Ananova – Luxury yachts offer pirate hunting cruises — Only the Russians would dream up something like this.

Luxury ocean liners in Russia are offering pirate hunting cruises aboard armed private yachts off the Somali coast.Wealthy punters pay £3,500 per day to patrol the most dangerous waters in the world hoping to be attacked by raiders.

When attacked, they retaliate with grenade launchers, machine guns and rocket launchers, reports Austrian business paper Wirtschaftsblatt. Passengers, who can pay an extra £5 a day for an AK-47 machine gun and £7 for 100 rounds of ammo, are also protected by a squad of ex special forces troops.

The yachts travel from Djibouti in Somalia to Mombasa in Kenya.

I guess this takes elephant hunting to a different dimension.

Found by Rick Salsman.

  1. Patrick says:

    Probably bogus but not illegal (private vessels can be armed). I thought I saw this idea posted on this blog a long time ago. Use an M2 with a naval mount, will work great.

  2. gquaglia says:

    Sick? Nope! Hope they kill as many pirates as possible. That’s what they used to do in the 1700s.

  3. Sinn Fein says:

    Its MUCH better than hunting an endangered species who can’t fight back and don’t have a chance, eh? And, its not like the pirate-killers initiate a fight so, pirates? Kill’em all.

  4. Benjamin says:

    I think it would be a good idea to rid the world of pirates, even though statistically pirate are inversely proportional to global warming.

    Those who justify privacy are wrong. Piracy is armed robbery on the high seas. Would you be justifying armed robbery at your local gas station where people just selling gas can be killed by these thugs? I’ll site the source:

    Armed robbery should be stopped whether it takes place on land or sea. The only way to stop it is to be armed.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    #34, gq,

    That’s what they used to do in the 1700s.

    So you still live in the 1700’s? I knew the wing nuts were behind the times but three hundred years?

  6. Patrick says:

    # 36 Benjamin said, “Those who justify privacy are wrong. Piracy is armed robbery on the high seas. ”

    Lib nut cases LOVE to justify violent criminals and to attack those who would eliminate them. This leads to very bad things. See per capita murder in LA as the city government went from conservative to liberal over the last several decades.

  7. brendal says:

    Blame it on Disney – in fact, just blame everything on Disney.

  8. Patrick says:

    # 40 oscord said, “its a joke.”

    I was afraid of that. Oh well, someone will probably do it.

  9. PcMaster says:

    If Wirtschaftsblatt reported it then it must be true.

  10. deowll says:

    Sounds like fun if you are in the Russian mafia.

    Do they get to keep the heads and is there a taxidermist on board?

  11. clancys_daddy says:

    #12 Rich redneck mean your cousin owns a new double wide. So while they may be heavily armed and drunk I doubt they can afford the cruise. Hey wait a second NEW DOUBLE WIDE!!! That makes me the successful one in the family. Time to go pirate hunting.

  12. I'm a Gun Nut says:

    It sounds like a fun time.

    Why should the United States, France and England’s Military have all the fun hunting the Somali Pirates.

    I just wish I had the money to play.

  13. BdgBill says:

    An awesome idea. We should try something similar on the Mexican border.

  14. A frenchy says:

    When western states are unable to do their job, private initiative has to come.Russia after defending communism, now show the way for capitalism, private intiative and free entreprise.
    Good initiative.
    It is morally a duty to enforce free navigation in international water and to cope with piracy.
    It is nothing wrong to use those scum as target and hang them at the mast if captured.
    Now, if you can mix that with a ship cruise holiday, it is perfect.

  15. kidragakash says:

    This isnt true…

    The article is debunked on

    It has the article word for word…

    Didnt think Dvorak wouldnt bother checking the legitimancy of news articles before posting them up…


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