and the trials were quickly brought to an end. Screw all the common folk who got hung or stoned. We’re talking Governor’s family, now! Stop the madness. And hold no one accountable for the previous executions. Many of whom stood to benefit from the farm land of the accused, BTW.

    I’m waiting for the child molester who gets caught and claims they were merely exorcising out the demons. That might work too, in Georgia (or Floridah).


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