The Nazis open the Arc of the Covenant

The patriarch of the Orthodox Church of Ethiopia says he will announce to the world Friday the unveiling of the Ark of the Covenant, perhaps the world’s most prized archaeological and spiritual artifact, which he says has been hidden away in a church in his country for millennia, according to the Italian news agency Adnkronos.

Abuna Pauolos, in Italy for a meeting with Pope Benedict XVI this week, told the news agency, “Soon the world will be able to admire the Ark of the Covenant described in the Bible as the container of the tablets of the law that God delivered to Moses and the center of searches and studies for centuries.”

  1. CastMyCrown says:


    Click on my UserName and you will see my blog that focuses on end Times Prophecy. There is a lot that people do not know and time is running out! This story is a small part of the confirmation as to what is going to happen in the near future.

  2. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    There is a lot that people do not know and time is running out!

    I bet there is.

  3. Awake says:

    “19 And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: (Rev 11:19 KJV)”

    So let’s break it down:

    a) there is a temple
    b) it is to god
    c) it is in heaven
    d) and in the temple you can see the ark

    So according to “CastMyCrown” for the temple to be ‘down’, it would have to be in Ethiopia… what a creepy thought… the temple surrounded by starving children… So “heaven” is on earth? Hmmm… how confusing for those of us simple minded people that can’t bend words around until they fit what we want them to say.

    So if I understand the Alfred1 and CastMyCrown explanation: the Ark is in heaven, which is on earth, and the temple in heaven is actually a church annex in Ethiopia, and the Ark is a battery operated refrigerator preserving the magical food that fell from the sky feeding a group of people that were wandering lost for 40 years in an area the size of California.. and the refrigerator has bare wires on its handles so it will shock you if you don’t know the magic password. OK… it is all clear now. And before I forget, the god that is all love will punish you for eternity if you don’t adore him, so you better cover your ass and say you adore him just in case he is the jerk that he seems to be.

    Thank you both for making things so clear.

  4. Named says:

    I think AlfredENewman just found his “soul” mate. Maybe they’ll run off into the rainbow together.

  5. Like I says:

    Craig’s list has five of these

  6. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    It can’t be real. I’ve got the real mcCoy in my geeeerage next to the lawnmower.

  7. CastMyCrown says:

    I did not say that it was in Ethiopia. I was thinking outside the box. Almost everyone has heard of the 7 Year tribulation, right? Do you know where that originated? No! John Darby made this theory in the 1800’s. He made a good educated attempt to explain Daniel’s 70 weeks but it was impossible for him to decipher the message because key events had not been fulfilled yet. I actually believe the Ark of the Covenant is under the Temple Mount and I support this with scripture.

    The 70 Weeks is divided into three sections: Seven Weeks, Sixty-two Weeks and One Week. Let’s look at the 69 weeks first. To whom are they addressed and what are they about? They are to the Jews, and about Jerusalem. What does v. 24 tell us will be accomplished in those 69 sevens?

    Daniel 9
    24 Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.

    25 Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.

    26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.

    When will they take place, and what is the time frame? We are told to start counting time after a decree is sent out to restore Jerusalem. A special decree was granted by Artaxerxes I to Nehemiah (444-445BC). This is the ONLY decree recorded in the Bible that gave the Jews permission to “restore Jerusalem and rebuild its walls,” and since Scripture relates to Scripture, we should start counting time from that biblical decree.

    (7 weeks) X (7 Days) = 49 days
    Levitical to Solar Conversion = (49 days) X (.9857) = 48.3 days
    1 year for 1 day Conversion = (48.3 years)
    (62 weeks) X (7 Days) = 434 days
    Levitical to Solar Conversion = (434 days) X (.9857) = 427.7 days
    1 year for 1 day Conversion = (427.7 years)

    Now, lets add our conversions together to get the total for the 69 weeks.
    (427.7) + (48.3) = 476 years

    Now take the date when the decree was made to “restore Jerusalem and rebuild its walls, which was 445 B.C. or 444 B.C. and at the 476 years to it and see where in history we will end up at.

    (444 B.C.) + (476 Years) = 32 A.D. (When Jesus Christ was crucified)

    What about those six points that were supposed to be fulfilled during these 70 weeks?
    All but one were fulfilled at the cross. Did not Jesus

    (1) finish transgression eternally
    (2) make an end of sin
    (3) make reconciliation for iniquity
    (4) bring in everlasting righteousness
    (6) anoint the Most holy with His own precious blood

    Point (5), however, was left out: “Seal up vision and prophecy.”

