Click pic to start shopping before it’s too late

There’s no better way to show your support for the war on Christmas Creep than to strap a bottle rocket to a reindeer ornament, or maybe point a Roman candle at a Santa lawn figure. Now you can do just that, by combining all the explosive fury of July 4th with the heartwarming frivolity of Christmas, thanks to Tuesday Morning.
We can almost give Tuesday Morning a pass because they’re a closeout retailer—note the Thanksgiving stuff mixed in there behind Santa—although it still seems a little too early (or too late?) to load up the shelves with Christmas merchandise. But what’s Hallmark’s excuse?

Don’t forget the fun of combining Christmas with Halloween!

  1. sargasso says:

    Gotta have the, “Hannah Montana” Christmas tree ornament …

  2. brm says:

    My friend owns a Hallmark store. He says that they make something like over 80% of their money at xmas. The rest of the year they operate at a loss.

  3. deowll says:

    I love Christmas but I love it at Christmas time. Not for the 4th of July.

    Let each Holiday have its own time and place/season.

  4. Benjamin says:

    I worked at a large department store. We would get shipments of Christmas trees (artificial) in August. That was pretty sad.

    Now that I am out of retail (I only worked in retail to make money when I was unemployed), I didn’t even notice Christmas was coming until the second week of December. I enjoy Christmas a lot more now.

  5. BigBoyBC says:

    I remember in High School, I took a summer job with a florist, and saw all the xmas stuff on display at the wholesalers in July.

  6. Uncle Patso says:

    For Hallmark’s part, this is largely customer demand. I’m not sure when the whole Hallmark Christmas tree ornament thing started, but it’s HUGE! Heck, we even have a few here — there’s a Galileo shuttlecraft (when you press the button on top, Spock’s voice says “Happy Holidays — live long and prosper!”), and a few others like that. Wonder if they’ll have any Transformer ornaments this year?


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