Ananova – Luxury yachts offer pirate hunting cruises — Only the Russians would dream up something like this.

Luxury ocean liners in Russia are offering pirate hunting cruises aboard armed private yachts off the Somali coast.Wealthy punters pay £3,500 per day to patrol the most dangerous waters in the world hoping to be attacked by raiders.

When attacked, they retaliate with grenade launchers, machine guns and rocket launchers, reports Austrian business paper Wirtschaftsblatt. Passengers, who can pay an extra £5 a day for an AK-47 machine gun and £7 for 100 rounds of ammo, are also protected by a squad of ex special forces troops.

The yachts travel from Djibouti in Somalia to Mombasa in Kenya.

I guess this takes elephant hunting to a different dimension.

Found by Rick Salsman.

  1. Here's Johnny says:

    I like it!

  2. faxon says:

    This is a truly sick idea, obviously dreamed up by gun nuts. Disgusting.

  3. faxon says:

    I wish I could afford it.

  4. Hugh Ripper says:

    So I’m assuming you can differentiate pirates from fishermen and other sea-faring folk by the jolly roger, eye patch and parrot on their shoulders?

    Alternatively, this could be an ingenious scam perpetrated by the pirates themselves.

  5. KMFIX says:

    I guess that’s one way to solve that problem.

  6. faxon says:

    #4… “when attacked, they retaliate…” I guess if you’re attacked by “fishermen and other sea-faring folk” you still can blow them to hell. Can’t you?

  7. Hugh Ripper says:

    #6 Assuming the punters aren’t bored to death when pirates don’t show and they open up on the next poor bastard they see.

  8. faxon says:

    We need something similar in California. Tax it, and the Governor will approve it.

  9. faxon says:

    #7… Typical liberal response to a good idea…

  10. jgerhardt says:

    If someone is willing to pay to go into harms way to act as bait for ruthless predator, I say let ’em.

    If they get blown up no loss, if they can take out these “pirates” then good for them.

  11. agp1 says:

    So you pay somebody to take you to a place where you entice a person or persons into attacking you so you can kill them. Sorry that’s just sick.

  12. Hugh Ripper says:

    #9 Didn’t say its a bad idea, but a bunch of (presumably) drunken rich rednecks armed to the teeth and cruising around looking for something to blow up doesn’t make the ‘worlds most dangerous waters’ any safer IMHO.

    Also, there’s something inherently evil and disgusting about the rich embarking on a human safari.

  13. Greg Allen says:

    This story needs a BS meter.

  14. AdmFubar says:

    well lets hope they publish their tourist pictures on flikr!
    would like to see the reaction of the pirates when they are suddenly be shot at after picking out a easy looking target…
    should have them thinking twice..

  15. Raff says:

    Where does one find out the legalities of international law on the high seas?

  16. Don says:

    Well, at least the PREY has a chance to shoot back. Sounds like a lot of fun to me. I’ll take the RPG launcher though.


  17. Improbus says:


    Could the NRA setup tours of Detroit?


  18. Michael says:

    Hey, have you seen this news article?
    New details about Michael Jackson’s Death Emerge
    I was wondering if you were going to blog about this…

  19. BubbaRay says:

    #19, thanks, I knew I had seen this somewhere before


  20. Chris Mac says:

    switch to paint balls and they could prolly have an industry there..

  21. amodedoma says:

    Violent people are always looking for reasons to justify their vice. This is something that’s not really that surprising. What I do find worrisome is the fact that a boatload of vodka swilling russian rednecks is likely to kill themselves before they even find any pirates to shoot at. Make an interesting base for a film though.

  22. Cursor_ says:

    If it were true in any way, it would be still against international law and the people assisting and doing the killing would be murderers.

    Its a bogus story for sure.


  23. Fat_Anarchy says:

    Even though its clearly a satire article, its nice to see how eager most of this board is to be involved in killing some people in the open seas. I’d advise going to therapy, or getting a hobby or something.

    Most of these pirates are living in dire poverty, with a starving AIDS-infested family, and they see piracy as the only way to make money in such a situation. The ones you’d be killing are the grunts. The local young men doing anything they can to feed their starving family. The rich ones exploiting these people are not the ones who are on the boats. But hey, who cares, right? As long as we get to kill some desperate individuals doing whatever they can to feed a dying family, its all good right? Also, most of them are of an age which we would consider children, which makes it extra fun, right? You’ll have a nice pile of dead children for you, and be back in time for church!

  24. Special Ed says:

    Cool! At least freeze the paint balls first.

  25. Mr Diesel says:

    Yes it’s bullshit. All you have to do is look at the prices for ammo.

    The Barrett 50 cal would not be much use on a moving ship. The AR would be a better choice for keeping them away from you and the AK would be better up close.

    Yes it is satire but it’s good satire. Get over yourselves people. It’s called humor. Dark yes, but still just humor.

    I don’t condone killing pirates unless they are trying to kill me and there isn’t much chance of that in my office.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    To those who think this is satire, think again. It isn’t.

    And even so, you can not justify the criminality of the “pirates” simply because they are poor. Nor can you justify the bloodthirsty attitude of the cruise vigilantes simply because they are rich.

  27. Toxic Asshead says:

    Don’t kill pirates! The increase in pirates is what halted Global Warming.

    www dot

  28. GF says:

    The long arm of international law…yeah, right. The pirates don’t seem a bit worried. And even if they were there is always a loophole some lawyer and his cronies will find or pay to make happen. It’s a rich mans/womans world. Paris Hilton video tapes her blatant illegal drug use and it ends up on the net and yet no one is arresting her sorry ass. So, don’t hold yer breath bout ‘international law’ coming to the rescue – them Japanese sure do a lot of whale research.

    If’n you want to change the world get filthy stinken rich. Then you can buy elections and make people do a little jig you want while throwing money at them.

  29. RTaylor says:

    I’ve grown to believe there is a syndicated crime link to these pirates. There is a reason you fly the flag of a country when you enter a port. You obey the laws of that country, and not just the one you are registered under. A ship on the sea can be armed with naval guns, you just have to take them off when you leave international waters. When a foreign war vessel enters a port, weapons are usually demilitarized. Firing pins and receivers are usually removed to the master of arms safe, and the magazines are under guard. Missiles and defensive weapons are locked out by the ships captain or first officer.

  30. Dallas says:

    Very creative Russian idea.

    However, I’m not keen on commercializing vigilante justice like the right wing wackos here.

    I prefer law and order over witch hunts. This is one area that separates the Repugnant’s from liberals.


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