    This is where those peculiar 7 weeks and 62 weeks come in. 7 x 7 Hebrew years = 48.3 Solar years. 444BC – 48.3 is 395.7 B.C., The Book of Malachi was written. Malachi was inspired to write the last book of the Old Testament in about 396BC. The Scripture to the Jews was complete, and no more was written until the New Testament era! So Old Testament vision and prophecy were indeed “sealed up.” As one dear Rabbi lamented in about 200BC, “The Holy Spirit has departed from Israel,” and until this very day, the Jews, as a nation, have not been permitted to see any further. The Lord has blinded their eyes so they could not recognize Jesus as their Messiah (Rom 11:8, 2Co 3:15).

  8. CastMyCrown says:

    Therefore, I believe the Ark of the Covenant was under where Jesus was crucified. That is how the “Most Holy” was anointed with his blood.

  9. qb says:

    #48 Let me guess, you’re a DBA?

  10. CastMyCrown says:

    What makes you think that?

  11. CastMyCrown says:

    Nevermind….You looked at my profile. Obviously, you can see that I have nothing to hide.

  12. qb says:

    Just a hunch from 20 years of IT experience

  13. qb says:

    I confess, I did see the Bachelor IS on your page. Didn’t see your profile. Either that or a Sys Admin for Outlook.

  14. CastMyCrown says:

    Ok…So….I thought this guy was suppose to announce this already! What happened to the announcement?

  15. The latest news regarding this is in Italian. I rough translation leaves Abuna Pauolos saying something to the effect of “I never said I would reveal the actual Ark to the world, but rather what I know.”

    If you speak Italian and can translate, hit me up.

  16. Improbus says:

    Hello … the Bible is FICTION. It was written buy many many MEN over thousands of years. If you read it it is barely coherent and has lots of FACTUAL errors.

    You could get a better moral code from “The Lord of the Rings”.

    Even if this is the true “Ark of the Covenant” it will just be a box with NO SUPERNATURAL POWERS.

  17. Dallas says:

    #45 LOL.. You won

  18. And Pizza Hut says:

    “…the actual Ark has been kept in one church, but to defend the treasure, a copy was placed in every single church in Ethiopia.”

    Funny. You’d think St Sellassie might have pointed one or more of them out.

    “And here’s the Ark of the Covenant. Oh, wait, it’s actually THAT one over there or … or is it the one behind me?”

    Soon to be just another roadside attraction. McDonalds and Burger King are fighting over the franchise rights even now.

  19. Awake says:

    “All but one were fulfilled at the cross. Did not Jesus

    (1) finish transgression eternally
    (2) make an end of sin
    (3) make reconciliation for iniquity
    (4) bring in everlasting righteousness
    (6) anoint the Most holy with His own precious blood”

    Nope, I just have to look at the actions of believers and non-believers since the crucifixion to see that transgression, sin, iniquity, lack of righteousness all are as common or worse than before.

    As for all your convoluted date math, if you twist the math around enough, you can come to any result that you want… there are plenty of example of ‘guess the number’ and ‘guess my age’ just by adding years, dates, random numbers around. A fun example. (make sure that you open the other two doors after your first choice at the end). Never mind that your dates are based on the Gregorian calendar, which has a ‘guessed’ starting date, and that the birth of Christ itself is uncertain within +/- 20 years… but maybe we should ignore all those pesky details.

  20. Like I says:

    Ok I just had the time to skimmed all these posts did I read this right?
    did Alfred1 pull god’s finger?
    did that cause a big bang?

    best way to make an Arc —pen tool

  21. jacob says:

    Who cares about a fake ‘Ark of the Covenant.’ Stephan Huller has an academic article coming up which proves that this.

    is the original Episcopal throne of Alexandria, mentioned in the Acts of Peter the Patriarch, Origen, Clement and other sources and dated to the first century.

    I read the book. I loved it but I want to know what everyone else thinks? I think its very important but I am not an expert.

  22. furrypotato says:

    For those of us that are indeed sane …

    A website full of information about the cruelty, bigotry, fantasy and contradictions in the bible.

  23. Human says:

    O ye of little faith, hear this, Ethiopia has had it since it was taken there from Jerusalem by Menelik I.
    Let him/her who have eyes see.

  24. Improbus says:

    Let those with brains reason. (eye roll)

  25. JimR says:

    Jacob, S. Huller is seeing what he wants to see and vice-versa. The rivers flowing off the hill look more like snakes crawling into a pit. It it were a hill, it would be sculpted as bumped up, not as a pit. The top of the chair being a separate piece does not necessarily mean it was added later. On and on… wishful thinking.

