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i had to quit drinking beer, I gave blood and it had a head on it.
There is definitely some good beer to be found in Holland but Heineken and Amstel are not it. Heineken is Dutch for Budweiser. When next in Amsterdam, try a place called Cafe Golem. Hundreds of real beers from around Europe.
“24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case. Coincidence? I think not.”
Paul Newman
The kids in Holland are not smart enough to smoke pot instead of damaging themselves and society with booze. Sounds like Holland has a new drug problem
Now that is what I’d call corporate PR!!
This post was not about what beer to drink!
America is so much better. Our children have to break the law, or get others to break the law to have the beer they’re going to get anyway.
Doesn’t Holland know the fantastic rush you get when you have the crushing fist of the police state monitor your every action? Please, I don’t want personal responsibility! I want to be watched and controlled!
I’m sorry John but I call BS on this – maybe you have the occasional teenager doing it but hell that’s true everywhere.
hell here in Czech Republic we have the same crates but if you pay attention at the checkout most people are buying many fewer.
# 2 Thomas said, “There is definitely some good beer to be found in Holland but Heineken and Amstel are not it. ”
Umm, he was lifting a case of Grolsch. Not that it matters…
Yes – this post is about a FANTASTIC company called Servoy!
HAR! 😉
Interesting that they don’t keep the beer ice friggin’ cold. I love my beer heavy and at room temp, got used to drinking it that way haven’t looked back since. Here, the beer that is so cold you can’t even taste it.
I was in Bayeux, France, and watched a boy of about 14 go through the till of a supermarket with a 6 pack. He gave the cashier a 2 Euro coin and got change back! I went into the back of the store to see how much the six pack was, and it was 1 Euro 65. Can’t remember the name of the beer, though.
I know where my next vacation is going to be.
Best quote comes at the very end by John: “Brother…”. You’re great John. Keep it coming.
Perhaps the perfect match for Dutch guys is Russian girls?
Thats because you dont really want to be able to taste a lot of beers, especially those that are mass produced
Well kids drink a lot in Denmark too, and that’s supposed to be the happiest people on earth. Coincidence? I think not!
He was lifting heinekens, IN FRONT of a stack of Grolshes… pay attention dude. (not that it matters…)
My kids are only 9 and 12, they drink alcohol, so what? It’s not like they get drunk, geez.
America seems to have this assumption about linking drinking age and alcoholism…. bzzzztt… go back and get some proof.
There are many countries that have no age limit on drinking, start drinking at a much younger age and have less of a problem with alcoholism than the USA.
Stupid idiots think that the ONLY factor is how young they start drinking.
When I was a kid, my dad had a can of Burgie every night. It got passed around the two kids. Age about 9 or 10. Now, I drink beer sometimes, and other times I realize I have not had a beer for days. So alcoholism is NOT related to the age at which you taste beer.
nothing special john. when i was high school student i went out 8pm a drunk cca 6-7 beers (0.5l) until 11pm when had to come home and pretend sober. then at university we used to go out at 9pm until midnight when i usually drunk 8-12 beers. I had only 8 when i had to study for exam or something. and now the “shocker” i was one of the weakest in our group. Ahhh the nice old times in Czechoslovakia later Slovakia .
Here is a picture of the guy passed out on the ground with beer bottles around him:
and the site it was uploaded to:
But if you look closely, you can see that most crates are still full
#22 – fromholland
Love that picture of the guy on the ground… LOL
1. It was most definitely a Heineken not Grolsh. Pay careful attention to the caps.
2. Grolsh isn’t much better than Heineken.
3. We have 24 packs in the US. They are called cases.
4. Quantity != Quality
Some people are beer snobs. I only enjoy the finer stuff: Beast and Busch.
It’s all in your perspective. I remember back in the day that Beast and Busch were for beer snobs. Real men drank Meiser Chau, Brew 102, Schaefer and (for the truly manly) Burgie.