  26. deowll says:

    I don’t know if this ark was ever in the holy land but if you do some checking there is very reason to believe this thing is seriously old.

  27. Mr. Fusion says:

    Sorry to disappoint all you skeptics. I have the real Arc sitting not eight feet from me. I keep my dope stash in there knowing the narcs will never look in a real holy box.

    BTW, I got it on eBay from this woman who’s husband was doing a stretch. She only sold it to pay the lawyer bills. Apparently he got from the Ethiopian Prince who smuggled it ouit of the country.

    Hey, if anyone want to see it $25. Touch it and it’s $50. If you bring your own dope the whole shit is free and we can even take pictures.


  28. Charliehorse43 says:

    They have claimed for years that they had it. It is locked up in a church and they have not let anyone see it but the monk/priest that watches over it. It pays to watch the history channel.

  29. soundwash says:

    …no doubt, if they allow one to view the
    back of the tablets, down near the bottom will show those familiar words

    Made in China.


  30. TakeIT2 says:

    I know this piece was posted (without comment even,) just to watch the mob churn itself to a frenzy. Oh the frivolity factor, just like a buffalo shoot from a passing train, or deer/bear hunting from a helicopter. Come out of the woodwork for the fish in the barrel, the show never ends…

    So a quick perusal of the Italian news agency Adnkronos’ religion section, shows no such press release announcing the announcement – or an actual announcement about the Ark. But did any of you buy the Ark DVD’s or check out any of the Other “Offers” listed on the Article Page of WND; you know it just might save family movie night for you, you never know.

    Between the secularists and the literalist religious types i am surprised really how unimaginative your banter is. I’m no scholar of any of this but just by reading what passes for all the realistic, down to Earth comments it seems like even the possibility of the genuine article scared most respondents to latch on to all that makes you feel secure about your cosmological views.

    There are all kinds of religious artifacts found. All the claims that this would be a fake, well, you never gave a good reason why it would be.

    I find it amusing that Christians would want to lay claim to it, or Muslims – it just shows me they want the secret weapon of the monotheist, ONE TRUE GOD. Yet, the more plausible reality is to consider, it would be considered “stolen,” and thereby negating the possibility of it being wielded as a weapon, (having broken one of the “commandments” it contains.)

    Stolen, because, it was either entrusted for safe keeping in an outlying Judaic Temple, (that held it past a conversion to Christianity – changing the nature of it’s “safe-keeping”,) or it was stolen in the sacking of the temple. Imagine though, it would appear to be broken, then all the secularists could claim – “It was a Fake.”

    In our day to day world of High Tech, the ARK, if restored by rite, and by right to Israel; could you imagine the motivation to produce counter measures? True believers do a lot to get their hands on the real article. Now there is a few mobs in a real lather.

    I think what scares folks the most though, is with all the material gratification of eating from the tree of knowledge, eating and regurgitating all that is told to them, they still hunger to really understand a common metaphor. The hunger for the fruit of wisdom scares them, because it flies in the face of all that has been demystified, yet they still desire the modern forbidden fruit, antithesis of the original in “paradise.” It is scary because there is no real secret in wisdom, no private claim to stake, no status derived in it, nothing to reinforce the terminally unique ego driven survival “Skills” you were inculcated to reproduce, trained to perform, it is there in plain sight, when you look under tables. Imagine the nervous laughter.

    And when you look, you find some really interesting crap. Like when I was looking at the Italian news agency Adnkronos’ religion section I found this great piece:

    Italy: Rome church links thefts to ‘satanic rites’

    It seems folks were stealing holy water so the church cut off the public supply. Also other regalia had been stolen:
    “We have motives to believe that these are used to for a ‘black mass’ (satanic mass). Usually the person who carries out these practices needs items that are ‘blessed’ as well as holy water,” said Palombi.

    Now the folks who first performed a black mass, (think dark parody SNL style) there was some imagination in a protest of the Catholic Church. A real Black Mass requires a defrocked priest too but instead of looking for the defrocked priest, if it is truly satainc, the church punishes the community, by denying them the ability to find an open blessing. (Sounds like software and media lawyers treating consumers as thieves instead of looking for pirates.)

    To me a story like that is further proof that folks today don’t put any real thought or imagination into finding the common wisdom. It is no big secret what a Black Mass Really Is. The superstition and fear mongering keeps you in line though, the one that leads you to one intercessor, or another.


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